I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 477: Be confident, play in secret, change your outfit

The curiosity of all the audience was hoisted, and the smart audience had already seen it. The inspectors showed their magical powers and used their own means.

Do your best to get money!

At the moment when criminals really become criminals, they no longer pay attention to the past and the past, and face their current identity bravely!

Then, money is a hurdle they can't get around!

Therefore, the criminals all let go of their hands and feet and began to think about their own criminal methods, no, to be precise, it should be the means by which they can get money!

Low-end criminals are still thinking about stealing or invading other people's homes, etc. This is the safest and most effective way they can think of!

And the high-end criminals are already thinking about how to get money quietly, which seems to be a crime that is not a crime!

This is a very high-end operation. By the time they are deceived, they will be thousands of miles away!

Wang Lei is one of them, and Liu Bochao is the pinnacle of this one!

The so-called walking encyclopedia, how could the IQ be so poor?

Back half an hour ago, when most of the criminals had already started, Liu Bochao fell into thinking.

"Although I seem to be arrogantly provoking Qin Hao, in fact, Qin Hao is impossible to arrest me!"

Liu Bochao was very satisfied with his operation at the prison gate.

The only difference is that he is very sure that unless Qin Hao is crazy, it is impossible to catch him!

The main reason why Qin Hao was targeted at the beginning was that he stood there waiting for the inspection and took the initiative to knock down the inspector!

This angered the inspection team, and had to send someone to arrest him.

But Li Haoran didn't do that, or in other words, he didn't have the ability to do it.

"I didn't overestimate myself, but I've never underestimated myself. The inspector in Qin Hao's hands is just an ordinary person who has just become an inspector and has no practical experience at all, so it means that he is a group of novices!"

Liu Bochao sat in the chair and spoke lightly, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or explaining to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Since he is a novice, if Qin Hao is smart, he will definitely choose a very easy-to-catch criminal, and he will work hard and then fail again. A devastating blow!"

"Actually, before he knew it, Qin Hao had become the soul of the inspection team. If he missed the first time, the follow-up impact would be very terrifying, so as long as he didn't lose his mind, it would be impossible. Come take care of me!"

"But this is my chance!"

Liu Bochao's eyes shone brightly, with the calm smile of the previous season on his face, he walked on!

"Fog grass, my scalp is numb, is this the so-called walking encyclopedia?"

"No wonder this guy dared to write down three words to arrest me. I thought he was crazy, and I finally understand why Brother Hao hasn't arrested him!"

"Brother Hao is training his subordinates, and he doesn't take risks at all. In other words, in Brother Hao's opinion, he would rather send someone to catch a strong female criminal than face an IQ type of criminal like Liu Bochao for the time being!"

After listening to Liu Bochao's explanation, the audience suddenly realized.

What scares them even more is that it seems that Qin Hao's first arrest was successful, but in fact, his game with some criminals has already begun!

It's just hidden in the dark and no one notices it.

If Liu Bochao hadn't come out and said it himself, who would have thought of this?

Then again, is Brother Hao afraid of facing Liu Bochao?

Not really!

Instead, he is recharging his energy. Now his subordinates are not suitable to directly face a high-ranking player like Liu Bochao. Once a mistake occurs, the consequences may be the annihilation of the entire army!

No one can afford this kind of price!

Therefore, Qin Hao naturally opened a path for his subordinates to fight monsters and upgrade.

"Okay, everyone must have started to act now, and I should act too!"

Liu Bochao looked at the store not far away, smiled, and walked into the store slowly.

The audience looked up subconsciously, and then they were collectively stunned.

I saw that the store said that...

"Taoist supplies store!"


All the audience looked at it with a confused look, foggy grass, what is this Liu Bochao doing in the Taoist supplies store?

Something wrong?

"Boss, buy me a Taoist robe and give me a fake beard. It's better to give me a wig. Second-hand ones are also fine, mainly because they are cheap!"

Liu Bochao entered the store and, without saying a word, directly stated his needs.

When the boss heard this, he looked at Liu Bochao up and down, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Where did this thing come from? If it's second-hand, it's even more valuable. After all, it's the clothes worn by Taoist masters!"

The corner of Liu Bochao's mouth twitched, my dear, he almost forgot about it!

The clothes worn by ordinary people are second-hand, but those worn by the Taoist and Buddhist masters cannot be called second-hand, but are even more precious!

"Then, it's okay to have a defective product!"

"Okay, so, I'll give you a discount for your set, the defective product itself is more difficult to sell, and ordinary people won't want it. I'll make it up for you and give you a pair of shoes. One hundred yuan, what do you think?"

The boss is also a straightforward person and agreed without hesitation.


Liu Bochao directly took out his only one hundred yuan.

It can be seen that he is very confident in his approach.

When he went out again, Liu Bochao had already replaced the tattered suit on his body. As for the original prison uniform, he had no idea where it went.

I have to say that this group of criminals is very good. The first thing they do after leaving the prison is to take off their prison uniforms.

Even if he has no clothes for a while, he is shirtless, and he is unwilling to wear prison uniforms.

As for the pants, that's not much of a problem.

Prisoner uniforms, hospital uniforms, and even labor uniforms, have the beauty of being a co-worker. If it's just pants, don't look carefully. In fact, most people can't see the difference!

"Who are you, what is this guy Liu Bochao doing?"

"He won't be so showy, right? Go up the mountain to become a Taoist priest? If that's the case, Brother Hao might not even think about it!"

"Che, do you think the current Taoist priests are so easy to be? You have to graduate from college to be a monk, and most college students don't want you. I'm afraid you won't understand the profoundness of the Buddhadharma. As for a Taoist priest, it's even more unclear!"

All the audience were left with question marks by Liu Bochao's series of operations.

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