When Lin Ziyun returned to the third day of the Endless Number, the holiday was finally over, but this had nothing to do with Lin Ziyun’s family.

Considering that the two organizations of Mithril and Amalgam may have targeted their families, Lin Ziyun had already asked Roland to withdraw from Lin Yue yesterday for unnecessary trouble, and now they don’t need to go back to Earth.

But this is a pity for Lin Yue, who has just been in school for three or four months, and finally made a few friends, and now he is leaving again.

However, although they don’t need to go back to Earth, Chidori still has to go back, after all, she is still a high school student, and Lin Ziyun has also proposed to let her drop out of school, but she doesn’t feel that after more than ten years of student life, suddenly asking her to quit school or something, she is really a little difficult to accept.

There was no way, Lin Ziyun could only personally send her back, but before sending her away, Lin Ziyun came to another place first.

On the morning of this day, Lin Ziyun took a pelican to the late autumn-class frigate, and went straight to the late autumn-class detention room, where the Xia Yufang sisters were being held.

Since the Hentai is the core of the entire fleet, for the sake of safety, Lin Ziyun ordered that all captured enemies or prisoners in the future are not allowed to enter the Hentai, which can greatly reduce the possibility of the Hentai being robbed.

Soon, Lin Ziyun brought a group of people to the detention room, because the detention room has no door, only a barrier wall supplied by energy, and this energy wall is still transparent, so he can see the situation inside at a glance.

At this time, the two girls had not yet got up, and the two slept in their arms, their faces very peaceful.


Lin Ziyun pressed the call button on the wall and said, “Two, it’s time to get up.” ”


The two sisters sat up when they heard the voice, looking at Lin Ziyun who appeared outside, and her sister Xia Yufang asked with a hint of uneasiness on her face: “What is the matter with us?” Is it going to execute us? ”

Xia Yufang slowly blocked herself in front of her sister Xia Yulan.

“No, I said I wouldn’t kill you unless you were okay.” After that, Lin Ziyun didn’t wait for them to reply, and he continued: “I just came here to make a deal with you, I don’t know if you are interested.” ”

“What a deal.”

“I want to know where the headquarters of amalgam is, and in exchange, I will release you and give you a freedom, how?”

Hearing this, the Xia Yufang sisters looked at each other, and then nodded and said, “Yes, but we don’t need any freedom, we just hope to stay here and work for you.” ”

Lin Ziyun raised his eyebrows, how do I feel that there are a lot of sisters who have come to join him recently, before it was Teresa, and now it is these two.

“Give me a reason to keep you.”

“If you guessed correctly, you will soon do it to amalgam, when the amalgam disappears, even if you let us go, we don’t know where we will go in the future, it is better to stay here and get a job, and get away from that disgusting society.”

That’s right, these two sisters have been terrorists for more than ten years since they were children, and suddenly let them go back to live an ordinary life, and it is really possible that they will not be able to adapt, if they are left behind, maybe they can be trained and become their own personal bodyguards in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyun immediately nodded and said, “Yes, but if you want to stay here, you must show absolute loyalty.” ”

“We will.”

Lin Ziyun then winked at an UNSC naval officer next to him, who placed his palm on the panel on the wall, and soon the energy wall disappeared.

“Take them to the Hentai and give them to Sarah Palmer, she knows what to do.” After speaking, Lin Ziyun strode towards the hangar.

As soon as I returned to the hangar, I saw Chidori sitting in the Pelican transport plane anxiously walking back and forth, occasionally looking at the watch time on his wrist from time to time.

“They all said don’t worry, anyway, it’s late, and it’s not a big deal to be a few minutes late.” Lin Ziyun slowly walked over and said.

“You are a typical scumbag mentality, I really don’t understand how you became the captain of the ship and the commander-in-chief of the fleet.” Chidori said dissatisfied.

Hehe, I’m sorry, I was originally a scumbag, as for why I can become the captain of the Infinity, it is purely pie in the sky. Lin Ziyun thought unscrupulously.

“Who told you to go to bed so late every night, now get up late.” Lin Ziyun shrugged and smiled.

In the past two days since Chidori was coming to the Endless Number, she looked at the starry sky outside the window every night and saw that it was very late, and yesterday she even saw that she slept after three o’clock in the morning.

Hearing this, Chidori suddenly felt a surge of anger on his head: “Then you mean to blame me for everything!” I don’t know who patted his chest in front of me at dinner yesterday and said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll send you back tomorrow morning, you won’t be late’? ”


Lin Ziyun looked at her embarrassedly, yesterday in order to keep her to stay overnight, it seems, seems, indeed said this.

Unfortunately, what he never expected was that Lin Ziyun did not need to go to school, so he did not have the habit of adjusting the alarm clock, and he slept directly until more than nine o’clock in the morning, and when he hurriedly ran over to call Chidori to ask for it, he found that since Chidori was still sleeping, it simply made him speechless.

“Well, no matter what, being late is already a fact, even if you are angry, you can’t change it.”

“Why are you so easy to accept these cruel displays?” said Chidori as he crouched in the corner with his head in his hands.

“Hahaha, probably because the person who went to school is not me.”

“Bastard! You still laugh, see if I don’t bite you! ”

“Huh? Other! Don’t mess around… It hurts, don’t bite my neck! Feed! Do you know if men and women are not intimate? ”

“I don’t care about this, look at the move!”


In the cab of the Pelican transport plane, the driver listened to the noise from behind and looked back, and when he saw the ambiguous posture of the two people behind him at this time, he silently closed the door that connected the cab to the cabin.

“Alas~ it’s nice to be young.”

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