I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 476: The righteous Wang Lei was sold for money

"No, boy, is this endgame so difficult?"

An uncle stood in the same place with a look of doubt about life, and it took a long time to slowly say a word.

"Uh, uncle, I said it long ago, only a master can crack it!"

Wang Lei spread his hands helplessly, "Don't blame me, it's the reason you're too bad."


Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the expressions of several uncles suddenly became stiff.

Misty grass, can't you be a little more euphemistic when you say it?

Although we are not masters, but we also lost a lot of money!

"Young man, you're not cheating, are you?"

Another uncle said with a red face.

They don't care much about losing money, but it's a little uncomfortable to be called a rookie after losing money.

"Cheating money? Uncle, can't you afford to lose? We originally agreed that the reason for collecting money in the end game is to eliminate some people who join in the fun!"

When Wang Lei heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and stood up directly, as if he was very reasonable, justifiable!

"First of all, it's your wish, right? I didn't force you to beat you if you didn't crack it, right?"

Wang Lei said clearly and slowly.

"Uh, yes!"

Several old men looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

It seemed that they were just yelling to continue, and even the young man seemed to have stopped him a few times.

Sure enough, I heard Wang Lei continue: "In the middle, I said it's not easy, it's not easy for the elderly to make money, but you think I look down on you, isn't it?"

Several old men: "........"

In an instant, the old men were speechless on the spot!

The face is red like a monkey's butt, because what people say is the truth!

"Hahaha, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to die laughing!"

"These old men were deceived and ridiculed themselves, but they couldn't find a reason to refute, because Wang Lei really stopped it!"

"It can only be said that the old men are too high and unconvinced, but this thing, the more unconvinced you are, the more you lose!"

The audience laughed crazy, these old men are really cute!

"Forget it. Originally, my chess family is not short of this amount of money. Since you said that I was cheating, then I will refund the money to you!"

Wang Lei sighed, and then took out the thousands of dollars without caring, very free and easy!

However, the more he is like this, the redder the faces of the old men!

"Pharaoh, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? What you want and what I want can be called a lie? They didn't put a knife on our neck!"

Zhong Aiguo said suddenly displeased.

"That's it, the skills are not as good as others. I will improve my memory in the future. It's a big deal to go home and think about it, and then win back the lost money. It really doesn't work. I'll give you your share!"

Several other old men also nodded in agreement.

The old man who is called Lao Wang can't wait to find a crack to get in.

They are all people of the older generation, and they are all people who want to be shamed. How can they bear such words?

"My old king is so short of money? Boy, I was joking just now, so don't go, I will find some old friends to study it, and I still don't believe it. My friends are much better than me, If you lose then, don't be fooled!"

Old Wang walked away quickly with his hands behind his back, and he couldn't wait to find his way back.

For someone like him, losing is not scary, what is scary is that he is still suspected of losing by his teammates, so he can't bear it!

"Uh, how do I feel that the team on the set is gradually growing?"

"It seems yes, the number of people is increasing, and if you still want me, I will be speechless!"

"You said, watching this show, you won't have to report it, right? This directly taught us how to deceive people on the spot! This is it!"

"I was in the audience that year, and then I was sentenced to three years!"


The broadcaster's room.

"Director Zheng Jun, is such an endgame illegal?"

Jin Ping looked at the screen and asked curiously.

For the time being, it was just a few old men, and they entered thousands of people in less than half an hour. This speed is terrible!

The most important thing is that there has not yet been a real top person. Once there, the consequences will be......

It may be possible for an old man to make tens of thousands!

It's a bit similar to gambling, because with the increase in their frequency, the amount of money paid is increasing, but the amount of money Wang Lei compensates is also increasing exponentially!

Therefore, there will be a gambler mentality!

"It's definitely counted, and it's illegal!"

Zheng Jun shook his head slightly and said slowly: "We need to know a truth, generally speaking, the endgame is also a kind of gambling, but it is a slightly different or a different way of gambling. Since it is gambling, then It's illegal."

"But in reality, many people won't call the police for this kind of thing, unless the number involved is relatively large. For example, the old men in the picture have already involved thousands of people, so it must be illegal!"

"However, when they were talking about the scam, Wang Lei said, can you refund me if you can't afford to lose? Then they will subconsciously think that this is not a scam, but that their skills are not good!"

When Zheng Jun said this, he took a sip of mineral water and continued: "Therefore, no one called the police and thought it was your favor, so of course it wouldn't count as a fraud, at least not if they thought it was!"

"This is typical. It's just like a lot of health care products with no health care products. You say it's a scam, but the old people will think that you don't know the situation, and it's not good for us old people!"

All the audience listened quietly, and many young people who suffered from it subconsciously nodded.

Some elderly people at home bought a lot of health care products, and many people couldn't say anything. But let's not talk about it, just those three-no health care products, set of brand health care products, who knows if there will be an accident?

"So, to sum up, the inspector thinks it's a fraud, but the people think it's not a fraud, so we can't do anything about it. Even, for most people, the hundred and eighty things are nothing more than the money to buy vegetables a day, and they don't care too much. ! Not to call the police!"

"Obviously, Wang Lei took a fancy to this, and by the time those old people reacted, he had already changed places, and even, he made more money, hired some people to enhance the atmosphere, and got some people who pretended to be able to crack the endgame. Will earn more!"

"Why didn't Brother Hao choose this method in the first place? Is he not?"

Hearing this, Zheng Jun glanced at Jin Mei speechlessly.

"I don't know if he will, but I know that this way of getting money is too slow for him. What he needs is a wave of fat, not a long shot to change a place!"

"Okay, then let's see, the so-called walking encyclopedia, Liu Bochao, how he will get the money!"

Jin Mei smiled awkwardly and changed the subject directly.

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