Chen Lin sent the man in white into the story scene and ignored him.

Whether the other party lives or dies, and what rewards he can get, has nothing to do with the owner of the fairy tale house, and he has no authority to change the ending.

He also did not cheat.

The other party came just to experience the story of his cabin. Even if he encountered any danger, he couldn't be blamed.

So Chen Lin asked Xiaocao to look after his house, and he left Rainbow Castle again and headed to the square below the Grand Theater.

This time I didn't meet any potential customers, or even outsiders. Apart from a few performing puppets, there wasn't a single normal living being along the way.

When we got to the square, it was the same.

Chen Lin stood in the center of the square, looked around, shook his head and sighed.

He really couldn't understand why the fairy tale elves wanted to raise the threshold for tourists to enter, making the fairy tale town that had finally become lively become deserted again.

directly affects his income.

But there was nothing he could do. He couldn't change the will of the fairy tale elf.

If you can’t find a tourist verification cloak, you have to ask local residents.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin began to think about who would be the most suitable person.

Lady Sheila is the best at testing the upper limit of the cloak, and even the other party may know the origin of the cloak.

But the other party is too powerful and has great authority. If the other party covets this treasure, it will be impossible to save it.

Although the possibility is unlikely, it must be guarded against.

As for everyone else.

Big-eared Rabbit Barbara's strength is too low, and the big-eared four is almost useless.

The other powerful residents he knew were Bulova, and Lilia would never find them.

After weighing it up, Chen Lin decided to go find Bluwa.

After all, the two of them have some kind of friendship, and the strength of the other party in this fairy tale town can definitely be comparable to the real one.

Meet the requirements for test candidates.

The most important thing is that as a resident of Fairy Tale Town, the other party needs to abide by the rules here and cannot rob him of his treasures.

After making a decision, Chen Lin looked at the location of Bluwa's Fairy Tale House and prepared to fly there.

But at this moment.

The space not far away trembled, and a round figure appeared, holding an exaggerated golden spoon in his hand.

"My friend, is this a fairy tale town?"

After the figure stood firm, he looked around, his eyes fell on Chen Lin, and he spoke while looking at him.

Chen Lin also looked at the other party.

This meat ball is rounder and bigger than Isa.

Especially the head, which is big, round and bright, with no neck visible, like two balls, one big and one small, stacked together.

But no matter how fat the opponent is, he is a real humanoid creature. From the perspective of expression ability, he is still a being with normal sanity.

Humanoid creatures from the Nightmare Realm are often extraordinary.

in addition.

The other person looked very clean, wearing white clothes and white gloves, spotless.

On top of his head, there is a white hat with a high tip.

"I don't know what to call this friend, but this is a fairy tale town?"

Seeing that Chen Lin remained silent, the fat man asked again.

But he showed a vigilant look, and slowly backed away, seeming to regard Chen Lin as a lawless monster without any sanity.

"Oh, this is Fairy Tale Town."

Chen Lin responded.

Then he added: "My name is Chen Lin. I am the owner of the four-star fairy tale house. Are you here to play here? If you want to have an adventure in the fairy tale house, you can come to my place. I will give you the best discount."

The success of soliciting customers just now made Chen Lin taste the sweetness, and he immediately started inviting guests.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an owl shot out from the grand theater.

He circled and came to the top of Chen Lin's head.

"Owners and participants of the Fairy Tale House are not allowed to solicit customers outside the Fairy Tale House. You are the first offender. I will only give you a warning. If you do it again, you will be punished next time!"

Lady Sheila’s voice was low and she warned with words.

Then he looked at the fat man.

"Dear guests, the rules for visitors to Fairy Tale Town are all written on the bulletin board over there. You can just read them by yourself."

"Okay, thanks for the guidance."

The fat man made a weird etiquette and ignored Chen Lin. He followed the instructions and went to see the notice board.

Lady Sheila glanced at Chen Lin again.

Mulu said in surprise: "The cloak of the invisible master Hickori is a good treasure, but I didn't expect it to fall into your hands.

Then he shook his head again.

"It's a pity that guy insisted on watching the sword girl take a bath, and as a result, a hole was punctured in the cloak. No matter how much it was repaired, it could not restore its original beauty."

When Chen Lin heard this, his heart moved.

Unexpectedly, the other party really knew this cloak and told him the information.

Without caring about anything else, he immediately saluted and said: "This is what I got in exchange for my merits in the treasure house. I am testing its power. I hope Sir Sheila can give me some advice. What level of powerful people can this thing be most effective on?"

"If it's not broken, it's naturally very powerful. Even the Golden Guardian or even the Marshal may not be able to see through its hidden secrets."

Lady Sheila sighed and spoke.

"But now that it's broken, its power has dropped by at least 70%. It can only block the detection of high-level warriors, and its invisibility is greatly reduced. It's a pity."

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Lin to ask any more questions, he flapped his wings and returned to the Grand Theater.

Chen Lin was ecstatic inside.

A high-level warrior is equivalent to a true powerhouse!

This cloak can protect against the detection of the real world, and is more valuable to him than any other treasure.

Thirty thousand meritorious services are well spent.

After getting Lord Sheila's answer, Chen Lin stopped looking for other people to confirm it.

As Lord Sheila, there is no need to lie to him.

In this way, he can safely go to Vientiane City and participate in the True Realm Conference. As long as he changes his appearance, no one will be able to recognize him.

No worries about security.

Not only this time, with this baby, it will be much easier for him to do things in the future.

The only drawback is that this cloak needs to be worn all the time. It is very iconic. It is impossible to constantly change the identity. It can only be fixed into one identity.

But it's enough.

In a good mood, Chen Lin walked around freely in the square.

He even took out a golden nightmare coin and rescued a puppet that looked more pleasing to the eye.

As the owner of the talent of destiny, he has always been in awe of destiny, and he will pay special attention to events and items that may change his destiny.

So I decided to change the fate of others and share this opportunity.

Scatter wealth and seek peace.

"Thank you for your help, sir. My name is Jiajiaqi. I come from Dayu Island. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay your kindness."

The rescued doll was a boy with a big fish head. He spoke in a low voice, but he seemed very sincere.

"You're welcome. Go back quickly. If you don't have enough gold coins, stop wandering around."

Chen Lin nodded with a smile and reminded the other party again.

The other party turned into a puppet because of a gold nightmare coin. At first glance, he was not a rich person.

If you still dare to participate in the story contest, you may not have a deep understanding of the dangers of the nightmare world.

"What the adults said is that Jiajiaqi will not come out this time."

The fish-headed boy was convinced.

When I thought about having been a puppet for more than two hundred years, a look of fear appeared on my face.

He gave another big salute and immediately refused to leave.

Chen Lin turned around and walked to the fat man's side again.

"My friend looks like he is a gourmet in his outfit. What should I call him?"

The other person was dressed like a cook, especially the golden spoon in his hand, which looked like it was used for cooking.

That's why he wanted to explore it.

As his cultivation level continues to improve, several of the delicacies he has mastered, except for wish noodles, have gradually lost their value, and he needs to find ways to develop and utilize them again.

"My friend has good eyesight!"

The word gourmet instantly put a smile on the fat man's round face.

Then he raised his non-existent chin and said proudly: "I, Zhang Dayou, am the golden chef of Jiujiu Restaurant!"

Chen Lin thought quickly in his mind.

I'm sure I haven't heard the name Jiujiu Restaurant anywhere, but looking at the other party's proud look, it seems like it's not an ordinary place.

After thinking for a while, he clasped his fists.

"It turns out it's Zhang Zhangshao. I'm glad to meet you."

Then he added: "To be honest, I am also a food lover and have studied hard. I wonder if I can share my cooking skills with Zhang Zhangshao?"

"Haha, good, good!"

Zhang Dayou laughed loudly, looking like he was provoked.

He said loudly: "This fairy tale town really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Someone actually dares to compete with me on cooking skills. Okay, let's make a show. Whoever loses will be the other's slave for ten thousand years!"

Chen Lin was stunned when he heard this, and immediately wanted to explain that it was a communication, not a competition.

But before he could speak, a mechanical voice sounded in his head.

"Zhang Dayou of Jiujiu Restaurant has used the Golden Competition Order. He wants to compare his cooking skills with you. The loser will be the victor's slave for ten thousand years. When the competition is over, a master-slave contract will be automatically formed."

"Since you have the title of Viscount, you can use ten thousand merit points to refuse this competition."

"You can also use 50,000 meritorious deeds or your only viscount immunity privilege to exempt yourself from the punishment of this competition after losing."

"You can also use other props to avoid this competition, but the level must exceed the document used by Zhang Dayou, otherwise it will be invalid."

"Please make your choice within ten breaths. Timeout will be counted as acceptance of the competition agreement."

Listening to the terms one by one, Chen Lin's face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

This guy is really stubborn. He just wants to exchange his cooking skills and see what level of food the other party's so-called golden spoon can produce.

Unexpectedly, it was taken as a provocation and the competition document was used directly on him!

Still gold level!

Even if he is a viscount, he still needs 10,000 merits to refuse.

This made Chen Lin feel angry, but he was helpless.

There is absolutely no reason to argue with creatures from the nightmare world. Such a result was also caused by his own negligence.

The tourists he had come into contact with recently were basically normal, which made him subconsciously think that they had normal thoughts like normal creatures.

But ignored the uncertainty of the nightmare world.

By accident, we ended up in this situation.

Chen Lin took a breath.

The mechanical sound is unique to the leader of Nightmare Law, and there is no other way to resolve it except using rules and props.

At this moment, the space has been locked, and he does not have the ability to leave this place before the competition is completed.

Even if he had the ability to break through the space lock, he would not dare. Even if he automatically admitted failure, he would directly become the slave of the other party.

This is really much trouble out of nothing, a disaster from heaven.

Chen Lin was very depressed. (End of chapter)

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