Chen Lin suddenly became happy when he saw that he had really left the woods.

It actually came out, and the secondary road guide is indeed extraordinary!

Smelling the tangy fragrance of flowers, his face showed an intoxicating look.

At the same time, I also lamented the importance of road guide levels.

Nightmare coins and road guides, these two things are more useful in the nightmare world than any treasure.

Then, he turned his attention to the front.

The valley here is full of exotic flowers and plants, which look like extraordinary things at first glance. He has been coveting them for a long time. If he can take them out, he will make a fortune!

However, Chen Lin didn't dare to be careless. He held the white jade palm in his hand as a precaution, then revealed the amulet, and then began to carefully observe the environment.

There was first an empty land in front of him, and then there were two high mountains shrouded in clouds and mist. It was so hazy that it was impossible to see clearly the scenery in the mountains.

In the middle of the two mountains, there is a huge valley. The valley is colorful and full of beautiful flowers and plants, swaying in the breeze.

The more he looked at them, the more Chen Lin felt that these flowers and plants were extraordinary, and each one seemed to have spirituality.

He couldn't help but feel excited.

Any one of these natural treasures is worth a fortune. If you can take them all, you won't have to worry about resources after escaping from the interface.

Even if there is something heaven-defying in it, it can make his cultivation level increase dramatically in a short period of time, which will also be of great benefit to him in finding the interface channel.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin took a step forward, keeping an eye on his surroundings while slowly walking towards the valley.

As we get closer, the aroma becomes stronger and stronger.

And there are countless kinds of aromas, which are mixed together to form a wonderful smell that makes him feel happy and ecstatic.

But Chen Lin did not get intoxicated by it. Instead, he focused his mind to prevent any changes, and at the same time, he restrained his soul and was ready to leave at any time.

Suddenly, just as he was about to reach the entrance of the valley, a blur of flowers appeared in front of his eyes, and an exquisite pavilion appeared in his sight.

He was suddenly startled and stopped.

Then he discovered that another figure slowly appeared in the pavilion, changing from illusion to reality.

It's a woman.

She seems to be no longer young, but her charm is still there, and her face and figure are both very good.

He was wearing gorgeous clothes, his hair was adorned with jewels, and he was holding a round fan in his hand.

Both the pavilion and the woman appeared too strange, which made Chen Lin feel the danger and immediately planned to exclude them.

"You will be punished by heaven if you enter among thousands of flowers but do not smell the fragrance and choose beauty."

The woman in the pavilion spoke quietly.

The voice was soft and charming, but it was like thunder in Chen Lin's ears, causing him to immediately stop leaving his world.

According to what the other party said, this place is the same as the Gambling Lake. Once you enter, you cannot leave empty-handed, otherwise you will be punished.

The rules of the nightmare world are currently unsolved, and you cannot act rashly until you understand them.

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Lin cupped his fists and said, "I came here by chance and don't know much about the rules here. Could you please explain them?"

Seeing that the other party looked like he was the same manager as the golden toad, he could only ask the other party if there were any other creatures around.

"It's very simple."

The woman in gorgeous clothes was very happy, and said softly: "Ten nightmare coins are ten for each beauty pageant. No matter what you choose, you can take it away. If you fail..."


Seeing that the other party was trying to sell things off, Chen Lin asked cooperatively.

The woman's voice turned cold and she said, "Then we can only stay here!"

Then she added: "Of course, according to the rules, you can also use nightmare coins to offset the punishment, one hundred nightmare coins each time!"

Chen Lin's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, like Gambling Lake, this place also has a payment plus punishment model, and the price is ten times higher than that of Gambling Lake.

But this made him slightly relieved.

Because he currently has just over one hundred and ten Nightmare Coins, even if he fails, he can escape unscathed, but the loss will be huge.

What makes him curious is what kind of genius treasure requires ten nightmare coins to choose, and it may not be available. This is too expensive!

After thinking about it, he grabbed the amulet on his chest and shook it, trying to see if he could get some discounts with the help of Niuniu's name.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned a blind eye.

Upon seeing this, Chen Lin no longer hesitated, and directly took out ten nightmare coins and handed them to the other party, saying, "How should I operate?"

No matter how noble and powerful Niu Niu is, she is not known to all the creatures in the nightmare world. He had met her several times before and bowed to her, which made him wonder if it was too much of a coincidence and that some powerful being was controlling her.

The woman in gorgeous clothes took the nightmare coin, and a smile immediately filled her face.

She smiled charmingly and said: "Your distinguished guest, go up the steps and just find a platform. Choose the target according to the fragrance of the flowers. Once selected, use your fishing rod to fish up the flowers. As for whether you can catch them and what kind of flowers you can catch. , it depends on your strength and luck."

Then she waved her sleeves, and a gorgeous upward staircase appeared next to the pavilion.

Then she reminded: "You only have one chance. It will end after the hourglass on the fishing platform is finished. If you don't succeed in the beauty pageant, you will be punished!"

After saying that, his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

Chen Lin looked at the location of the pavilion with a look of surprise.

Can flowers also be fished?

He thought he would go in and pick it by himself. In this case, the difficulty would be much higher.

Moreover, the fishing rod does not even have a fishing line or a hook, so how can we catch the flowers and plants in the valley?

There were many doubts in his heart, but Chen Lin had no chance to ask again and could only walk up the steps.

The steps were very high, but he was in the projection state now, and he was as light as a swallow. He quickly reached the top, and then there was a horizontal winding path. Every once in a while, there was a gorgeous platform sticking out, like a fishing platform.

However, these tables are all empty, and it seems that the business here is not as prosperous as the one at Gambling Lake.

This gave Chen Lin a bad feeling. No one wanted to come, which meant that things in this place were not easy to get.

After watching for a while, he didn't go too deep, but went up to the edge of the platform.

According to normal rules, the deeper you go into the valley, the higher the level of flowers and plants, but they will definitely be more difficult to obtain.

He didn't want to challenge the difficult difficulty, he just wanted to catch a random one without being punished.

The current Nightmare Coin is too important to him. If he is punished and bankrupted, he will have no chance to buy a road guide for Qin Lingyu and the others.

Chen Lin discovered that as soon as he stepped onto the fishing platform, a light flashed next to him, and then a slowly flowing hourglass appeared.

Although it is very slow, there is not much sand in the hourglass, and it seems that it will be drained out in less than a cup of tea.

He did not dare to neglect, and immediately stretched the fishing rod, then stood in front of the platform and looked down.

Then he frowned.

The clouds and mist below are shrouded, and you can only vaguely see the shadows of some flowers and plants, making it impossible to distinguish them carefully.

Even if he uses the power of his spiritual consciousness, it will be useless.

However, the fragrance of flowers was not blocked, entering the nostrils in waves, refreshing the heart and mind.

Sure enough, it was a beauty pageant, and they weren't even allowed to look at it. It was more difficult than he had expected.

Chen Lin shook his head, feeling that he might really have to leave empty-handed this time, and not only empty-handed, but also empty-handed of all his nightmare coins.

This nightmare world is really full of pitfalls. If you step on the wrong foot, you will be doomed.

After a short time, Chen Lin calmed down and closed his eyes slightly, carefully distinguishing the scent of flowers floating up from below.

After smelling it for a while, he looked surprised.

The fragrance of these flowers is not fused together, but distinct, one wisp after another.

Some were elegant, some were refreshing, some were rich, some were pungent, spicy, etc. He even smelled sour, fishy, ​​smelly and other disgusting smells.

Isn't it a beauty contest based on scent? Why does it still stink?

Chen Lin felt very puzzled, but after thinking about it, he understood.

It is not only humans who can enter this nightmare world, but also other races. The smell of these is disgusting to him, and perhaps it smells good to other types of creatures.

Seeing that the hourglass was half empty, Chen Lin stopped wasting time and continued to distinguish the taste.

At the same time, carefully check the corresponding flowers and plants below to see if you can determine which flower or plant is emitting the smell through the location of the smell.

Time passed little by little.

Chen Lin's face became increasingly ugly.

He found that with his ability, he could not determine the source of the fragrance at all, or even accurately anchor the position of any flower or plant. In this case, it would be impossible to fish from a fixed point.

Moreover, some of these floral fragrances also carry murderous intent, and I feel that if I choose them, I am afraid they will suffer backlash.

After observing for a while with no results, Chen Lin finally gave up on his choice.

After taking a look at the few hourglasses left, he shook the fishing rod and planned to randomly choose a position to throw it out.

But halfway through, he took it back.

After standing there and hesitating for a long time, I finally blessed myself with a luck-enhancing technique!

Failure would be a penalty of one hundred nightmare coins, and he couldn't afford the gamble!

If these hundred nightmare coins are gone, he doesn't know when he will be able to get enough again. If this delays in obtaining a road guide and prevents Qin Lingyu and the others from escaping to another world, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

What's more, he himself also needs Nightmare Coins to catch Luck Fish. Without Luck Fish, his natural ability would be just a decoration.

One hundred nightmare coins were enough for him to take a risk!

The Strong Luck Technique is performed through hand-kneading techniques. It requires neither mana nor soul power. It is the application of rules, so the projection state can also be used.

Chen Lin was already familiar with it, his fingers showed shadows, and he quickly changed the magic hand seals. Soon, a mysterious and mysterious feeling came to him.

He no longer hesitated, casually sensing a fainter scent, he swung the fishing rod out along the approximate location.

Then he felt the fishing rod sinking, which was exactly the same feeling as when he caught a fish in Guiyun Lake.

He was overjoyed, and he lifted it up with all his strength, and a small grass exuding gleaming light was pulled onto the fishing platform!

At the same time, all the fine sand in the hourglass has just leaked out!

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