Chen Qingxuan looked at it.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Mr. Chen, it's not clear, I'll go and see. Xiao He hurriedly said.

But the next second.

Yu Yousen rushed out of the research institute.

On his face, which has always been moody, is now a smile of ecstasy.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan!".

"Congratulations to you, and congratulations to us. "

"You gave us the synchronous-focus technology at the end of last month. "

"Through the continuous efforts of our research institute and the nuclear power team, a total of 2,500 people. "

"It only took one month to calculate the specific data. "


"This technology is very feasible. "

"It is also very advanced, and with this technology, I believe that our nuclear explosion project will be more guaranteed!"

"Great, great. "

Yu Yousen was incoherent with joy.

"Not bad. "

"You're faster than I thought!"

Hearing the news, Chen Qingxuan also had a smile on his face.

That's good news!

Synchronous focus technology is solved.

All you need to do is find the new substance, make the neutron balls, and simulate the explosion.

If that's all right, it's time for a nuclear explosion.

"Let's go, let's see. "

Chen Qingxuan's face was filled with a smile of joy.

Walked quickly into the research institute.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan!".

"Mr. Chen. "

"Thank you for the technology you provided us. "

"We lived up to your expectations. "

"We've got it!".

"Your time at the institute has inspired us every day. "

"This is the power of example!"

A large group did not rest for days and nights.

Intellectuals and researchers with dark circles on their faces.

Enthusiasm poured towards him.

Excitedly, he lifted him up and threw him high.

"How can you do this?".

"Hurry up and let go, if you hurt Mr. Chen, I'm not done with you!"

"Do you hear it, stop. "

Now Xiao He is in a hurry.

Blushing and roaring thickly.

But the entire institute has fallen into a kind of short-lived at the moment.

Chen Qingxuan was once again thrown high.

Yu Yousen also waved his hand happily.

"Come to Xiao He, I'll give you forty yuan. "

"Go buy some more beer and come back. "

"Tonight, the people in our institute have a good drink!".

"Everybody's worked hard. "

"You haven't had much rest during this time, have you, have a good rest tomorrow, and give you a day off!"

Xiao He had no choice but to go and bought wine and came back.

The intellectuals of the institute rarely drank alcohol.

This is only one or two bottles per person.

One by one, they got drunk.

They all hooked their shoulders and talked nonsense.

Yu Yousen was also drunk.

"Mr. Chen. "

He sat drunkenly beside Chen Qingxuan.

Shaking his head, he opened his mouth with emotion.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan. Do you know how we've been through these two months? "

"It's right next door to the hall of this institute. "

"There are two storerooms. "

"I haven't taken you to see this storeroom yet, haha. "

"Actually. "

"There's nothing to see. "

"These two warehouses contain what we have been in the past two months. "

"All the wasted abacus. "

"Used calculus paper. "

"There are more than 3,000 discarded and broken abacus alone. "

"On average, each of us has broken a handful and a half of abacus. "

"As for the calculation paper, it has been set on fire and destroyed three times, and there is a full storehouse. "

"Together, these calculation papers can cover the whole of Luomubo!"

Yu Yousen sighed.

"Our path to nuclear bombs. "

"It was paved with countless blood. "

"It is also with countless double abacus, countless pieces of calculus paper, and countless pairs of intellectual hands. "

"It's even more of a sacrifice to use you Chen Qingxuan, incognito!".

"The injustice of this world. "

"It's nothing more than a genius. "

"Hero's End!".

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