When he saw this metal object, Captain Mu La Frada, an old soldier who had been in the army for several years, quickly thought of what it was and hurriedly shouted to everyone: “Not good, get down quickly, it’s a grenade!” ”

Unfortunately, it was too late, and I saw the ‘grenade’ floating in the air disintegrate, and with a loud bang, a shock wave dispersed, and the shock wave with a noise of 100 decibels sounded throughout the hangar.

Everyone fell to the ground and held their heads in pain.

The concussion bomb, a weapon that uses high-decibel sound to paralyze an opponent, was commonly used by the UNSC’s Hell Paratroopers (ODST Special Forces) before the war to be effective against separatist forces.

After a few seconds, the shock bomb stopped working, and then the escape pod came out of the four people, four of them wearing armor they had never seen before, and holding what appeared to be very advanced weapons.


After hearing James Locke’s words, Lin Ziyun and Lax walked out one after another, looking at the people who fell to the ground holding their heads and moaning, Lin Ziyun silently apologized in his heart.

(PS: The Archangel hangar does not have an artificial gravity system, as for why it lies on the ground instead of floating, it is because the plot needs it here, so don’t care about these details.) )

The concussion bomb was also used after Lin Ziyun’s consideration, after all, five of the six of them were armed (Lin Ziyun had a pistol on his waist), and if they walked out like this, they would definitely be attacked by them, knowing that now the Archangel belongs to a special period, and any accidents they don’t want to happen.

“Put the gun down.” After Lin Ziyun finished speaking to the four people who were still carrying guns on guard, he came to Malleus who was still lying on the ground, “Don’t worry, we have no malice, we thought that we had entered Zaft’s ship (deceiving her) to attack, and the effect of the concussion bomb will soon disappear.” ”

After speaking, Lin Ziyun stretched out his right hand and put it in front of Malu, the pain in his ear slowly disappeared, Malu finally separated a hand and grabbed his right hand, Lin Ziyun gently pulled her up.

Malleus looked at the man in front of him and wanted to curse in his heart, but after all, people also said that this was a misunderstanding, he and others were just unlucky, and they were beaten for Zaft, and if the other party really wanted to deal with themselves, now they and others must already be dead.

Malleus shook his head, which still felt a little inflated, and said, “If it’s a misunderstanding, forget it, but for safety, if you can hand over your weapons, let us keep them.” ”

Lin Ziyun didn’t think about refusing decisively, “It’s impossible, if I hand over the weapon, who will guarantee my life’s safety?” Don’t tell me you can, it’s not someone I look down on you, and all of you together are no match for my four men. ”

In addition to Lin Ziyun’s six people, there are at least hundreds of Archangel soldiers, but so what, the fourth phase of Sparta is not a joke, and it is not a problem to hang hundreds of stars, not to mention these backward equipped earth army.

The effect of the concussion bomb had disappeared, and everyone on the Archangel stood up one after another, and when they just stood up, they heard Lin Ziyun’s speech and raised their eyebrows.

He actually underestimated them so much, actually said that hundreds of people do not have to exceed four, suddenly felt a rage in his heart, clenched the weapon in his hand, as long as Captain Malleu ordered, they would definitely open fire, give them a lesson, let him know not to underestimate them.

Looking at the Earth Army with weapons and angrily looking at their captains, the Osiris team also raised their weapons and alerted them.

“All lay down their arms.” After giving the order to his subordinates, Malleus hesitated for a moment, and said to Lin Ziyun, “Your Excellency is not willing to hand over the weapon, and we are not forced to do it, but please come with me to the reception room, we must register you.” ”

Malleus didn’t really believe that the four could kill them all, of course, neither side would benefit from fighting, and she, as the captain of the Archangel, did not want her crew to have an accident, so she could only compromise, but fortunately, the few people in front of her did not seem to be enemies.

Soon, Malleu left the hangar with Lin Ziyun and the six.

“Little ghost, don’t pick things up next time, look at what you picked up today.” As soon as Malu and Lin Ziyun left, Kojero Madek said to Kira, who was stunned next to him.

Kira looked apologetic, “I’m sorry. ”

“Forget it, I can’t blame you all this time, just pay attention next time.”


On the other side, Lin Ziyun and several people came to the reception room of the Archangel.

“Introduce yourself first, I need to have your basic information.” As soon as she sat down, Malleus spoke.

Lin Ziyun took the lead and said: “Name: Lin Ziyun, remember, Lin is my surname, Ziyun is my name, don’t get confused, as for my identity… Kindness… Sort of the boss of a military organization, the four of them are my personal bodyguards. ”

Then the James Rock four began to say their names.

When Malleus heard this, she raised her eyebrows, hey, what the hell are you, your identity is too casual.

“Can you tell me what kind of organization you are? If it’s not convenient, then when I didn’t ask. ”

“It’s called UNSC. Lin Ziyun didn’t care to answer, anyway, tell them that they didn’t know each other.

As for calling himself the boss of UNSC, there is indeed nothing wrong with it, anyway, in this world, UNSC only has its own people, and these people are their own subordinates, and it is not wrong to say that they are the boss of UNSC.

Malleus frowned, although he has a certain understanding of the world’s military enterprises or military industrial enterprises and private armed organizations, he has never heard of the name UNSC, could it be that he made it up?

The more Malleus thought about it, the more likely it was, but in the end he didn’t say anything, now people don’t want to tell you your true identity, you can’t help it, as for using strong, you have to use it as early as the hangar.

Finally, it was the turn of the powder-haired singer who had been playing soy sauce since the beginning, “Hello, my name is Lax Klein, and I am a singer.” ”

After listening to Lax’s introduction, the Archangel represented by Malleus looked at her in shock, and then Malleus asked Lin Ziyun: “What is the relationship between you?” ”

“It doesn’t matter, it just happens to be in the same escape pod.” Lin Ziyun shrugged and replied.

When Malleus heard this, she nodded and said, “Thank you for your cooperation, my subordinates will arrange a room for you to rest, but since you are carrying firearms, sorry, you can only move in a fixed area, as for Miss Lax, please follow me.” ”

Lin Ziyun nodded, took his subordinates, followed the person who led the way to the rest area, as for Malleus taking Lax, he said that he had no opinion, anyway, this matter is not about himself, what do you care so much.

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