I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 158: Thirteen seconds to assemble a sniper rifle, the intuition of the strong

Before entering the hospital, the inspection team has already opened the authority to the maximum!

But all the weapons they can currently use are ready!

For example, a sniper rifle!

Shooting enemies thousands of miles away is easy!

This is the backhand that Chen Quanci and Wang Bing deliberately kept!

After all, Qin Hao knows too many things, others dare not jump off the building, he dares!

What others can't do, he can do it!

To put it an exaggeration, it means that heaven and earth are omnipotent!

Although Qin Hao did not bring any equipment this time, in order to prevent any accidents from happening, they had a lot of full preparations!

"Sniper rifle??"

"That's right, it's about this time. The inspection team basically has no weapons that can't be used. Of course, except for the weapons with great destructive power!"

"Shooting anyone a thousand meters away, can Brother Hao stop him?"

"Block it? Do you think Brother Hao is an immortal? It's so outrageous, how did you say this without your brain?"

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard the three words sniper rifle, they immediately started talking.

It reminded them of Qin Hao's death in the woods a few days ago, imitating the sound of a sniper rifle and killing the entire inspection team!

I didn't expect to see a real sniper rifle so soon!

On the rooftop of a building not far from the People's Hospital, an inspector was carrying a black suitcase, as if waiting for something.


The door to the rooftop opened, and Chen Quanci walked over in a swift manner, looking directly at the suitcase.

"give it to me!"


The inspector handed the sniper rifle with both hands and said solemnly, "Ninety-nine percent imitated the sniper rifle, and every detail was a perfect copy of the sniper rifle, but because of the concern of lethality, the bullets have been modified, and can shoot at most. A kilometer away!"


Chen Quanci nodded, then took the suitcase and opened it directly.

I saw that the suitcase was neatly placed, and each part exudes a black metallic luster!

Even if it has not been assembled, it can still make people feel the breath of chill!

"Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen a sniper rifle so real!"

"Me too!"

"Well, to be precise, it can't be called a sniper rifle yet, because it hasn't been assembled yet!"

When the audience saw these cool metal parts, their eyes went straight!

Men, in particular, have a different interest in firearms!

The main reason why this is a box of parts is that the sniper rifle is too heavy and too big, and if it is casually taken on the street, it is too easy to attract attention!

This is also why in many film and television dramas, killers usually carry suitcases and assemble them on the spot!



One after another, the crisp sound of assembly sounded.

Chen Quanci's eyes were firm and her movements were fast, as if she had been tempered a lot, without any hesitation, she just picked up a part without even looking carefully, and placed it where it should exist!


The sound of bullets being loaded sounded!

The attentive audience was horrified to find that it only took thirteen seconds to go from a large number of semi-finished parts to the successful assembly!

If you don't count the second he loaded, it's only twelve seconds! !

"I did, I just checked, it took a special police 20 seconds to assemble a sniper rifle from parts, which is already very fast, but Captain Chen, it only took 13 seconds, this is still more complicated sniper rifle!"

"Although it's terrifying, he is the instructor of China's No. 1 team. It's understandable to be stronger in these aspects!"

The audience was shocked by the speed of Chen Quanci's gun formation.

At the same time, it also let them know a truth, that is, none of these team leaders and team leaders are bad, maybe they are poor in some aspects, but in the field they are good at, they are definitely the strongest!

It's just that Chen Quanci has not been allowed to play it all before!

"Wang Bing, report the location!"

After the assembly was completed, Chen Quanci took a deep breath and slowly came to the rooftop.

Below, there is a steady stream of cars on the highway!

"Southeast, two hundred and thirty meters from the hospital, by the road!"

In the walkie-talkie, Wang Bing's voice came.

Without saying a word, Chen Quanci directly looked over with the scope on the sniper rifle.

That's right, he didn't install the scope right away!

Every strong person has a sense of crisis foresight to danger!

Especially a powerful weapon like a sniper rifle, when the brain has not reacted, but the body has already reacted!

Therefore, in order to kill Qin Hao 100%, he did not use a sniper rifle to check.

Under the scope, Qin Hao and Liu Bochao can be seen at a glance!

At this time, the position where the two were standing was under the sign of a bus stop!

"Haha! It's pretty good at hiding!"

Chen Quanci smiled coldly, and I have to say that Qin Hao chose this position very cleverly!

At the bus stop, there are at least a dozen people waiting for the bus. Even if the inspection comes, they are not afraid. They can attack and retreat completely!

Immediately, Chen Quanci slowly lay on the roof, the scope was placed on the sniper rifle, and the muzzle began to move slowly!


On the other side, Qin Hao stood in the crowd with Liu Bochao, looking around vigilantly.

"Qin Hao, don't run away, it's useless, this place has already been surrounded by Qin inspectors!"

Suddenly, Liu Bo, who had been quiet all the time, said aloud.

Hearing this, the scalpel in Qin Hao's hand approached slightly.

"If you don't speak, just shut up and play your hostage role peacefully."

"Haha, but even in reality, the hostages will resist!"

Liu Bochao smiled indifferently.

"Then you mean, you want to... eh?"

Qin Hao said halfway, and suddenly stopped, for some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis!

It was as if some kind of terror was staring at him, and an irritable interest emerged in his heart, making him impatient to get out of here!

"Yes, I just want to resist you, kill me, fast, kill me!"

At this time, Liu Bochao's voice came out, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he continued to speak, as if he was interfering.

However, at this time, Qin Hao has completely ignored him, because the sense of terror is getting stronger and stronger!

Heart involuntarily began to beat faster! !

"System, exchange for god-level combat awareness!"

Qin Hao said quickly in his heart.

"Ding, to exchange god-level combat awareness, you need emotional points, 150,000!"

At the moment when he received the god-level fighting consciousness, Qin Hao didn't have time to feel the mystery carefully.

I just felt the hairs all over my body stand on end, and the chicken skin Gada instantly stood up!

Qin Hao suddenly turned his head to look, his eyes were sharp and sharp!

With his current physical fitness, he could vaguely see a dark figure lying on a building!

"This is... a sniper?"

Qin Hao's pupils shrank, and his brain has not yet reacted, but his body has already subconsciously made a forward move!

At the same time, the unique sound of a sniper rifle sounded!


The bullet unloaded, pierced the air, and charged at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye!

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