Chen Lin's heart moved when he heard the female clerk's introduction.

At this moment, he finally got the exact effect of the one-armed detour, and it was exactly what he thought before.

What made him even more excited was that even a shop assistant could take out this item and display it casually, which meant that this item was not that valuable here and the price should be within his range.

In addition, there are small detours and one-arm detours, and higher-level detours should also be available.

There is hope for his soul to advance!

Thinking in his mind, Chen Lin didn't hesitate and said directly: "It doesn't matter, just open it."

Seeing what Chen Lin said, the clerk nodded, took out a strange-looking thing, and scratched a groove on the box. Then he saw the light on the box flash away, and the clerk then took off the lid with his hand. stand up.

Chen Lin immediately looked inside, and then a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, it is a one-armed detour!

He has used this thing twice and is very familiar with it. He knows that it is right without having to use it.

"Yes, it is indeed a one-armed detour, and the quality is pretty good. How much does it cost?"

Chen Lin picked up the things from the box, looked at them and asked.

The female clerk smiled and said: "This may be your first time coming to our store. The items on the second floor of our store are always free of charge. You need to barter or complete the tasks issued by our store and exchange them with task points."

This condition made Chen Lin frown.

I didn't expect that the other party had such rules. It seemed like it would take a lot of trouble to get this thing.

There are a lot of treasures on him, but they are all used by monks, and they are of two different systems than the treasures here.

Not to mention that taking it out will attract attention, most of the things here are not used by people, and the value cannot be estimated.

Chen Lin glanced at Luliu and wondered if he could use the title of princess to ask the other party to relax the conditions.

At this moment, the middle-aged man from before walked in and said with a smile: "Rules are dead, people are alive. Mr. Lin is a friend of the princess. There must be a discount when he first comes to our store. This one-armed man is dead." If you want to go around, just deal with dimes, and then give Mr. Lin the lowest price."

"Thank you very much!"

Chen Lin immediately cupped his fists to say thank you.

With one arm, he could refine many simplified versions of soul refining pills, which would last him a while.

Although the effect of the simplified version of the soul refining pill is very low, it still has some effect. If the price paid is too high, it is naturally not worthwhile. But if you only pay some useless dimes, you can keep refining and using it until there is no effect at all. Say it again.

Even if he gave the lowest price, it still cost three hundred gold cents, which was more than a hundred times the price of Xiao Detour. Chen Lin had to spend almost all his previous wealth to barely make up the money.

Even so, Chen Lin was also very happy.

Dimes are of no use to him, and if he wants, he can just go out and rob some bandits and get a lot, which is equivalent to getting it for nothing.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a toothache. The cost of obtaining this thing the first two times was really exaggerated.

Satisfied, he put the one-armed winding back into the box and put it into the space bag.

This box is an instrument with a sealing effect, which can isolate the special energy released by the one-arm detour, so as not to harm the creatures within the rules.

"Shopkeeper, does your store have more advanced items like this, such as a two-arm wrap or a three-arm wrap?"

Chen Linde looked longingly at Shu and looked at the middle-aged man with expectant eyes.

The middle-aged man waved his hand hurriedly and said, "Master Lin is joking, I am not the shopkeeper here, I am just a manager."

After explaining for a while, he continued: "It is true that we have arms around our store, but we really can't trade them for dimes. We can only exchange them with equivalent treasures, or use our store's mission points to exchange them. As for the more advanced ones, There are a few three-arm bypasses in stock, but no four-arm bypasses, no matter how high they are.”

After a pause, he added: "Not only do we not have it, but there are none in the shops in the entire capital. Circumferential beasts of that level are extremely rare, and they are inaccessible, captured and difficult to store. Of course, there must be some in the palace treasure house, Lin Young Master can ask Her Majesty the Princess to think of a solution."

Chen Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Even the four-arm circumambulation exists, so the eight-arm circumambulation is not far away!

However, what he is sure of now is that the one-armed detour is suitable for the Soul Refining Pill of Qi Luck Alchemy, and the eight-arm detour can be used for the genuine soul refining pill. It is hard to say whether other levels of detouring beasts are useful. Just try it out.

Thinking of this, he looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I wonder how to get task points for your store. Can you make a task list?"

"Of course." The middle-aged man replied with a smile, and then said to the female clerk: "Go and get one for Mr. Lin."

The female clerk left quickly and quickly brought back a brochure.

The middle-aged man took it and handed it to Chen Lin, saying: "All the tasks released by our store are on it. If Mr. Lin is interested, you can give it a try. However, some tasks are very dangerous. You should do it according to your ability. It is best to do it." Let’s discuss this with the princess first.”

Chen Lin took it and turned it over briefly, nodded and put it away, said goodbye and left the store.

We wandered around the city for a while and then returned home exhausted.

When they returned to the Princess's Mansion, Princess Qinghua had also returned, but she brought back bad news.

"The number of places to use the soul refining pool is too tight right now. You may have to wait. It will probably be half a year at the earliest."

Princess Qinghua's face looked very ugly, as if she had been reprimanded.

Chen Lin didn't say anything when he saw this, he could only nod in agreement.

But half a year is nothing. The day to welcome the spirits has just passed, and the so-called gods have not discovered the existence of him as an outsider, so he can stay in this interface with peace of mind.

He used to worry about the problem of cultivation, but now that circumambulation treasures have appeared here, and they are likely to be the origin of such treasures, he is no longer anxious. He must take this opportunity to complete the qualitative transformation of his soul and completely turn it into a Gintama!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity after leaving here.

Returning to his residence in the Pianyuan, Chen Lin began to check the task list of Wanwu Pavilion.

After watching for a while, Chen Lin's brows slowly wrinkled.

The tasks here are not ordinary. They are either searching for a disappeared secret place, hunting some kind of strange creature, or even capturing an orbiting beast. A small orbit only has one point, and a one-armed orbit has 100 points. .

According to her inquiry to Luliu, the price of the one-armed detour sold by Wanwu Pavilion is 200 points!

Collect one, sell one, double the profit!

But even so, many people with supernatural powers are still willing to do these tasks, because the treasures in the Pavilion of All Things are the most complete. According to the other party, except for the treasure house of the Soul Kingdom Palace, there is no one in the whole world who has more complete treasures than them in the Pavilion of All Things. place!

Some of the opponent's rare treasures can only be exchanged for points. As long as you want to get them, you have to hand over the knife and let them kill you.

After reading the entire task list, Chen Lin touched his chin and began to think deeply.

Among these tasks, there is one that really suits him, and that is alchemy!

The cultivation system of this world is different. There is no concept of elixirs at all, and the elixirs used by monks do not work on people here.

But although there is no elixir here, there is 'medicine liquid'.

When he was in the Tou Kingdom, he discovered that the most common ones were potions that nourished and strengthened life ropes, as well as potions that strengthened magical powers. In this Soul Kingdom, the most common potions were potions that nourished the soul.

The medicinal liquid is the initial form of the elixir, and the effect is definitely not as good as the elixir. If he takes out the soul refining elixir, it will definitely be very popular, and the Wanwu Pavilion will definitely be willing to buy it.

It's just that there are no elixirs in this world. It's a bit too conspicuous for him to take them out directly. I wonder if it will cause trouble.

Of course, there are many benefits.

Not only can you quickly obtain a large amount of resources, but you can also increase your reputation and create an image of yourself as a super 'alchemist'. In this way, you will not be suspected if you purchase a large number of one-armed or higher-level orbiting beasts.

If his popularity reaches a certain level, some people will even take the initiative to send high-level orbiting beasts to him. After all, the effect of the Soul Refining Pill is of great benefit to the people of the Soul Kingdom, and no one can resist the temptation.

If no one else told him, Wanwu Pavilion would have to come to him as soon as possible and ask for a monopoly on this elixir. By then, as long as the other party had eight arms to go around, he would be able to get it.

However, after thinking for a while, Chen Lin still shook his head.

This matter cannot be taken lightly and must be carefully weighed before making a decision.

The most important thing is to first find out how powerful the high-end supernatural power users here are. If it is within her and Xiaocao's tolerance, then you can give it a try. If there is an unmatched strong person, then don't take the risk. .

After making the decision, Chen Lin stopped thinking about it and went out every day with Lu Liu's company to find out the information he wanted.

During this period, he used an excuse to take a look at the wild scenery, knocked Luliu unconscious, and took the opportunity to refine the one-armed circle into a soul refining pill.

Perhaps because he was already very proficient in refining the Soul Refining Pill, the break in the manifested line of fate was very small. He even corrected the failure into a success without the help of the Luck Fish, which made him very happy.

The attitude of the golden toad in Betting Lake is unclear. It is better not to go there or not, so the lucky fish should use it sparingly.

Time flies, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

There was no information from Princess Qinghua, which made Chen Lin a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do about it. After such a long period of understanding, he also knew that the quota for the soul refining pool was indeed precious and could not be obtained just by thinking about it.

Not even the royal children can be used, let alone an outsider.

When Princess Qinghua vowed, it was because the other party thought that she would be able to successfully merge souls and advance to Gintama. When the time came, her status would increase dramatically, and her right to speak would naturally be different, so it would be easy to get a spot.

But the soul-melting failed, and all was lost.

This is because he got his magical power box and if he was lucky enough to develop a rare magical power, otherwise he would be reprimanded and his status would be lost.

Therefore, it’s up to two people whether the other party can get this quota. He can’t hang himself from a tree, he has to find another way.

Thanks to Anxin, superdaddy, Zuowang Fenglei and other big guys for the reward! Thank you to those who voted for monthly recommendation votes, and thank you for your subscription support! ! !

Keep asking for votes~

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