After breaking through the foundation building, his natural ability doubled directly.

From being sure to hit ten times to being sure to hit five times!

Innate abilities can also be upgraded along with the realm, which surprised Chen Lin.

When I discovered this situation, I jumped up and down with joy, just like a child.

He was excited not just from being one out of ten to two out of ten, but because of the growth.

Since breaking through the foundation building can double the value, can breaking through the golden elixir double the value again?

What about Nascent Soul, what about higher realms?

In the end, is it possible to achieve a sure win!

Even the ability is extended, no longer limited to making items.

Practicing magical powers, breaking through realms, even pursuing beautiful women, cursing enemies, etc. can all be shrouded in talent and ability. Thinking about the scene is exciting.

Chen Lin was thinking a lot, but he immediately put his thoughts back.

These are things for the future. No matter how useful your natural abilities are, you have to work hard, otherwise it will be in vain.

In addition, even if the foundation building is broken through now, it cannot expand, and the purpose of keeping a low profile cannot be changed.

Just as he was thinking about it, the two apprentices finished cleaning up the house and yard and came to him.

"Sun Yun'er, Sun Xingwang, meet the master!"

Both of them were very embarrassed, lowering their heads and not daring to look at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin looked at the two of them and said: "Don't be restrained. Although you two were assigned to me by the alliance, if you can catch my eye in the future, it is not impossible to accept you as my disciples, and I don't have any What are the rules? As long as you keep quiet and don’t disturb me.”

Chen Lin comforted him with a few words.

These two people are siblings, and they have some connection with him. They are the orphans of Qingyang Sect, and the family of Sun Xingyun who asked him to slay demons.

According to what Mu Xingchen said, the entire Sun family was killed by the Qishen Cult. Only the two siblings survived. As the Qingyang Sect retreated to the Chu Kingdom, they were assigned here.

Chen Lin also sighed after hearing the news.

Thinking about how prosperous the Sun family was back then, occupying a single peak, with spiritual trees as the scenery and jade paving the way, the clan members were always looked down upon wherever they went.

Unexpectedly, he would end up like this.

If it weren't for Mu Xingchen's care, these two people would have gone out to do the task of exterminating demons at this time.

The world of immortality is really cruel, even more cruel than the mortal world.

For example, in this battle between monks, even though mortals were also harassed, they could barely survive.

The Qishen Cult acts in favor of demons, but it has not made any large-scale sacrifices to mortals, at least not so far.

Moreover, I heard that the Qishen Cult has some mysterious methods, which not only allow mortals without spiritual roots to practice, but also allow people who are stuck at the bottleneck to break through and whose life span is about to run out.

Especially at the foundation building pass, many old monks who have taken refuge in the past and have reached the ninth level of Qi training have successfully built the foundation through this method.

This is also one of the reasons why a large number of monks will join the Prayer Cult.

Chen Lin has been worried about whether the Righteous Alliance can defeat the God of Prayer Sect, after all, the opponent's methods are too magical.

Just by allowing monks to forcibly build foundations, the world of immortality was almost prevented from collapsing back then.

A large number of qi-training monks who had no hope of promotion and lacked resources had the idea of ​​joining the God-Sorrowing Sect. Later, major sects used their reserve resources to refine a large number of foundation-building pills and distribute them in exchange for merit. , the storm was stopped.

Until now, refining the Foundation Establishment Pill is still the most important thing for the Righteous Alliance.

Mu Xingchen achieved his current status because he improved the foundation-building elixir recipe several times and reduced the refining materials to an extremely low level.

Lost my mind.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Lin turned his attention to the two apprentices again.

There is a tall man holding up the sky when it falls. For the time being, it seems that the Righteous Alliance can still hold on. What he has to do is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"How old are you two and what are your cultivation levels? Please introduce yourselves."

Now that I have become a master, even though it is only in name, I still need to understand it.

"Reporting to Master, my name is Sun Yun'er. I am nineteen years old. I have the fourth level of qi training and have both fire and wood spiritual roots."

My sister was the first to introduce it, which surprised Chen Lin. It turned out to be a double spiritual root. This would be very delicious in peacetime.

Moreover, she was able to practice Qi at the fourth level at the age of eighteen, which is quite astonishing. It is estimated that the Sun family has devoted a lot of resources to her.

Unfortunately, we encountered troubled times.

In the alliance, although spiritual roots are still important, they don't have so many opportunities for growth. If you don't complete tasks, you won't get meritorious service, and you won't be able to exchange for training resources. No matter how good your qualifications are, it's useless.

"My name is Sun Xingwang. I am seventeen years old. I am at the second level of Qi training and have the three spiritual roots of gold, fire and earth."

My younger brother also introduced me. He is much worse than my older sister.

Chen Lin nodded and said: "I want to make it clear to you that now you are just my alchemy apprentices. I can only teach you some knowledge about alchemy. You have to rely on your own practice. In addition, you two live in You are not allowed to enter the place where I practice, otherwise you will be severely punished."

"Yes, we understand."

The two siblings responded at the same time.

Chen Lin was very satisfied with the attitude of the two of them, and handed the "Alchemy Notes" from Ma Yu from the storage bag to his sister.

I heard Master Mu say that you two have never come into contact with alchemy. Take this manual and read it first. I will take time to guide you every few days. If you don’t understand anything, then ask me. Bar!

The two siblings looked excited. After thanking them, they took the alchemy notes and went to the penthouse.

In addition to the main room, there are two side rooms in the yard, which can accommodate two people each.

A large number of monks gathered together, and the city's housing resources were tight. He was able to obtain such a small courtyard not only because of his status as an alchemist in the foundation period, but also because of Mu Xingchen's face, which required him to pay a certain amount of merit points every month.

The two sisters stayed in Dange District because of Mu Xingchen's relationship. They could not obtain the right of residence and could only live with him. This is why Mu Xingchen asked them to be apprentices.

There is humanity and sophistication everywhere.

Although it was inconvenient, Chen Lin could only agree.

After sending the two siblings away, Chen Lin tidied up and walked out of the yard.

First, he walked around the Dan Pavilion to familiarize himself with the environment, and then walked around other places in the city. He even visited Jinfeng Tower and the place where he used to live.

But now Jinfeng Tower has become a stronghold of a certain sect, and the place where he once lived has become the residence of the alliance monks.

Things are different and people are different.

After watching it for a while, Chen Lin lost interest.

Then, he went to the mission hall to take a look.

There are several mission halls in the city. In addition to missions assigned by the alliance, monks can also come here to receive missions and earn merit.

Because the alliance does not allow the transfer of merit, you can only earn it yourself, so there are many people in the mission hall.

Chen Lin had no intention of taking the mission. If he wanted to take it, he would go to the exclusive mission hall of Dan Pavilion. Most of them were demon-killing missions.

He just wanted to feel the atmosphere.

When he came to the task release board, he was surprised.

It's not all demon-killing missions like he seems to be, there are many other missions.

For example, looking for loose cultivators who are outside the control of the alliance, providing elixir recipes that the alliance does not master, methods of making talismans, weapon refining techniques, etc.

More of them are elixir tasks, collecting all kinds of elixirs, no limit on the quantity, and the merits are not low.

There are also some emergency missions, where you are looking for a specific material or item, and the merits awarded are better.

This set of rules was basically similar to the sect's rules. After watching Chen Lin for a while, he left.

Then, he returned to the Dan Pavilion area and came to the mission hall here.

The tasks here are simple and straightforward. They are all tasks of refining various elixirs, and the foundation-building elixir tops the list.

However, this task comes with rewards and penalties. If you refine one piece from one hundred materials, you will get fifty merit points. For one more piece, the merit points will be increased by five hundred.

On the other hand, if more than one hundred copies of materials are consumed and the elixir is not refined, five merit points will be deducted for each extra portion. If the merit points are insufficient, they will be deducted with spirit stones. Each merit point will be used to deduct a medium-grade spirit stone!

This is still a task with a gambling nature.

Not only that, Chen Lin discovered that most elixirs have consumable restrictions. The higher the elixir production rate, the more merits you get. If the elixir production rate is too low, there will be penalties.

After thinking about it, it was normal, lest anyone use the alliance materials to practice. If there were no restrictions, no amount of materials would be enough to squander.

Fortunately, his natural ability has been upgraded to a five-time sure hit. If it is still ten times a sure hit, he will not be able to accept most alchemy tasks. He can only accept the Foundation Building Pill and the Marrow Cleansing Pill, which have a very low rate of success, or he can Those kinds of Qi training period elixirs that I knew before.

Now that he can no longer use the elixirs in the Qi training period, such a good opportunity cannot be just to earn merit. He must also find a way to master more elixirs used in the foundation building period.

After looking at them for a while, he chose three.

One is called Green Frost Pill, which is suitable for use in the early stages of foundation building. Up to three pills can be produced in one furnace.

One is Luo Bidan, which can be used in the early and middle stages of foundation building. The material is slightly more expensive, and a maximum of three can be produced in one furnace.

There is not much reason for choosing these two, it is because they can produce three elixirs in one furnace, which is conducive to the development of his natural abilities.

In addition to these two, there is another one that restores spiritual power, called the Great Returning Spirit Pill. Only one can be produced in a furnace, but the effect of restoring spiritual power is very good, so you should master it.

After making the selection, Chen Lin came to the reception desk, handed over his identity token, reported the name of the Danfang, and asked to receive the materials.

"It turns out to be Master Lin!"

The receptionist was a sweet female cultivator in the late stage of Qi training. Her smile made her eyes look like crescent moons, but what she said left Chen Lin speechless for a while.

"Alchemist Lin, you have just joined the Alchemy Pavilion. You may not know yet that the pill recipe chosen by the alchemist for the alchemy task is not given for free. It needs to be redeemed with merit. Your merit balance is insufficient."

It turns out that it still needs to be exchanged, so I am happy for nothing.

Chen Lin said depressedly: "Isn't there anything that can't be exchanged for meritorious deeds? How about the pill prescriptions during the Qi training period?"

The receptionist nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, Senior Lin, except for the foundation-building pill prescription, all pill prescriptions need to be exchanged for merit."

"Then give me a recipe for the Foundation Building Pill and five hundred ingredients!"

Now that he has no meritorious service, he can only refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. As long as he submits it at a reasonable rate, it will not arouse any suspicion and he can show his value.

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