Two figures shot towards him.

While Chen Lin was happy, he also became more defensive.

Soon, the figure came closer.

They were two warriors wearing golden armor.

This kind of armor should be standard. Whether it is those who lead their spiritual planters or those of the so-called second legion, they are all equipped with this kind of equipment.

It will definitely help with survival outside the territory.

Chen Lin observed carefully.

The two men were tall, but neither of them were human.

A body is like a cabbage with leaves spread out, and the head is three-petaled, very abstract.

The other body is similar to a humanoid, but the head is an upright kettle. On the kettle lid is a pair of delicate facial features. It looks like a woman.

"What are your names, the surviving spiritual planters?"

The cabbage man spoke, his voice like a bell.

"Exactly, I wonder who you two adults are?"

Chen Lin clasped his fists and asked tentatively.

He was certain that these two generals were not the ones responsible for leading the spiritual planters.

He had some impression of the more than fifty generals, but none of them were in this form.

Should be the strong man of the second legion.

Although they are in the same camp, the creatures in the Nightmare Realm may not be normal, so you need to understand them.

Sure enough, the cabbage man buzzed: "We are from the Second Legion, and now you two have been recruited!"

Chen Lin's heart trembled.

The word "recruitment" was the last thing he wanted to hear. It basically meant great danger.

His expression remained unchanged and he said respectfully: "Then can you ask me what we need to do?"

In order not to arouse the resentment of the two of them, Chen Lin immediately explained: "Don't be offended, sir. After all, our spiritual planter's mission here is to observe the weaknesses of the evil vine and do other things without authorization. I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain when we go back. "

"Humph, this is not something you should know!"

The cabbage man snorted coldly.

Then he said in a deep voice: "And your spiritual planter team is basically dead. If you want to go back, you can only follow our second legion. Stop talking nonsense and follow us quickly!"

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Lin was secretly horrified.

More than five thousand spiritual planters, all died!

If the spiritual plant master dies, then the general responsible for leading the team may not be able to deal with it. Their entire army will be destroyed in this mission.

When the time comes to go back, let alone not getting any merit, I'm afraid I'll still be punished.

"What, do you two want to refuse the call?"

When the cabbage man saw that Chen Lin was not moving, his aura suddenly became dangerous.

Chen Lin hurriedly said: "Sir, please calm down. It's not that my companion and I didn't accept the call, but that our strength is low. My companion can't even act independently. It's impossible to help the two adults. Instead, he will Become a drag.”

"Can't act independently?"

The cabbage man glanced at Zhen Yu.

Then he said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, just take her with you. Come on, don't be nagging!"

When Chen Lin saw the other party's attitude, he knew something was wrong.

These two people definitely had bad intentions in recruiting them.

The biggest possibility is to let them test something with their lives. Otherwise, with the strength of the two generals, it is impossible to use them.

The most important thing is that the other party urged them throughout the whole process without asking about their level as spiritual planters.

This shows that recruiting them has nothing to do with their status as spiritual planters.

"Sir, we are both going to run out of gold nightmare coins soon. Can you give us two first to help?"

Chen Lin tried again.

"Can't it still be used? I will replace it for you when it is used up."

The cabbage man replied impatiently.

At this time, the kettle woman next to her also became impatient and said in a cold voice: "What are you talking about with them? They just took it away!"

But before she finished speaking, a pale eyeball appeared between Chen Lin's eyebrows, looking at the cabbage man with endless death intent.

At the same time, he raised his hand and shot out a purple light, which landed on the kettle woman!

Chen Lin couldn't help it either.

Because he knows that with his methods, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be the opponent of these two people, and if he is caught by them, there is no possibility of survival.

All we can do is try our best.

"Be bold!"

Neither of the two Nightmare Realm generals expected that Chen Lin would dare to attack them, and the distance was so close that no one could dodge.

But after all, they are all experienced in battles, and they react in an instant.

The armors on the two men burst out with dazzling golden light at the same time, and their figures also retreated extremely.

But the cabbage man only retreated less than a foot before he was enveloped by the power of the death gaze.

This unique secret method is extremely weird. As long as the target is seen, the target will be attacked. It is completely unreasonable.

It is impossible to resolve it by avoiding it.

Hit by the death gaze, the golden light on the cabbage man's body dimmed, and his whole body became shaky.

The kettle woman on the other side retreated far away, but in a hurry, she couldn't escape the attack of the soul-destroying finger. She was hit by purple light, and her aura quickly declined.

Chen Lin didn't hesitate and went all out as soon as he took action.

He knew that as long as he gave the opponent a chance to breathe, he would have no chance of winning.

The art of silence was activated, covering both of them.

At the same time, a red light shot out and hit the cabbage man's three-petal head.

It's the red capillary needle!

Without seeing the result, the energy of the God Star was immediately activated and attacked the two of them at the same time.

At this time, the storage ring was finally opened, and the dark gold sword was taken out, and like a goshawk and a rabbit, it was slashed at the kettle woman!


The water outlet of the woman's kettle head let out a whistle, and then a stream of white air spurted out, blocking the attack of the long knife.

And he separated a ray and hit Chen Lin.

The power of the Soul-Destroying Finger was obviously not as good as the Death Gaze, and the opponent did not lose the ability to fight back like the Cabbage Man.

Chen Lin hurriedly returned his sword to block it.

At the same time, he also gave the other party a death stare.

It's a pity that he has just started to learn this secret technique, and the power he has gathered is limited, and it is difficult to support multiple uses, and the effect is not great.

The white energy continued unabated and came to the front.

The long knife, which was nearly as wide as the door panel, blocked the white air, but Chen Lin felt as if he had been hit by a huge mountain, and his body was knocked flying.

The long knife fell from his hand and blood spurted out from his mouth.

Not to mention, the impact force left behind, causing his body to explode instantly and turn into pieces of meat.

Sure enough, he was worthy of being a warrior. Just one counterattack almost killed him!

But Chen Lin was not dead.

When he felt that his body could no longer support it, he gave up his body and stripped off his soul.

The soul armor affixed itself and continued to attack the kettle woman.

Whether it is the Soul-Destroying Finger, other secret techniques, or divine star energy, it can all be performed with the soul.

Even silence is no exception.

His strength basically lies in his soul. As long as his soul is still there, he has a chance to make a comeback.

Almost in a breath, Chen Lin released all the means he could use.

And after one round, it didn't stop. It was like going crazy and kept using various methods over and over again.

He didn't stop until he was completely exhausted and couldn't do anything to overdraw his source.

At this time, the cabbage man and the kettle woman were already floating softly in the air, losing their vitality.

"Hahaha, General, that's all!"

Chen Lin's weak soul laughed heartily and happily.

But only he could hear this sound.

Now the body is shattered and the soul is extremely weak. If it had not possessed the true soul origin and lost the protection of the energy of the golden nightmare coin, it would have dissipated.

Even so, he was still very excited.

He actually killed two generals!

It's incredible.

Although it was a sneak attack, it also showed that his combat effectiveness outside the territory was not as weak as imagined.

A Nightmare Realm warrior, even if he is the lowest one-star, must have at least a level of strength above the seventh level of the Void Realm!

And he was only at the beginning of his half-virtual period.

This is no longer an ordinary leapfrog battle, but a flying fox shaking a tree!

It worked!

Of course, this situation can only occur outside the territory, because the methods he masters are all as powerful as they can be exerted outside the territory, and the strength of these two generals has to be suppressed a lot.

This gave him the opportunity to defeat the strong with the weak.

If he were in the nightmare world or the other world, no matter how sneaky he attacked or how hard he fought, he would never be a match for the general.

I'm afraid I won't be able to catch even one blow.

"Brother Chen, how are you?"

In the distance, Zhen Yu asked anxiously.

In the first moment of the battle, Chen Lin gave her a kick and kicked her a hundred feet away, so she did not die in the aftermath of the battle.

Only slightly injured.

Chen Lin did not answer and was unable to answer.

Instead, grasp the remaining source of the soul and try to absorb the energy in the void to restore the soul.

Because his body exploded, everything including the storage ring was dislodged for an unknown distance, and there was no Soul Life Pill for him to use, so he could only use this method.

If it was in the other world or the nightmare world, there would be no problem.

In these two interfaces, there is energy useful to the soul, but in this outer void, it is hard to say.

If there is no soul energy for him to absorb, his situation will be very dangerous, and he will probably lose his soul.

However, Chen Lin's worries did not appear.

He discovered that not only did there exist energy useful to the soul in this void, it was also purer than both the inner world and the nightmare world.

It’s also more ‘complete’.

This high-level energy is absorbed slowly, but the effect is very good.

This made him feel relieved, and he began to ignore the outside world and focus on absorbing and recovering.

But Chen Lin knew his situation, but Zhen Yu didn't, and thought he and the enemy had perished together.

I was at a loss for a while.

After a while, he swam desperately and approached Chen Lin.

However, in the void here, although there is energy and gas, the resistance is not great. Moving forward by swinging the body is very slow.

It took a full quarter of an hour for Zhen Yu to reach Chen Lin's side.

Then he froze in place.

At this moment, Chen Lin's soul was very dim, with only a hint of vitality. If she didn't have some special means to generate sensing ability outside this area, she would not be able to determine the opponent's location.

In such a state, there is probably no hope of surviving.

Zhen Yu didn't know the special nature of Chen Lin's soul and believed that without outside intervention, he would definitely die.

After hesitating for a moment, she showed determination, possessed herself and put her head on Chen Lin's soul body, and the small tree above her head began to bloom with gleaming light.

As the light bloomed, light spots the size of rice grains fell from the branches and penetrated into Chen Lin's soul.

And the vitality in her body began to dissipate rapidly.

"No, I can't die yet."

Suddenly, Chen Lin's voice sounded in Zhen Yu's mind.

This surprised and delighted her, and she stopped moving and raised her head.

"Go and grab the bodies of those two guys. Don't let them float away. Also, look around to see if there are any of my hands. If so, take back my storage ring."

Chen Lin gave an order, then ignored it and went all out to recover.

Now I can no longer care about external things, I must keep my soul seed from collapsing, otherwise everything will be lost.

When I accepted the Death Gaze inheritance, my soul had been severely damaged once. There were originally three soul rings: gold, ink, and purple, but now only the purple one is left.

The gold and ink colors all collapsed.

It's not a simple collapse of the soul ring, but these two energy characteristics are directly erased from the soul.

Therefore, the origin has suffered some damage, and now it is seriously overdrawn. As long as the purple soul ring collapses, the soul is in danger of completely dissipating.

He couldn't afford to gamble.

So no matter how important the things in the storage bracelet are, no matter how reluctant you are to part with them, you can only give up.

It's important to save your life.

Zhen Yu was sure that Chen Lin was still alive, and his spirits suddenly lifted.

Once again, like swimming, he gathered the bodies of the two generals together and then began to search them.

The first thing to do is to open the packages behind these two creatures.

When she first arrived outside the territory, she had carefully observed that the ropes used by these warriors to pull the unable to fly spiritual planters were placed in their carry-on bags.

Sure enough, after some inspection, two slender but very strong ropes were taken out.

Zhen Yu immediately tied the two corpses together with a rope, and then used another rope to connect himself to one place to prevent the two corpses from floating away.

Continue reading next.

But apart from the rope, the package was full of small bits and pieces, and I don’t know what they were used for.

But inside the package of the kettle woman, there was something like a jar.

Rather peculiar.

It was very large, covered with strange lines, and had a slender cylinder on one side, which looked like a guiding object.

At the top, there is a button.

Zhen Yu picked it up and studied it for a while, thoughtfully.

After a slight hesitation, he pressed the button.

She speculated that this thing was used to guide the passage to the nightmare world. As long as you find the passage, you can return to the nightmare world.

So she was a little impatient.

However, after pressing the button, there was no guidance phenomenon, but a stream of gas sprayed out from the slender cylinder.

Very strong.

Under the reaction force, she flew out more than ten feet. If it weren't for the rope pulling her, she would have flown further.

Zhen Yu's eyes lit up.

Obviously, this is used to propel the body.

Once the energy in the body is exhausted, or due to other reasons, the flying spell cannot be used outside the territory, you can use this object to move.

To prevent being like her, stuck in place unable to move.

This thing is also very useful to her.

Zhen Yu shook the jar with joy, but heard no sound.

There's no way to tell for sure how much gas is in there.

But thinking of Chen Lin's explanation just now, she untied the rope from her body, emptied the two packages, carried them both on her back, activated the gas tank, and started looking around for storage rings.

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