Chen Lin would never agree to being a slave for ten thousand years.

But he was reluctant to part with ten thousand meritorious deeds.

If it is used in exchange for treasures, then of course there is no problem.

But it is too unfair to use it in this place!

But apart from his merits, Chen Lin couldn't think of anything else that could offset the effect of gold-level documents.

The death-free gold medal is only an item from Fairy Tale Town, and cannot compete with the competition order, a treasure that covers the entire nightmare world. Moreover, the level of the death-free gold medal does not exceed the gold level.

"Hmph, don't you dare to compete? Then become my slave!"

When Zhang Dayou saw Chen Lin didn't respond, he immediately snorted coldly with deep contempt.

"Haha, why don't you dare? Let Chen see what level the Golden Palm of Jiujiu Restaurant is like!"

After some weighing, Chen Lin decided to accept the challenge.

He happened to still have a little more than 50,000 meritorious deeds. Even if he didn't use the Viscount's only exemption opportunity, he could still leave safely after defeat.

In that case, give it a try.

Maybe you can get a powerful slave.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to accept ten thousand meritorious deeds for nothing.

Although according to his style of doing things, it would be the best choice to just use 10,000 meritorious deeds to avoid disaster, but it was too frustrating. He was afraid that being patient like this would cause him to lose his enterprising spirit over time, which would be detrimental to his practice.

You can be careful, you can be cautious, but you can't lose your spirit.

"Okay, if you still have some courage, let me show you my craftsmanship. I didn't get this golden spoon by cheating the world and stealing my reputation!"

Seeing that Chen Lin agreed to compete, Zhang Dayou nodded with satisfaction.

Then with a wave of his greasy, fat hand, a chopping board was taken out.

Then, under Chen Lin's gaze, he took out pots, pans, and various materials, and finally released a charming woman to help him.

Without a pause, the production started clanging.

Chen Lin was not in a hurry, but thought about which kind of food he would use to fight.

The best, of course, is the Wish Noodles, which is the only five-star delicacy he currently has.

However, the material lacks prayer grass and cannot be made.

Then you can only choose between soul buns and drunken brew.

Zui Shen Yong is considered a delicacy in the food island, but this time the competition is about cooking skills, so it probably does not comply with the rules.

That means you can only use spiritual buns.

After making the decision, Chen Lin also took out the tools and started making on-site.

The competition this time is about cooking skills, not gourmet food. It is definitely not possible to take the finished product directly, and the taste of the food made in advance will not be as good as the fresh food.

He returned to the fief first and got fresh colorful fish and another delicious crab.

After coming back, I took out the few colorful winged shrimps that I had been saving.

There were less than ten left in total, and they were sealed in a special jade box.

After all these years, it's still fresh.

Putting three extremely delicious ingredients together can elevate the taste to a very high level. In terms of taste alone, it can already reach the five-star gourmet level.

That's not all.

Chen Lin no longer uses ordinary flour for the bun skin, but uses a very high-grade spiritual wheat from Shangyuan Domain, which is ground and used on site.

Later, I felt that the taste of one type was too monotonous, so I added two more types.

There is no need to use ordinary water for mixing the noodles.

He gritted his teeth and simply used the Spring of Life and Endless Water.

In the end, he felt that it was not enough, and condensed a drop of original fluid from the river of his destiny.

In this way, the nine precious ingredients have deviated from the original making method of soul buns.

Chen Lin was not sure whether it could be successfully produced.

Without hesitation, he immediately displayed the long river of fate in his mind and began to speculate.

After transforming into a swimming fish, imagine making spiritual buns.

Among the dense water lines, one immediately trembled slightly.

Chen Lin perked up.

There is really hope that the production will be successful!

If so many high-end materials are used to make the soul bun, it will definitely reach the five-star level, and it may even derive stronger and strange effects.

This made him look forward to it very much.

At the same time, he secretly admired that the Law of Destiny had been completed, and his natural abilities had indeed surged in power.

He had tried to improve the soul bun before, but he had never succeeded. As long as he used slightly more advanced materials, he could not reveal the lines of destiny.

Now there is a change.

Chen Lin secretly decided to conduct experiments in many aspects in the future to deeply explore the potential of destiny talent.

Now, we still have to see if we can really make steamed buns.

It's useless if the lines just react, they still need to be corrected.

The delicacy of soul buns must be blessed with innate abilities. It is absolutely impossible to make it successfully based on his own level.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin swung his body and swam forward along the line where the reaction appeared.

After a while, we came to a node.

I didn't feel much danger.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After the fate screen turns into a long river, while the power increases, the intensity of the backlash also increases. Even if the success or failure of the item is changed, there will still be backlash.

If the dangerous aura was too strong, he really didn't dare to force it to correct it.

Concentrating his mind, Chen Lin began to observe the situation behind the node.

Only to find that there was nothing in the undulating water!

This situation made his newly relaxed mood tense again.

The so-called node is a point of light that blocks the path of the line.

Under normal circumstances, there are no twists and turns in what you want to do, and there will be other lines connecting behind the nodes.

If it is one, it means success.

A few, or even more, indicates uncertainty.

The more lines behind a node, the greater the uncertainty.

At this time, the role of innate ability is reflected. When a fish jumps over a node and lands on one of the lines, it is equivalent to eliminating the path to failure and leaving only success.

But there is another situation, which is the current situation.

There is no line behind the node!

The node is the end point.

If compared with the Destiny Picture period, it is equivalent to the lines being completely broken and there is no subsequent part.

Chen Lin sensed it carefully again.

Sure, there is no line behind the node.

He couldn't help but hesitate.

In the past, this situation meant that what you wanted to do was doomed to failure and there was no possibility of success.

But it's different now.

He can also cross nodes and force his way out!

This is true, making the impossible possible.

It is also the biggest change in talent and ability after the Law of Destiny is completed.

But doing so is very dangerous.

Every water mark in the long river of destiny is a line of destiny. No matter how you swim, you will always be on these lines.

Now there is no line behind the node.

After he jumps over the node, he has lost his roots and is likely to fly out of the river of destiny and fall on the bank.

A fish out of water has unpredictable consequences.

"Dance or not?"

Chen Lin, who turned into a swimming fish, swam back and forth in front of the node, unable to make a choice.

If you don't jump, you can only make standard soul buns, and the hope of winning against Zhang Dayou is slim.

Once you lose the game, you will either be a slave for ten thousand years, or you will have to spend 50,000 merit points to avoid punishment.

Fifty thousand meritorious service!

Chen Lin's heart bleeds just thinking about it.

Slowly, his determination became firmer.

If it had been left in the past, he would definitely have chosen to act conservatively.

But this time he decided to give it a try.

Not just to win the game, but to test your own natural abilities.

He wanted to see what would happen after jumping over a node with no subsequent lines. It happened that the node that appeared this time did not have any dangerous atmosphere, so it was very suitable for testing.

Opportunities are rare.

If you don't know your own talents, it will be very disadvantageous.

It's worth fighting for.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin glanced at the node in front, used all his strength, and jumped!

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