“Thank you, Captain Malleu, then I won’t bother.”

When Laxus left with his subordinates, Malleus turned to Captain Mu la Frada next to him and asked, “Captain, what do you think of what that man named Lin Ziyun said?” ”

“One point is true and nine points false, I haven’t heard of the UNSC he said anyway, it may also be a small organization, but looking at the equipment of his four bodyguards, it is not at all like a small organization can have.”

“Captain Malleu, is it really good to let them have weapons? What to do in case something unexpected happens. At this time, Natal Bucky Lulu, who had not spoken next to her, expressed her disworries and said.

“It doesn’t look like they are our enemies, if they are, they have been able to solve our preemption of the Archangel long ago, but they didn’t do it, which also shows that we don’t need to worry about whether they have weapons, but if you are not worried, then arrange for someone to watch them.”

On the other side, in the rest arranged by Malleu for Lin Ziyun and the others, Lin Ziyun lay on the bed and looked at the metal ceiling above his head boredly.

“Boring, I already knew that I would buy a mobile phone before, so that at least I can play mobile games when I am bored.” Lin Ziyun sighed without emotion.

As an otaku, I don’t even have a mobile phone until now, God is pitiful, it was good before, after all, I was still in the city at that time, there was no mobile phone to play with the computer, and I went online to play the games of this world, but now, there is a P net in this broken boat.

“Forget it, go out for a meal, anyway, the canteen is one of the places I can go.” Lin Ziyun got up and asked a few people next to him, “I’ll go to dinner, you guys together?” ”

“We’ll forget it, but please take Wei’er, we can rest assured that we have her by your side.”

Lin Ziyun nodded, took Wei’er and left the room.

Walking on the metal corridor, Wei’er held a map, which was given to him by Malleu when Lin Ziyun left, of course, this is not a distribution map of the Archangel, just a map of the range of activities.

How could such an important secret as a distribution map be given to those of unknown origin without thinking about it.

When the two happened to pass an intersection, a pink figure crashed into Lin Ziyun’s arms, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough to hold her tight and prevent her from falling backwards.

“Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Lin Ziyun, I didn’t expect to meet you here by such a coincidence.” Lax said with a smile.

“Why are you here, since they didn’t send someone to guard you after knowing your identity.” No, I guess you sneaked out, right? After that, Lin Ziyun looked at the pink hello held in Lax’s arms, and only this little thing could open the locked door.

“My stomach growled hungrily, I wanted to come out for a meal, and I didn’t come out secretly, but I asked and came out, but no one answered me.”

Hey, hey, what do you have to do with sneaking out. Lin Ziyun sweated.

“It just so happens that I’m also going to dinner, or are we going together?”

“Great, I just kept looking for the dining area, but I didn’t find it, thank you for taking me along.”

Lin Ziyun replied with an unpolite word, and brought Lax.

The Archangel is more than 300 meters, not as big as the ship of its own fleet, and it is impossible to move forward at every turn, so soon, the three of them came to the dining area, because it is now past twelve o’clock in the afternoon, it is already thirteen o’clock in the afternoon, there are not many people in the dining area, only a few people who have just handed over the shift and have not eaten.

“I don’t go to deliver food to the adjusters, they are all genetically modified monsters, what if she attacks me, I’m just an ordinary person, I can’t resist the adjusters at all.”

As soon as the three entered, they saw a red-haired girl saying something, and since she turned her back to the door, she did not notice that the adjuster she was talking about had come behind her at this time.

The yellow-haired boy with glasses and yellow hair who was talking to her could see Lin Ziyun and the three, and he made a look at his girlfriend in front of him, and said at the same time: “Fulei, don’t say anything.” ”

“What, why did you tell me not to say, did you like that pink hair adjuster? Isn’t it just a singing person, what’s great. ”

The girl, named Frey, continued, completely ignoring her boyfriend’s eyes.

Seeing Fulei’s appearance, Lin Ziyun felt embarrassed for her boyfriend Saiyi, and at the same time gave him a look of ‘It’s really not easy for you to have such a difficult girlfriend’.

Looking at Lin Ziyun’s eyes, Saiyi instantly understood, touching the back of his head and smiling awkwardly.

At this time, Frey finally found that the eyes of several people looking at her were a little strange, and Sai Yi did not look at herself, but looked behind herself, and slowly turned her head with curiosity.

When she saw Lin Ziyun and the three standing behind her, Fu Lei instantly looked embarrassed, after all, how to say bad things about people behind her back is not good, let alone being discovered on the spot.

Seeing that she was no longer talking, Lin Ziyun didn’t pay attention to her, and took Lax to find a place to sit down casually, while Violet walked towards the collar behind Frey.

Frey watched the giant in red armor (more than two meters tall) walking towards her (she thought that Violet was just going to get food) thinking that the other party was here to teach her a lesson, and she quickly took a few steps back in fear.

Seeing that the giant was about to come to her eyes, Frey subconsciously closed her eyes and prepared to be beaten, but after waiting for a while, she found that the imaginary giant attack never came.

When she opened her eyes, she only saw that the other party was not a bird herself, came to the food entrance, picked up three meals and came to the table where Lin Ziyun was and sat down.

After looking at a few people next to her who wanted to laugh but held back desperately, all of a sudden, she had a feeling of being brushed, but she didn’t dare to say anything, afraid that the red giant would do something to herself, and after glaring at Lin Ziyun, who looked more honest, she left here in a huff.

Fu Lei glared at him, Lin Ziyun naturally saw it, he was confused about this, who did I provoke, this girl is sick and has nothing to stare at.

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