Standing at the door of the Endless Bridge, Lin Ziyun carefully sorted out his clothes, and after finding that there was no problem, he strode in.

“Roland, do you know where the headquarters of the Amalgam Organization are?” As soon as he entered the door, Lin Ziyun asked.

He still remembered the deal he made with Xia Yufang’s sisters before he left in the morning.

Roland nodded, “Sorry Captain, according to the information provided by Sister Xia Yufang, the amalgam organization does not seem to have a real headquarters, they have bases all over the world, and these bases can be said to be headquarters.” ”

“What do you mean? Since such a large organization does not have a fixed headquarters? Lin Ziyun said with a look of disbelief.

Without a strong headquarters to guide the work, how did the organization make a long turn over the decades? Are these bases self-sufficient and unable to do their own thing?

“At first, when Sister Xia Yufang told me, I didn’t want to believe it, but then I learned that this was the case, I later did some thorough investigation and found that amalgam did not have the highest authority, all the rights were in the hands of the six CEOs, and without the highest authority, it was naturally impossible to have a ‘headquarters’, it can be said that wherever those six people go, there is the headquarters.”

“And it’s interesting that among these six high-ranking officials, there is also one founder of Mithril Silver, which is really ironic.” Roland taunted.

In fact, the six executive officers Lin Ziyun that Roland mentioned also knew.

Lin Ziyun, who has watched the anime, actually knows more or less about the amalgam organization, if memory serves, one of the six seems to be Teresa’s brother Renard Testarosha, he originally thought that these six were just the second in command of amalgam, but he did not expect that they were the real first-class figures of amalgam.

“Hey, it’s a bit troublesome now, I originally thought of taking the other party’s headquarters directly and leaving.” Lin Ziyun sighed and said unpleasantly, “Forget it, trouble is trouble, take these bases one by one, and by the way, find out the location of the six high-level people.” ”

“It’s a little bit difficult, these people are unpredictable, it’s hard to find them.”

“But you can always have a way, don’t you?” Lin Ziyun looked at him confidently and said.

“Okay, I’ll leave the search for traces, but don’t get your hopes up.” Roland said with a shrug.

Lin Ziyun clicked on the virtual panel of the holographic platform, and then began to open the ship-wide notice: “This ship will enter a combat state, please all personnel immediately return to the combat post, repeat…”


After Lin Ziyun finished speaking, a loud siren sounded throughout the battleship, and then you could see the personnel inside the battleship start to move, and soon the turrets outside the Endless were lit on the outer deck.

“Captain, how should we fight this battle? Is it a direct front bar or a gun in the back? Roland asked in a joking tone. The people on the bridge couldn’t help but laugh when they heard this.

This is probably the weakest enemy that the entire UNSC has encountered, so everyone is not nervous, and each of them has the mentality of usual exercises.

“Does this still need to be said? Front bar, of course. ”

Joke, bully baby-like enemies also need to shoot in the back and sneak attack? If it is passed out, then where will he, the captain, go to the face?

“Roland, let the fleet be divided into three ways, the aircraft carrier New Era will lead a detachment to the Americas, the Qingqing-class light battleships are leading a team to Europe, and we will go to Asia!”

Lin Ziyun’s method of battle is also very simple, that is, directly swagger over and give the amalgam friends on the earth a taste of the truth cannon. (Nonsense, what superb tactics do you need in the face of such a weak chicken enemy?) )

The warships that received the order began to ignite and start the engines, and after a while, all the warships docked on the far side of the moon gradually broke away from the lunar gravity and began to head towards the earth.


Earth, the island nation of Tokyo Metropolitan Ritsujinyo High School.

Chidori wanted to support her chin with one hand and sit in her place with a dejected face, Torin Ziyun’s blessing, she didn’t take today’s exam at all, and when she just entered the classroom, the exam just ended.

This not only broke her record for her first truancy in her life, but also took the first duck egg test in her life.

“Ahhh… It’s so unlucky, this time it is estimated that I will be scolded to death by the teacher, Lin Ziyun is also true, saying that it will not make me late, as a result… Hum! Next time, I won’t believe his words. ”

“What’s wrong, Koto-chan? Are you angry with your boyfriend? Chidori asked for her friend Kyoko Tokiwa came over with a small camera, and he didn’t forget to take a few pictures of her.

“You… What are you talking nonsense… How could that bastard be my boyfriend… Aha! Chidori said intermittently with a flushed face.

It is impossible to say that she has no good feelings for Lin Ziyun, a good man like Lin Ziyun who is handsome and often takes care of herself, how can she not be moved, but it is a pity that people are married, and the most important thing is that people have more than one wife, and each of them is more beautiful than themselves.

Thinking of this, Chidori wanted to look gloomy, his whole body was lying on the table weakly, and said dejectedly: “Don’t talk about this, are you looking for me?” ”

“Ah! Don’t you say I forgot, in fact, what I want to ask is, why are you late today? This is not like you at all, you used to be absent every time, what happened today, is it related to the ‘Lin Ziyun’ in your mouth? ”

“It’s hard to put into words… Anyway, don’t ask about this. Chidori, who was lying on the table, turned his head to the other side and sighed.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble slightly, and suddenly startled the Chidori lying on the table, and she stood up and said, “What’s going on?” Earthquake? ”

“Nope… I don’t know, there is no report of earthquake early warning on the news this morning. Kyoko Tokiwa said with a scared look on her face as she held one of Chidori’s arms.

Chidori patted her shoulder and comforted: “Don’t be afraid, this little earthquake is less than (three) magnitude, it will stop soon… Look, doesn’t this stop, but then again, why do I feel like it’s suddenly darker? ”

But she didn’t think much about it, isn’t it a long thing for the sky to darken, isn’t it like this every time it rains.

“Hey, I said when are you going to hold it, what are you afraid of when the earthquake is over?” Chidori looked at her speechlessly.

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