"You talk all day long that you want Comrade Chen Qingxuan to come to the institute. "

"Now your example is here. "

"How's that, is it inspirational enough?".

"Give me a good effort, it's okay to make a fuss here! If the data that Comrade Li Xiuyuan needs today is not available. "

"You are not allowed to rest, do you hear?"

Yu Yousen scolded everyone, and then came to a relatively hidden room with Chen Qingxuan alone.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan, look. "

"These are the drawings and data you provide to us. "

"I've saved it all. "

"Whether this is placed now or in the future, it is extremely rare information!"

"There are also some of the most confidential data stored here, and you can flip through them whenever you need them. "

Yu Yousen didn't hide anything from Chen Qingxuan.

I gave an account of all the processes and work that are being carried out now.

At the end, he asked tentatively, "I heard Wu Jun and Xiuyuan say that Mr. Chen came to the institute this time to study..."

"New substances. "

Chen Qingxuan answered, "A substance that can also cause a nuclear explosion and has very low requirements for extraction technology!"

"This. "

Yu Yousen frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, I am out of respect for you. "

"And with respect. "

"So kindly remind that if there really is such a substance in this world, I am afraid that it would have been discovered by the eagle and the woolly bear a long time ago. "

"And your time is precious. "

"There's no need to waste time on something that is incredibly unlikely. "

"I understand. "

Chen Qingxuan waved his hand lightly, signaling that he didn't need to say any more.

Because of these words.

He had already heard enough from Li Xiuyuan and the two of them.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if you don't?".

"In the beginning, we didn't know there was uranium in the world. "

"Don't bother me for two months. "

Chen Qingxuan said lightly.

He is confident that in the next two months, he will be able to develop a new substance.

"Okay. "

Now that Chen Qingxuan has made up his mind.

Then Yu Yousen didn't persuade anymore.

"If you can really develop this substance. "

"The science and technology of a big country will lead the world for at least ten years. "

"It's very unlikely, but if it can be studied, it's a blessing for a big country. "

Yu Yousen thought secretly in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, he sent someone to arrange Chen Qingxuan's residence and laboratory.

He also gave special instructions to all the people of the Institute.

"What Mr. Chen is studying now is something important that can benefit a big country. "

"Unless it's a big deal. "

"Unless it's the sky falling. "

"Otherwise, you are not allowed to disturb him, understand?"

Everyone nodded solemnly.



Chen Qingxuan stayed in the research institute.

Eat and live with the rest of the institute.

Spend every day in the laboratory, refining seawater and analyzing its components.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

However, there is still little progress in the research of new substances.

There are so many substances in seawater.

Even if Chen Qingxuan has a god-level brain knowledge reserve and a memory palace.

There is also a super microscope.

"But light is one of the substances in seawater. "

"It's going to take at least five or six days!"


Chen Qingxuan walked alone on the beach.

Silently sighed in his heart.


I really can't study it?

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that even in the last world, the great power of the twenty-first century.

There is no such substance either. But at that time, there was already a mature extraction mechanism, and it didn't have to be as difficult as it is now.

"Mr. Chen. "

Just when Chen Qingxuan was meditating.

Xiao He hurried over with a coat and draped it over his shoulders for him.

Under the eyes, with deep respect.

"It's late at night. "

"If you walk like this again, it's easy to catch a cold. "

"It doesn't matter if I'm sick, but if you're sick, that's a big deal. "

"I'm fine. "

Chen Qingxuan waved his hand and said lightly.

He knew that this Xiao He was for his good, but with his current strong physique.

It's not that easy to get sick.



"We finally succeeded. "

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan, we have succeeded!"

That's when it happened.

Late at night, the research institute is still brightly lit.

Suddenly there was an exclamation!

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