Someone behind him hurriedly stepped forward and handed him a thick stack of data.

Chen Qingxuan glanced at it.

"Hmm. "

He nodded slightly in satisfaction.

A large part of these data has been calculated by him in the past month, and there will be no problems.

Judging by the data, there are no mistakes.

Chen Qingxuan inspected the nuclear fission reactor again.

"The assembly steps are no problem. "

He said lightly.

"Mr. Chen, these are all things that we have checked layer by layer. "

"Yes, we have someone in charge of checking and recalculating each step. "

The intellectuals around him said enthusiastically.

"Hmm. "

Chen Qingxuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Then there should be no problem. "

He said.

"Okay, so let's start testing now?".

Yu Yousen's eyes flashed with relaxation, and he hurriedly asked anxiously.

"Wait. "

Chen Qingxuan waved his hand.

Although it seems that there is no problem.

But he always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't say it.

"I'll check again. "

Chen Qingxuan said slowly.

"Okay. "

Of course, this kind of thing should be cautious and cautious, and if you are not careful, it will not only delay the progress.

There is also the possibility that the entire institute was razed to the ground.

Yu Yousen nodded hurriedly.

Chen Qingxuan was already grateful for being able to check it himself.

Naturally, the others didn't have anything to say, and asked one after another, "Mr. Chen, do you want to help?"

"No, I don't. "

Chen Qingxuan did it himself.

Begin to inspect the entire huge atomic reactor.

He checked it in detail, and even every screw had to be re-screwed by hand.

The other members of the institute were waiting quietly.

In the blink of an eye, a few hours passed.

Chen Qingxuan only checked less than half of it.

Someone couldn't stand still and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, how long will this be checked?"

"yes, we've checked them one by one several times. "

"Why don't I help you. "

Many people also nodded in agreement and said one after another.

It's not that they think Chen Qingxuan is troublesome or a waste of time.

It's just pure kindness, worried that Chen Qingxuan will inspect it alone, and the amount of work will be too large.

"It's fine. "

Chen Qingxuan checked a few more important places, and there were no problems.

Only then did he nod slightly.

It may have been that he was overthinking it just now.

This group of intellectuals has been screened out by the big countries at all levels, and there have never been any problems with individuals and families.

Although it looks like a crepe.

But in fact, he is more pragmatic than anyone else.

These data and machines are checked repeatedly every day, and no problems are allowed to occur.

"Let's start testing. "

It was almost dusk.

Chen Qingxuan waved his hand and said lightly.


Yu Yousen's excited voice sounded.

"1956, December 16. "

"X-Matter Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction Limit Test. "

"Reactor No. 1, start testing!".

His voice had just fallen.

Institute, all intellectuals, researchers.

and even aunts and uncles who usually cook.

Do sundries.

Moving things as a worker.

They all gathered around, put on their simple self-made radiation protection suits, and looked at the huge graphite-type reactor in front of them with excitement.

Exciting times are coming.

"It must go well!".

"There must be no accidents. "

"I'd rather die. The reactor can't fail!".

"Great country, the dragon's groan is about to sound!".

The voice of the crowd.

It sounded in Chen Qingxuan's mind.

Full of excitement and anticipation!

"It's turning!".

"It's time to start. "




"Control stick, take it out!".

Accompanied by Chen Qingxuan's calm command.

A giant control stick.

It slowly rotated out of nearly five tons of material.


, click, click..."

The counter that had been prepared for a long time rang out.

Soon, several counters rang out.

The sound of the counter rang in everyone's ears.

Also in everyone's heart.

The chain reaction has begun!

[Look at the comment area where a big guy asks about the microscope, maybe I don't write this logically very clearly, here is an explanation, the microscope has been in the sixteenth century, the twentieth century has been relatively mature, there must be various instruments in the laboratory, but the protagonist in the setting has god-level microscope skills, which are better to use than those of that era, and the research speed is also faster, so it is useless when studying in the laboratory alone, and later Yu Yousen and they entered the laboratory to study new substances, and it must be a drop. 】

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