I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 157: The hostage Liu Bochao is so terrifying and threatening!

It all happened in a flash, almost in the blink of an eye!

In the eyes of the audience and the inspection team, the moment Chen Quanci's walkie-talkie rang, Qin Hao had already taken action.

And Chen Quanci stopped it!

But just because he couldn't bear Qin Hao's huge strength, his body involuntarily retreated, which made Qin Hao drag Liu Bochao, who had not run behind him, back!

Relatively speaking, the speed of drawing the gun at this time is too slow!

Everyone was stunned!

To tell the truth, this is the first time that Qin Hao has played against Chen Quanci head-on. In the past, he has always been a wretched development, trying to do things as much as possible, and rarely face-to-face one-on-one!

Therefore, most people think that Qin Hao and Chen Quanci should be similar, but they didn't expect this result!


Completely suppressed!

Although it was only a one-punch collision, it was enough to explain a lot of problems!

"My brother Hao...hs!"

"Douzong strong, so terrifying?"

"I'm a fighting horse, so I'm just asking if you're afraid?"

"Don't talk, Invincible!"

The audience is like playing chicken blood!

They have become more or less accustomed to all kinds of salacious operations, but such men's violent aesthetics are rarely seen!


Chen Quanci's face was red with pain, he couldn't help taking a breath, and looked at Qin Hao in shock, in disbelief!

He knew that Qin Hao was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous!

"Miss, please cooperate with me. You have become a hostage now. If you have any questions, please contact the Sky Eye program team. Of course, you can also apply for a substitution with the Sky Eye program team!"

Qin Hao looked sideways at the confused little nurse with dull eyes, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

"Heaven...Tianyan program group? Then you are, Brother Hao?"

The little nurse was stunned and exclaimed in disbelief, but soon she realized something was wrong, her face became strange, and she whispered, "No wonder, I said that Dr. Wang Ke doesn't have such superb medical skills! "


"Wang Ke: Are you so polite?"

"Wang Ke: Thank you, I was offended!"

The audience laughed immediately after listening to the little nurse's muttering.

"Cough, that is a show, please be serious, you are a hostage now!"

Qin Hao coughed dryly and said slowly.

"Yes, I am a hostage!"

The little nurse nodded quickly, and then...... Little Bird leaned beside Qin Hao, like an obedient little daughter-in-law.

Qin Hao: "..."

Although he was a little helpless, he didn't bother to worry about it, and turned to look at Chen Quanci, whose face was uncertain.

From passive to active, is a momentary change! !

In the inspection team, Zhou Jun and the others, who were originally elated, sat quietly on the chairs, frowning in thought.

"Hey, this is a conscious trap!"

At this moment, the old man Yun Tian sighed with a complicated expression, and looked at the screen with a hint of admiration.

"What trap?"

Everyone looked at him and asked curiously.

"It's a very simple truth, I think Chen Quanci should have reacted to it now!"

Yun Tian gave a wry smile and continued: "Qin Hao should be able to feel that Chen Quanci is very strong, but according to Qin Hao's hand speed and strength, he can subdue Chen Quanci, why didn't he choose to shoot Chen Quanci?"

"The reason is, the subconscious reaction! As a well-trained special forces soldier, Chen Quanci will inevitably reach out to attack Qin Hao subconsciously, because the distance is too close, the speed of drawing the gun is simply not as fast as the speed of shooting in person!

And if Qin Hao's attack hits Liu Bochao, according to the strength just now, it will break him! Therefore, Chen Quanci's immediate brain judgment was to protect Liu Bochao, and he did not think actively at all! "

When everyone heard this, they frowned and thought.

Originally, all of them felt that Qin Hao was completely taking the weakest shot, after all, this is the choice of normal people!

But now it seems that there are other reasons for this?

"I wonder if you have ever thought about it, what if Qin Hao attacked Chen Quanci? What would happen?"

The old man Yuntian gave a mysterious smile and said lightly: "Liu Bochao is a very calm and intelligent person. He knows that he is not an opponent, and he will not go up to help. He will choose to draw a gun, as long as Qin Hao is within two or three seconds. If you don't take down Chen Chen Quanci, you'll be dead!"


"Why is what the old man said completely different from what I thought?"

"Uh, what I'm thinking is, find a soft persimmon first!"

"Well, sure enough, we are suitable to be the audience, and others are suitable to be in the palace!"

The audience is helpless, is the gap between people so big?

The same people, why are they looking at people when they open their mouths?

It's all great stuff!


Just then, the elevator sounded.

But in the elevator, no one moved, it was just like that!

"Get out!"

Qin Hao said suddenly: "Otherwise I will kill both of them."

Chen Quanci was silent for a moment, then turned his head out of the elevator without saying a word.

However, the moment he got out of the elevator, he made a cryptic gesture to the inspector in the distance!

Seeing the code words, the inspector froze for a moment, then turned around and disappeared.

At the same time, Qin Hao also came out, but when he got out of the elevator, he left the little nurse directly.

Let Liu Bochao walk in front of him, while he pressed the scalpel with the shell on the opponent's neck.

When they came out completely, all the inspectors on the first floor looked over.

However, there are not many of them, only a dozen or so. After all, the hospital is so big, and there are too many people to arrange!

"What's the situation?"

When the inspectors saw Qin Hao suppressing Liu Bochao, they were stunned.

Even a little confused, aren't Captain Chen Quanci and Captain Wang Bing together?

Under such circumstances, how could Qin Hao succeed?

"Step aside!"

Qin Hao glanced at the entire first floor and said solemnly.

"Get out of the way!"

Chen Quanci took a deep look at Qin Hao, with a cold look in his eyes.

Many inspectors looked at each other, then slowly pushed them aside, watching Qin Hao walk out.

However, Chen Quanci stood there, motionless, until Qin Hao disappeared at the door of the hospital, and then picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Are the sniper rifles ready?"

"Report captain, it's ready, it's near the hospital, ready to attack!"

In the walkie-talkie, the voice of the inspector came.

"Okay, you continue to chase, you don't need to fight Qin Hao, just drag him!"

Chen Quanci nodded, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Qin Hao, your myth ends here, let me end it with my own hands today!"

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