Chen Lin broke away from the immersion state.

After some recovery, he finally stabilized his soul seed and was no longer in danger of collapse.

But the origin is still missing, which makes him unable to display powerful soul secret skills in a short period of time, and even the soul wing technique has become very weak.

Regardless, his life was saved.

As long as you are alive, there is hope.

Moreover, if the soul seed is preserved, the soul level is still there. The soul body is no different from the normal body. It can see objects, hear sounds, hold things and have conversations without much impact.

Chen Lin controlled his soul body and looked around, but saw no sign of Zhen Yu.

In the process of restoring his soul source, he also sensed the outside world and knew that the other party had gained the ability to move, so he should have gone to help him find the ring.

After thinking for a while, he came to the bodies of the two generals and briefly inspected them.

In addition to armor, there are also portable weapons.

There is nothing else.

But it probably wasn’t taken away by Zhen Yu.

This woman is still very smart and will not do such a stupid thing. If the other party wants to snatch the spoils, they should kill him as soon as possible.

And when the other party turned over the body, he kept paying attention. The other party only moved the package and took nothing else.

Therefore, either these two generals did not carry extra items, or they had other ways to store items, such as portable space or something.

After looking at it, Chen Lin ignored it and vibrated his soul wings to fly away.

He is now in a soul body and cannot carry anything without a storage ring. The storage ring must be found first.

After walking around for several times, I finally saw Zhen Yu's figure.

The other party is collecting the pieces of flesh and blood from his body.

This warmed his heart a little.

He was a man who repaid his kindness and didn't run away directly, nor did he do any harm to him.

"There's no need to collect them. They're all broken into pieces like this. It's useless to collect them. I haven't cultivated to the point where my flesh and blood can be reborn."

Chen Lin came to the other party and spoke.

If in the real world, he could cultivate the law of life to perfection, or achieve perfection in body seal, there would still be a glimmer of hope. In the current situation, it would be pure wishful thinking to restore his physical body.

"Have you found my palm with the ring on it?"

Without waiting for the other party's reaction, Chen Lin continued to ask.

The loss of his body is irreversible and he can only accept it calmly, but it is still necessary to find the storage ring, as all his belongings are in it.

Especially those mysterious stones are very important to him now.

There are also title tokens and spiritual planter tokens, which must be retrieved, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Zhen Yu looked sad and said: "Brother Chen, I'm disappointed. I couldn't find your storage ring. I only found these."

She opened both packages and sent them to Chen Lin.

One was filled with pieces of flesh and blood, while the other was filled with debris.

There are previously distributed gold nightmare coin-activating devices, nightmare world storage bags, carry-on packages, and storage bracelets for groceries.

Chen Lin used his soul power to flip through it and saw that the title token, spiritual planter token, and shepherd order were all there.

Even Niu Niu's amulet is inside.

It seems that the other party also used his heart.

And the huge long knife was also carried on the opponent's body.

But there is no storage ring.

The ring has the imprint of his soul on it, and it is impossible for the other party to keep it secretly, which makes Chen Lin a little confused.

Then, he turned over the package containing the pieces of flesh and blood.

I found that almost all of them were collected!

Skull, eyeballs, arms, internal organs, etc., only the left hand with the ring is missing.

His doubts deepened.

After the body explodes, the thrust and shock force generated by each part are the same. Since these parts are all found in this range, there is no reason for only one palm to be missing.

If it is said that because the hand holds a long knife, it will receive the strongest force when being attacked, which may cause gasification, but the palm of the right hand is still there.

The most strenuous thing at that time was the right hand, not the left hand.

"Have you collected everything around?"

Chen Lin looked at Zhen Yu and confirmed again.

Zhen Yu nodded and said: "There must be no omissions in the searched area. I searched in circles, but I didn't go further. I was afraid that there was not enough gas in this thing, and I would not be able to go back if I walked too far. By Brother Chen’s side.”

Zhen Yu pointed to the jar pushing his body and explained truthfully.

"Is that so? Then you wait for me here and I will expand the search area!"

Chen Lin heard this and no longer hesitated, preparing to continue to expand the scope of the investigation.

No matter what, he must find this ring.

"Are you looking for this?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice appeared out of thin air, giving Chen Lin a pause.

Zhen Yu quickly came to Chen Lin's side and looked around carefully.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared diagonally above their heads.

All are in human male form.

The man in the center is wearing a blue robe and has a handsome appearance. He is holding a broken palm in his hand. There is a ring on one finger of the broken palm.

Chen Lin's pupils shrank.

The auras of these three people are definitely not the warriors of the Nightmare Realm, nor are they the spirit planters from their group.

And the strength is also extremely strong.

Just floating there in the air gave him an unmatched sense of oppression, and it was no less stressful when facing the evil vine branches.

in addition.

The language spoken by the man in blue robe was not any language he knew, yet he could understand the meaning, which was very magical.

"I, Chen Lin, have met you, sir. What you are holding is the severed palm of my body. I wonder if you can return it?"

Chen Lin saluted respectfully.

At this moment, neither he nor Zhen Yu had much fighting power, so they could only keep their posture to the lowest level.

"Why should I give you the things I picked up?"

The man in blue robe looked at the severed palm in his hand, his tone still indifferent.

Chen Lin's mind was spinning, he clasped his fists again, and said: "My lord is right. Since it was picked up by me, it naturally belongs to me. I'm going to Meng Lang, so I'll step back now."

After saying that, he slowly backed away.

The origins of these three people are unknown, and it is not known whether they are cultivators from the outside world or transformed into some void monster, but no matter what they are, he cannot afford to offend them, so he can only give up the ring in order to protect himself.

But it didn't work out.

The man in blue robe saw Chen Lin's actions and raised his eyebrows.

"Did I let you go?"

Then, he said calmly: "Now that you are seen by me, you are also mine. There is exactly one soul servant missing in my soul-locking seal. Your soul body barely meets the standards, so I can trouble you!"

After saying that, he took out a white ink pad with sharp edges and waved it at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin suddenly felt an irresistible suction force on his body, and then his soul quickly flew towards the ink pad.

Zhen Yu grabbed it, but it was empty.

This shocked Chen Lin.

But no matter how hard he struggled or what methods he used, it was all to no avail.

His soul body was like a net, trapping him, the more he struggled, the tighter it became.

There is no other way, Chen Lin will immediately self-destruct the soul seed, and forcefully use the death gaze or the soul-destroying finger.

Although this is just a desperate struggle, no matter whether it can work or not, we must give it a try and cannot sit back and wait for death.

At this critical moment, a piece of brilliance suddenly appeared.

With a flash, it landed on Chen Lin's body, and the infinite suction was cut off instantly, allowing him to regain his freedom.

After rescuing him, the light flashed and receded in a certain direction.

Chen Linfei stepped back and looked at the source of the light.

I saw a carriage coming slowly in the void.

It seemed slow, but it was close in the blink of an eye.

The carriage was very huge, and it was pulled by three ferocious beasts. There were pavilions and pavilions built on the carriage, and there were even flowers, trees, and maids and servants.

In the middle pavilion, there sat a gorgeously dressed and noble woman.

At this moment, the woman waved her hand, and the light that flew back disappeared.

"Princess Ming?"

The man in blue robe frowned involuntarily when he saw the woman on the carriage.

"My name is Mingyue Shuanghua. If I call you wrong next time, I won't be polite."

The woman on the carriage glanced at the man in blue robe and spoke softly.

Being threatened verbally, the man in blue robe looked very ugly.

But there was no refutation.

He looked at each other with his two companions and said in a deep voice: "What does Fairy Mingyue mean by this? We, Blue Jade Cave Heaven, and your real prince's palace have always been on the same page. You did this because you want to provoke a dispute between the two families." What?"

"Haha, just you?"

The woman sneered, full of contempt.

"The reason for provoking a dispute is also your fault. This person is my descendant, and you dare to choose him as a soul servant. Even if I kill you right here, I'm afraid Lan Yu Ancestor won't be able to tell you. What's coming?"

"Your descendant?"

The man in blue robe looked stunned.

At this time, a companion beside him suddenly moved his lips slightly and transmitted a message to him.

Only then did he look astonished.

He nodded with a strange expression, cupped his fists and said, "Zhuo made a mistake in this matter. Please don't worry about it, Fairy Mingyue. When this inspection is over, you will definitely go to the True Prince's Mansion to apologize!"

After speaking, he threw the broken palm to Chen Lin, turned around, and left with his two companions.

Chen Lin watched the three figures go away, and then looked at the woman on the carriage, who also had a strange look on her face.

Especially the dragonfly headdress on the woman's head made him think even more.

"Thank you fairy for saving me."

After the figures of the three people in blue robes disappeared, Chen Lin came to the diagonal bottom of the huge carriage and saluted respectfully.

But the gorgeous woman did not respond.

Instead, he waved his hand gently.

A ray of light fell, covering Chen Lin again, and slowly rotated.

As the light rotated, the severed limbs in the package, as well as the flesh and blood residue in the void, were all sucked in, and Chen Lin's body was reassembled in an instant.

"Both body, hair and skin, received from parents, everything in the world has cause and effect. There is a reason why you can become him. Don't give up casually..."

The carriage went further and further away, and the woman's voice became quieter and quieter.

They disappeared in an instant.

Chen Lin was left alone, feeling his completed body with a blank look on his face.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen?"

Zhen Yu's eyes were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster, as well as questions and curiosity.

Chen Lin came to his senses and checked his body again.


There isn't even a single scar, and it fits perfectly with the soul. Even the previous barrier has become much weaker.

He waved his hand casually, creating ripples in the void, reflecting his face.

Then his eyes flashed.

The face at this moment has returned to the appearance of the old cultivator Chen Lin when he first entered Tianyuan City!

It's just that the wrinkles are gone, and it doesn't look so old and dry.

But the appearance is exactly the same!

And his previous appearance, after so many years of practice and several reorganizations, has long been no longer related to the original one, and is even closer to his own self on Earth.

Chen Lin glanced at the direction in which the carriage disappeared.

Why did that woman restore him to the old cultivator Chen Lin?

How did the other party know the appearance of veteran cultivator Chen Lin?

Also, when the other party was talking to the man in blue robe, he said that he was the other party's descendant. Is this true or false?

If it is true, does it refer to him on Earth, or to the old cultivator Chen Lin?

Or is it both, so he can complete the time travel?

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

Countless question marks rose in Chen Lin's heart, making him more and more confused and unable to sort things out.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?"

Zhen Yu saw Chen Lin's face turning white and black, and the aura on his body began to become unstable, as if he was going crazy, so he hurriedly called out.

Chen Lin took a breath and suppressed his restless mood.

"It's nothing, it's just that the woman's words affected her state of mind, but it's not like she's possessed by a demon."

In response, Chen Lin looked around and said: "Let's go back and deal with the two corpses first to see if there is anything to determine the location of the interface channel."

Even though he said this, on the way back, the figure of that woman kept popping up in his mind.

The dragonfly headdress on the other party's head was exactly the same as the one he got from Wu Xuerong. Even if it was not the same one, Wu Xuerong's one was copied based on the other party's one.

Otherwise there would be no such consistent objects in the world.

So the other party is the ‘Dream Chaser’!

In this case, the snow-white palm that took away his dragonfly headdress in the original interface was undoubtedly the other party.

It was probably because he used mysterious energy to activate the headgear and caused the other party to react, so he broke through the boundary to check.

Then he discovered that it was him, not Wu Xuerong, who was holding the tiara, so he wanted to kill him.

After he used the purple energy in his soul, he let him go and only took away the headdress without taking his life.

At first, he thought that it was because the Cheng Lingdie sisters were also the other's children, and seeing that he had purple energy, the other party might have thought that he had an unusual connection with the Cheng sisters, so the other party would let him go.

After all, according to the message left by the Cheng sisters when they left, this purple energy cannot be taken by force and can only be obtained by voluntary gift.

But now it seems that his speculation is very different.

It was definitely true that the other party was a dream chaser, but letting him go in the original interface was not necessarily because of the Cheng sisters.

It's his own reasons.

His body is probably the heir left by the other party when he traveled in the other world.

Or, the descendants of Fang’s heirs!

Even his identity on Earth may be related to the other party.

But this is open to question.

The universe where the earth is located is the universe of stars, which is completely different from the universe that exists in the form of a space interface here. No matter how powerful the other party is, they may not be able to move across the universe.

The more he thought about it, the more questions he had. In the end, Chen Lin could only suppress them all and speed up to fly towards the general's body.

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