Chen Lin asked this question to test whether the old man acted according to the established rules or had a sense of autonomy.

this point is very important.

According to his experience, any creature in the nightmare world with independent consciousness is extremely powerful and absolutely invincible.

Needless to say, Niu Niu, everyone in the Guardian Hut Village is unpredictable. In addition, the traveling businessman, the golden toad in the Gambling Lake, and even the wooden chicken and Nian Qing in the Demon-Suppressing Temple are all mysterious and powerful.

But if it were just a puppet creature controlled by rules, the danger would be much lower.

It would be best if he could break the rules. Even if he couldn't, with the strength of him and Silver Fairy, it wouldn't necessarily be a fatal situation.

"Okay, I'll get a room, five coins a day, and a complimentary breakfast. The guest will pay twenty coins in advance, and any more will be refunded or compensated!"

The old man shouted at the top of his lungs.

Then he looked at Chen Lin with half-smiling eyes and stretched out his palm.

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment.

This person is not a 'puppet', but a being with independent consciousness like a traveling merchant!

His heart suddenly sank. The less he wanted something to come, the more it came to him.

With such an existence, he and Silver Fairy were definitely no match, and the other party didn't seem to want to give him a chance to refute, so he directly decided that he wanted to move in.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have twenty nightmare coins, otherwise he can agree to the other party first and think of a solution later.

Seeing Chen Lin's expression, the old man sneered and said: "Once the room at my Yuqian Inn is booked, it will not be refunded. If the guest can't come up with the money, he can only stay here and work here to pay off the debt!"

After saying that, a vague and strange aura emitted, covering the two of them.

Chen Lin's face looked even more grim.

He originally exchanged glances with Fairy Silver, intending to restrain his soul and prepare to exit the nightmare world as soon as he had the opportunity. However, as soon as this aura appeared, he felt as if his body was blocked, and the nightmare world's rejection of him disappeared. Got it!

Not only him, the Silver Fairy was also panicked.

Without a sense of rejection, they are trapped here in the projection state, with no way to leave the nightmare world.

"Sir, please pay. The shopkeeper has other customers to take care of, so we can't delay for too long."

The old man shook his palm and signaled Chen Lin to give the money quickly.

Seeing that Chen Lin was still unmoved, his eyes suddenly became sharp and the dangerous aura on his body reappeared.

"I'll give you ten breaths. If you can't get the Nightmare Coins, I'll have to seal you in the store and do hard work. You'll be there for ten or eight years, which is about it."

The old man's voice was full of ridicule, and he added: "Of course, as the innocent Yuqian Inn, you two still have the right to stay in the hotel for three days, but you will need to pay extra for meals."

Chen Lin glanced at Fairy Baiyin and saw the veins popping up in the other person's hand holding the handle of the knife, and immediately shook his head slightly.

The other party seemed to know that it was useless to resist such an existence, and slowly relaxed his hand.

Chen Lin glanced at the old man and suddenly took out the amulet from his robe.

He sent the token forward and said loudly: "I've seen the princess's token and why don't you say goodbye!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, then showed a provocative anger, but when he saw the amulet clearly and sensed the aura on it, he suddenly showed a look of shock.

In Chen Lin's stunned eyes, the other party suddenly knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "Secret guard Huang Xuan meets the princess order!"

Without waiting for Chen Lin to say anything, the old man quickly stood up and waved at the Silver Fairy, and the Silver Fairy disappeared.

Chen Lin's heart trembled, and he immediately grasped the white jade palm tightly.

"Don't worry, I just sent her back to the real world and erased her memory of just now. The relationship between Your Highness and me cannot be known to outsiders."

After saying that, he looked at Chen Lin and said: "Your Highness cannot weave amulets for people at will. It seems that the relationship between you and His Highness is indeed unusual. I don't ask about your identity and origin. I just need you to tell me where Your Highness is now." How's the situation?"

Chen Lin's expression slowed down.

Originally, he was just worried that the other party would suddenly take action, so he took out the amulet to save his life and checked to see if the other party recognized the amulet. Unexpectedly, the other party not only recognized it, but also knelt down!

This is a real surprise.

While sighing that Niuniu's name was very useful, she replied wordlessly: "Her Royal Highness, the situation is not bad, but due to some reasons she cannot leave her place of residence. I cannot tell you the specific situation. I hope you understand."

Chen Lin's words were ambiguous, but the old man nodded with deep understanding.

"That's natural. The safety of the princess is the top priority in everything. You came to see me this time, but is there anything you need me to do?"

The other party actually thought that he came to find the other party on his own initiative?

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Lin understood why the other party had such an attitude.

However, I must not tell the truth at this time, I can only admit it vaguely, saying: "The interface I am on is about to collapse. It is not convenient for Her Royal Highness to see you now, so I can only come to you. I need you to help me and my family go to another place suitable for survival." interface, do you have any idea?"

After weighing it up, Chen Lin made the request directly.

If the other party can really help him, all problems will be solved. If he cannot, then consider other things.

To Chen Lin's disappointment, the other party immediately shook his head.

The old man showed a look of helplessness and said: "There is only one space node here, and the corresponding interface must be where you are, and I cannot leave this inn at the moment, nor can I open the passage to other interfaces out of thin air, so I can't help you. "

Chen Lin sighed secretly, but immediately calmed down and continued: "Is there any nightmare coins and some high-level road guides that I can lend to me and return them after I leave the interface?"

"This is acceptable."

This time the old man nodded, and what he said made Chen Lin happy.

Then under his expectant gaze, the other party returned to the counter, opened the drawer and took out a box, then took out a darker piece of road guide from the drawer, and then grabbed two more nightmares from another drawer. The coins were put into the box together.

The old man handed the box to Chen Lin and said: "A person can only use one road guide. The piece I have left unused is a second-level road guide. You need to give me your first-level road guide first, otherwise you will not be able to use two pieces of road guide at the same time. If you take them out together, it will be wasted."

Chen Lin also knew a thing or two about this rule, so he put his guide directly on the counter without any nonsense.

This road guide was given to him by people from Yunhai. He had wanted to replace it for a long time, but he had never found a way to obtain a road guide. This was just what he wanted.

However, after putting the box away, he still asked: "Does the shopkeeper know how to get directions? I need some directions now, low-level ones are also acceptable. Originally, Her Royal Highness the Princess promised to help me, but now I can't contact her for the time being. , and I’m quite anxious.”

His implication was that he wanted to ask the other party if he still had a guide, and if so, he would ask Qin Lingyu and the others to come in and get it.

Just as the old man was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed, and then he waved his hand at Chen Lin. Chen Lin felt an irresistible repulsive force, and his figure was instantly repulsed!

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Chen Lin opened his eyes and saw Fairy Baiyin looking at him with concern.

"I'm fine."

Chen Lin responded, then looked in his hand and found that the box and everything inside were there, and he was relieved.

Although I don't know why the shopkeeper suddenly sent him out, at least he got something to bring out, so this trip was not in vain.

At this time, Fairy Baiyin also noticed the box that suddenly appeared in Chen Lin's hand, and said with expectation: "What is this? After I was excluded, which room did you explore again?"

Chen Lin was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately reacted.

The old man said before that he would erase Fairy Baiyin's memory of meeting him. It seemed that Fairy Baiyin really didn't remember entering the main room.

Since the old man warned that the loss of this small piece of memory would not have much impact on Fairy Silver, and it might also be related to Niu Niu's safety, he would naturally not mention it.


Chen Lin murmured.

Then he said: "The harvest this time is not small. I got a lot of nightmare coins and a new road guide. I plan to go into retreat recently and check out several scenes I have entered before."

After speaking, he reminded: "There may be some problems with the inn scene. If you plan to continue exploring, just wait a few days before going."

The old man didn't even have time to explain to him, so he sent him out directly. Something must have happened in that scene.

Of course, it was impossible to give up in such a scenario. In the next few days, he planned to go outside to find a few veteran cultivators to go in and explore the situation first.

Chen Lin did not mention the secondary road guide. In the current situation, a secondary road guide is the hope of survival. This thing cannot be used to test human nature.

Fairy Baiyin glanced at Chen Lin doubtfully, feeling that Chen Lin was hiding something from her, but she believed that Chen Lin would not harm her. Since she didn't want to tell her, she didn't ask, but nodded and left. leave.

Chen Lin sent the Silver Fairy out, and asked Qin Lingyu and Sun Caiyi to come over and help him protect him. He also cut off the teleportation array. After some preparations, he entered the Gambling Lake scene.

With the nightmare coins, he will continue fishing.

In the past, he could fish or not catch fish and shrimps here, but now that Thread of Destiny is a big luck eater, the more abundant the reserves of lucky fish are, the better.

He got about a hundred nightmare coins this time, and he planned to keep half of them for Qin Lingyu and the others to buy guides, and the rest would be used for fishing.

But before fishing, he first wanted to try whether this secondary road guide could allow him to go to other directions in the woods.

After looking around in the woods for a while and seeing nothing unusual around him, Chen Lin came to the edge of the woods in the opposite direction to Gambling Lake, took a deep breath, and then took a tentative step forward.

An invisible barrier appeared, but it only made him pause for a moment before passing through!

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