Although it was just a small piece of grass, it made Chen Lin's heart drop.

Just like the first time I went fishing in Gambling Lake, although I only caught one small shrimp, it was considered in compliance with the rules and I was not punished.

It must be the same here.

After waiting for a while, the woman in gorgeous clothes did not appear. Chen Lin checked the grass first, then planned to put it away and leave.

But as soon as his hand touched the grass, he saw that the grass suddenly lit up with a fluorescent light, and then in his shocked eyes, it turned into a girl!

"Meet the master!"

When the girl saw Chen Lin, she looked like a frightened little rabbit, but she did not run away, but timidly stepped forward to greet him.

Chen Lin's mouth was open and he didn't understand the situation for a while.

"You, are you a demon or a spirit?"

Chen Lin asked in astonishment, then looked around, went outside the fishing platform, pulled out some weeds with large leaves, quickly woven it into a 'grass coat', and then threw it to the other party and said: "First put on this coat." superior."

"Reporting to the master, I am a human being."

The little girl obediently put the straw clothes on her naked body, blocking the spring light.

Chen Lin then continued to examine each other with his eyes?

He was not very old, about sixteen or seventeen, not very handsome, and he was skinny and skinny, as if he was malnourished.

"you are human?"

Chen Lin looked suspicious, and then asked: "How come you are here and turned into a grass?"

The girl shook her head and said with a confused look: "I don't know, I don't remember anything, I just remember that no matter who pulls me out, he will be my master and can never betray me."

Chen Lin frowned.

He now understands what it means to be beautiful by smelling fragrance. This beauty is not about the beauty of flowers and plants, but about beautiful people!

Every flower and plant in this valley is probably a beauty!

This truth made him shiver all over, and he said in a deep voice: "Do you really remember nothing? Including how you appeared here, how you turned into grass, and you have no memory of your family and friends?"


The girl nodded.

"Then do you have any abilities, such as any magical powers?"

Chen Lin continued to ask.

Logically speaking, an existence that appears in such a strange way should not be ordinary.

"I know how to use swordsmanship and can produce sword light!"

The girl was worried that Chen Lin would abandon him if she had no value, so she immediately replied.

But she immediately lowered her head and said weakly: "But my swordsmanship is very weak, so I am often bullied by the flowers and plants around me. I cannot steal the energy in the valley, and I have never grown up."

"But I am very obedient. I will do whatever the master asks me to do. I will definitely serve the master well!"

The girl raised her head and took courage.

Chen Lin scratched his head a little. He thought he could use the strong luck technique to catch the treasures of heaven and earth, but he didn't expect that he was alone. This made him don't know what to do.

If he could take it out, not to mention whether he could take it out, even if he could, he didn't want another drag bottle under the current situation. In addition, the other party completely ignores the invasion of nightmare energy and may have turned into a creature from the nightmare world. What will happen once it goes to the real world is unpredictable.

But if you don't take him out, the other party will look pitiful again, and may turn into grass again, or be destroyed directly.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said: "Let's go, who asked me to catch you!"

Now that the effect of the luck-enhancing technique has not disappeared, he doesn't want to waste time here, and is going to try his luck at the gambling lake to see if he can catch the treasure box.

So after saying hello, I put away my fishing rod and followed the steps to the foot of the mountain.

After taking a look, I didn't see the woman in gorgeous clothes. It was obviously the same as at Gambling Lake. As long as you complete the tasks specified by the rules, you can stay or go as you like, and no one will care about you.

Just as he wanted, Chen Lin quickly walked to the grove.

Without stopping for a moment, he arrived at the Gambling Lake, pulled out the fishing rod and threw it out!

After he finished, he looked back and found that the girl had followed him and was standing behind him obediently.

"By the way, I still don't know what your name is?"

While aiming at the fishing rod, Chen Lin asked.

Now that you have decided to try to take people out, you need to learn more about it.

"I don't have a name. I forgot my previous name. Master, you can call me Xiaocao."

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, a sad emotion welling up in his heart for no reason.

This situation is truly more terrifying than death.

And this nightmare world really made him feel more and more terrifying.

A really big living person was turned into flowers and plants, and his memory was wiped out for people to fish for entertainment.

Strictly speaking, the other person at this time is no longer the same person, but a brand new life.

"Then do you know if you can leave the nightmare world? Do you need to eat and drink?"

Chen Lin understood in detail.

If the other party can't leave and can survive without food or water, then it would be easier to just let the other party stay in this grove, and help him keep an eye on the situation here.

"I am my master's slave girl. I can only follow my master. I can go wherever my master goes. And if my master dies, I will die too!"

This time the other party answered very readily, but the content surprised Chen Lin.

It seems that this is another masterpiece of the rules of the nightmare world. If the other party knows this information, it should be engraved deep in the soul by the rules.

However, he couldn't confirm whether what the other party said was true or false, and he needed to find out more.

And if it is really like what the other party said, it would be nice to take him with him. It would be nice to have a subordinate who can be absolutely trusted.

As for the strength being too low, you can practice slowly.

In addition, the opponent can move around freely in the nightmare world without fear of nightmare energy, and can even share the roadmap with him, which is also a great help for him to explore the nightmare world.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Lin suddenly felt the fishing rod in his hand sink. He immediately lifted it up with all his strength, and then a golden treasure box was caught!

I actually caught a treasure chest!

Chen Lin was overjoyed and secretly praised the power of the strong movement technique.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the lake, and the shadow of the golden toad condensed.

"It turns out that he is a friend of His Highness, no wonder he is so lucky, but he still has to pay the fee first."

Chen Lin was also a regular customer, and with Niu Niu as a big backstage, Jin Chan didn't say anything about recycling the treasure box and directly asked for the fishing fee.

Chen Lin immediately threw out a nightmare coin and said, "I would also like to thank Brother Jin Chan for his generosity last time. I will definitely explain this matter to the princess after I see her."

He still understands this kind of worldliness. With the thread of fate, he will definitely come to this gambling lake more often in the future to deepen the relationship with the other party.

When Jin Chan heard this, he immediately showed a satisfied smile, nodded repeatedly, and said, "Thank you very much!"

After saying that, it looked at the girl behind Chen Lin and said in surprise: "Did your distinguished guest actually go to Hua Fairy's side? He is really brave. However, Hua Fairy does not know Her Highness the Princess, and her identity and background are not simple. Distinguished guests should be careful."

Chen Lin didn't expect that the other party would also verbally remind him. It seemed that he was doing the right thing in terms of 'humanity and sophistication'.

Such an opportunity should not be missed. He immediately asked: "I just got the second level guide, so I curiously went to explore the opposite side. Who knew I violated the rules by mistake? I had no choice but to follow the rules of the flower fairy." Go and do it. Then he caught a woman made of grass. Now she is very confused. Brother Jin Chan, can you tell me about the situation there?"

"What's there to say?"

Jin Chan said casually: "It's the same as mine, except that I'm fishing for fish and shrimps, and she's fishing for people. If there are no special requirements, it's just males fishing for females, and females fishing for males."

Chen Lin's eyelids twitched.

It turns out that 'beauty' refers not only to beautiful women, but also to beautiful men. If he fails and cannot get the Nightmare Coins, he will end up becoming a flower and plant, and ultimately have the same fate as the girl.

We can no longer go to that place!

Chen Lin secretly warned himself in his heart that he didn't want to be like Xiaocao.

Jin Chan's voice sounded again.

"Once the fishing is successful, the person caught becomes the angler's flower slave. The characteristic is that he can never betray the master, and the master will disappear completely when he dies. And each flower slave has unique abilities. Of course, there is a big gap in strength and weakness. , the weak one can be ignored, while the strong one can reach the level second only to the guardian!"

Chen Lin was shocked.

The flower and plant people in the valley actually have powerful beings comparable to guardians?

Then if you catch one, wouldn't it be possible to go sideways?

But he calmed down immediately. The things there are not easy to get. You must not be greedy and let desire dominate.

Chen Lin didn't absolutely believe Jin Chan's words, but as for Hua Nu's statement, he felt that there was no need for the other party to lie, which meant that it was true that Xiao Cao could not betray him, so he could rest assured.

Then, Chen Lin wanted to continue asking.

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, so take advantage of the other person's willingness to answer and ask more questions.

But to his disappointment, Jin Toad's shadow slowly dissipated.

The other party's attitude meant that he didn't want to talk to him any more, so he didn't change the fishing place and used the rules to lure the other party here again.

After calculating the time, the effect of the strong movement technique should be almost over and he could no longer stay here. Chen Lin stood up and put away his things, then his figure slowly faded and returned to reality.

Opening his eyes, Chen Lin immediately checked the situation.

The treasure box was brought out, and the girl Xiaocao stood beside him timidly, with the same distance as when she was at Gambling Lake.

This made him look strange.

It's exactly what the other party said, as long as he doesn't leave a certain range, the other party can follow him wherever he goes. Just now for the purpose of testing, he didn't drag the other party with him, but the other party followed him to the real world.

It is indeed strange enough, and it is indeed nightmare-worthy.

Things produced by Nightmare Realm cannot be considered with normal thinking. Chen Lin did not delve into the principle of this. Instead, he first took out some clothes from the storage bag and gave them to Xiaocao and asked him to put them on.

The opponent came out, but the grass clothes were not obtained through rules, so they could not be manifested.

Then, he set his sights on the treasure box!

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