"Oh. "

"Okay, I'll go over now. "

Chen Qingxuan was stunned for a moment.

Then he slowly agreed and sat up from his chair.

Although in this era, there are no swimsuit beauties.

But the scenery is good.

It was blue from the sky to the sea.

The air quality is also good.

However, he has been comfortable for too long lately, and he almost forgot about the last step of the nuclear explosion experiment today.

Chen Qingxuan hurriedly returned to the research institute.

Yu Yousen was talking to the scholars around him with a serious expression.

Seeing Chen Qingxuan come in, he smiled nervously.

"Mr. Chen, you're here!".

"You've been in the South City for the past two months. "

"But it gave us a lot of guidance!"

"Thank you so much, if it weren't for your guidance during this time, we wouldn't have been able to do a nuclear test so soon. "

"At our original pace, it will take at least two years. "

"I never dreamed that I would be able to experiment with the latest substance X in my life!".

Yu Yousen's voice was full of excitement.

looked at Chen Qingxuan's eyes.

It's all gratitude.

Especially in the past month, there are a lot of data that need to be calculated, and Comrade Chen Qingxuan only needs to think about it to directly give the most accurate data.

In this way, it saves them a lot of time.

"Comrade Chen Qingxuan. "

Yu Yousen is upright and speaks.

"Now we have succeeded in making neutron balls according to your guidance. "

"The detonator explosives were also installed. "

"Now, it's time to test the limit point of the nuclear fission chain reaction. "

"This is the last step in our nuclear explosion experiment!".

"Once the Limit Point experiment is successful. "

"You can find a day and arrange a nuclear explosion!"


Yu Yousen burst into a hearty laugh.


How nervous he is, only he knows!

"If this experiment can really succeed. "

"Then we will go to Romber collectively and participate in the nuclear explosion test. "

"This is a testimony to history!"

"We never dreamed that what we had planned to do in five years would now take less than half a year. "

"We're already doing the final step of the fission experiment!"

"However, there are still a lot of variables. "

"First of all, substance X is the first substance we have studied, and the explosion threshold is difficult to grasp. "

"Secondly, the limit point of the nuclear fission chain reaction is also tested for the first time, in case of mistakes..."


Yu Yousen in his heart.

A long sigh!

He didn't say these words.

But Chen Qingxuan heard it clearly through the voice of all things.

He was noncommittal, but said, "I'll go to the scene and have a look." "

Yu Yousen's worries are not unreasonable.

Testing the chain reaction limit of nuclear fission is a very dangerous task.

In case something goes wrong.

If the whole institute is not good, it will be blown up.

"Although I said that I was physically modified. "

"Even if the research institute explodes, it will not be life-threatening. "

"At best, it's a minor injury. "

"But there are more than 2,000 intellectuals in the institute, and they are all part of the future of a great power. "

"I can't let them take that risk. "

Chen Qingxuan also thought silently in his heart.

"Mr. Chen is here. "

"Mr. Chen. "

"What do you think we're preparing?"

Chen Qingxuan had just stepped into the laboratory.

I saw a large group of people nervously gathered together, and when I saw that it was him who came in, they quickly dispersed, leaving a road in the middle.

"Okay, I'll take a look. "

Meet the expectant gaze of all of them.

Chen Qingxuan nodded slowly.

Walk into the spacious grounds.

That huge reactor.

This was also different from later times, when only a small reactor was needed to keep a lot of power running.

Since many of the technologies are still immature, the reactors presented are also extraordinarily large.

Chen Qingxuan sighed in his heart, and then stretched out his hand behind him.

"What about all the relevant data?".

He asked.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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