Chen Lin still couldn't move. The area he could see when he moved his eyes was very small, and he couldn't clearly see the old man's appearance.

It can only be seen that he is very thin, as thin as a skeleton.

And he couldn't speak. He could barely move his mouth, but the sound couldn't come out, so he could only continue to wait.

However, he saw his body, and all his clothes disappeared, including Niuniu's amulet and storage bag.

It was impossible to determine whether the Thunder God Sword was in his body or not. He now had no ability to sense and could not sense anything.

But judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that it has also been taken away. The other party can even erase the power of his golden soul. It is not impossible to take away a natal flying sword.

The old man was in a daze for a long time, as if he was frozen there, waiting in a panic.

Chen Lin knew that the next situation would definitely not be good. Being caught here and restrained in this way could not be a good intention.

He thought for a moment, and then manifested the line of destiny in his mind. This was the only method he could use.

Although the natural ability can use the power of luck to increase its effect, it does not have to rely on the power of luck to use it. Therefore, even in the backlash stage of bad luck, it can be used normally, but without the blessing of the power of luck, it will be even more difficult. Weakened.

The main line of destiny still could not be manifested, so Chen Lin gave up directly and did other tests instead.

At this moment, the dazed old man's voice suddenly sounded.

"It seems that this is my chance. I randomly picked up a medicine man who meets the conditions. With this state of mind material, my elixir is very promising!"

The old man's voice was filled with joy, and then he shook his hand, and flames began to burn under the giant alchemy furnace.

Chen Lin was shocked when he heard this.

Listening to the other party's intention, he was actually used to make alchemy materials and to refine some elixir. Except for him, everyone lying on the bed here was the same.

What he is satisfied with is his ‘state of mind’, but what are others satisfied with?

Based on the conditions required by the old man, these people are probably extraordinary, and there are more than thirty people here. What kind of elixir requires so many special monks to make materials?

In addition, although his state of mind is not bad, he is not top-notch among the entire group of monks. There are many people with a higher state of mind than him. Why would the other party choose him?

Chen Lin was very confused and couldn't figure it out.

The most important thing is that if he is used as a material to refine the elixir, this way of death will be too tragic. It is hard to say whether there will be a chance of resurrection. How can we break the situation?

Although he was anxious, Chen Lin forced himself to calm down and desperately thought of countermeasures.

But after racking his brains, he couldn't come up with any solution. He could only wait for the other party to start refining the elixir, see what the procedure was, and then make a decision.

As soon as this idea appeared, the old man's hoarse voice appeared.

"The furnace is warm enough, let's refine the mood medicine man first!"

This sentence made Chen Lin feel depressed.

The backlash of misfortune really kept an eye on him all the time. Now he couldn't observe others. Instead, he became the object of observation by others.

After the old man finished speaking, a tall man who was as dull as a zombie came to Chen Lin's bedside, picked him up by the waist, and walked towards the alchemy furnace.

Chen Lin was really anxious now.

Even if death is irreversible, he doesn't want to die in this way.

In desperation, he had various thoughts, constantly imagining various changes, trying to light up the lines of destiny, but there was no power of luck to use, and the effect of relying solely on the energy of the source of his talent was too poor, and there were no lines. can manifest.

Until he was lifted high by the zombie and was about to be thrown into the furnace, he had a thought in his mind and tried to use his gifted magical power to inspire the zombie's destiny picture.

Unexpectedly, it was actually successful!

Gray lines fell on the zombie's body. Because the two of them were close to each other, there was no energy emitted. Even if there was, they couldn't care less about it at this time.

The long river of fate of the zombie appeared in his mind. The little fish he transformed into was very weak, and there was only a simple line in front of him.

Chen Lin didn't have time to think too much. The source of his talent condensed into a knife and slashed along the line in front of Xiaoyu!

The zombie's thread of fate is very thin, very light, but his talent source is too weak. This knife is weak and unable to cut off the thread. It only makes the thread sway, leaving a small and undetectable gap.

At the same time, the energy is exhausted and the screen collapses.


Just as the zombie was about to throw Chen Lin into the alchemy furnace with all his strength, his foot suddenly slipped. He lost his footing and fell against the alchemy furnace, while Chen Lin was thrown out.


The old skeleton man glanced at the fallen zombie and showed surprise.

The zombie didn't react or was injured. He stood up again immediately, came to Chen Lin, grabbed him, and walked towards the alchemy furnace.

"No need, let's change to another one, first refine the native from the Five Elements materials!"

The old skeleton man waved his hand to stop the zombies.

The zombie obediently put Chen Lin back, then walked to another bed, grabbed a middle-aged man, walked to the alchemy furnace, and threw the man in with a strong force.

There were no surprises this time.

The old skeleton glanced at Chen Lin, then pointed at the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and the flames inside began to become fierce.

About half an hour later, the alchemy furnace suddenly emitted a faint fluorescence. The old skeleton man stopped moving, and then pointed at the alchemy furnace, and a ball of light rose up from inside, surrounding the middle-aged man just now.

Chen Lin, who had been watching hard, had doubts in his heart. This so-called refining turned out to be not to directly refine the elixir, but to process it first, and the human body was not refined into juice. The body was still intact, but became crystal clear. It feels like all the impurities have been removed.

The old skeleton nodded with satisfaction, controlled the middle-aged man to put him back on the bed after refining, and then put a lot of elixir materials into the alchemy furnace.

"Bring the Water Man here."

The zombie immediately grabbed a slightly thinner woman and threw it into the alchemy furnace easily.

The old skeleton pointed his finger at the flame and continued to repeat the previous process.

Chen Lin paid attention to the whole process and did not use his natural ability. If he used it, it would not change anything. It could only make the zombies wrestle, which was meaningless. It was completely unrealistic to kill the old man with this.

He found that the other people who were captured were all alive like him, but they could not make a sound or move.

Even after being refined, they still have their eyes open, showing various emotions of anger, despair, or fear.

Obviously, the elixir that the old skeleton wanted to refine needed these materials to stay alive.

But he had never heard of such an alchemy method. It was unbelievable to use people to make alchemy, but what the other party needed was not the body itself, but something extracted from each person.

If there are so many people here and they all need to extract different things, there are really too many types.

What made him even more confused was that what the other party was interested in was his state of mind. Could such an ethereal thing be used to make elixirs?

Who is the other party, what level of strength is he, and what is he doing to refine this elixir?

Chen Lin kept thinking in his mind, trying to find flaws.

According to the information provided by Fat Tiger, the level of this crystal light world is not high. Even the frog can establish a country and enslave the crystal clan people here, so there should not be any super strong people.

In addition, the race here has a different body structure from that of humans. The main thing they cultivate is the strange energy here. There is no distinction between the five elements. So where did the other party's five element medicine man come from?

To be able to meet the other party's conditions for use, it is estimated that at least one must have heavenly spiritual roots or a special physique. Such a person cannot appear in a plane other than the world of immortality.

Could it be that this is no longer the Crystal Light World and that I was taken to another place?

In Chen Lin's thoughts, the refining of the medicine man continued.

The old skeleton man seemed to be very anxious and did not rest at all. After completing one exercise, he would do the next one.

After the five elements are yin and yang, and then there are elements such as wind, thunder, and light.

"Bring the soul man here!"

After refining more than a dozen in a row, the old skeleton man looked a little tired.

Immediately, the zombies captured a young woman next to Chen Lin.

This woman looks a little special, she is very white, very white, there is not a single odd color on her body, she is just pure white.

Hair, sweat, lips, and even eyes are all white!

Strange people must have their differences. Even his golden soul was not selected as soul material, but the other party was selected. You can imagine how different the other party's soul is.

Chen Lin couldn't help but look forward to it.

The other party's eyes are also constantly moving and observing, seeming to be looking for a way to break the situation. If some movement can be made, new changes may occur.

It doesn't require the other party to kill the old skeleton man, as long as he is seriously injured and cannot continue to make alchemy, it is very meaningful.

Only by extending the time can he have a chance to find a solution. If he can delay it for a year and wait for the backlash of his bad luck to end, then he will have a chance to get out of trouble.

But Chen Lin's hopes soon came to nothing.

The white woman failed to cause the slightest change, and was thrown directly into the alchemy furnace for refining, and then was put back on the bed.

The other party's eyes also became dull, no longer turning to observe, and seemed to be desperate.


The old skeleton man spoke again.

This time the zombie walked further away and at the end grabbed a half-grown child with a particularly big mouth.

Because it was too far away, Chen Lin couldn't see the other party before. At this time, he couldn't help but pay attention. If he could be selected as the luck medicine man, this half-year-old child must have a talent for luck.

Still the same, without any resistance, the other party was thrown into the alchemy furnace for refining.

I don't know how long it took, but all the medicine masters had finished refining, and only Chen Lin himself was left.

This time the old skeleton man did not instruct the zombies, but came to Chen Lin's bed in person.


After glancing at Chen Lin, the old man uttered two words, and then pointed at Chen Lin, and Chen Lin floated up and flew into the alchemy furnace.

He did not use his natural ability anymore, but allowed himself to fall into the liquid in the alchemy furnace.

Since this refining won't kill anyone, there's no need to offend the old skeleton man, and even if he uses his natural ability, it won't change anything.

Unexpectedly, the liquid in the alchemy furnace was clearly rolling, but it was not boiling hot, but rather cool.

Then an indescribable energy surged into his body, constantly washing over his body.

As the energy washed away, Chen Lin felt that his body became more and more empty, lighter, and very comfortable, which even made him forget his tension and worries.

This lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and then the energy suddenly intensified, and everything poured into his mind.

Immediately, the lines of destiny appeared automatically.

Chen Lin was very surprised. He immediately withdrew from the comfortable feeling and checked nervously.

His natural ability is his only remaining hope. If something unexpected happens, there will really be no solution.

But things did not change according to his will. Under the wash of mysterious energy, the lines of fate became lighter and lighter. No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop it.

Chen Lin knew that there was no point in panicking and being nervous at this time, so he forced himself to stay calm and stared closely at the changes in the line of fate.

He discovered that although under the influence of the mysterious power, the line of destiny showed signs of fading, it was very slow, and the origin of his talent was not affected.

This gave him some relief.

As long as the origin is immortal, even if the destiny line is gone and it is just a downgrade, even if it falls to the lowest ten-hit state, sooner or later it will recover.

Moreover, the talent is bound to the soul, so you can still have it even if you are resurrected in the resurrection scroll.

Time passed slowly.

This time the refining took longer than others before.

The lines of destiny in Chen Lin's mind kept getting lighter and thinner, and by the end they were almost invisible.

But the roots remain strong.

"Trouble, really trouble!"

Outside the alchemy furnace, the old skeleton man showed an impatient expression, then flipped his wrist, and a black bottle appeared in his hand.

With a slight toss, the bottle flew above the alchemy furnace, the cork opened automatically, and the liquid inside flowed out.

The liquid was colorful and beautiful, turning into a thin line of color and falling into the alchemy furnace.

The liquid in the alchemy furnace suddenly started rolling violently and turned into colorful colors.

Chen Lin felt that the influx of energy into his body suddenly increased, and the intensity also increased countless times. The line of destiny was swept away in an instant, and then the source of his talent began to dissipate little by little.

He was horrified and hurriedly mobilized his original power to fight, hoping to leave a little bit behind, as long as he was not completely destroyed.

But things went against his wishes. No matter whether he controlled it or not, he could not change the result. The source of his talent dissipated bit by bit until it disappeared into nothing.

Then he felt a lightness in his body, floating up from the alchemy furnace, and was carried back to the bed by a ball of light.

"Okay, let's pack up and start making alchemy tomorrow."

The old skeleton man spoke weakly, then turned and left.

The zombie came to the alchemy furnace, grabbed the two protrusions of the alchemy furnace, used both arms to lift the alchemy furnace, and walked outside.

In the entire space, there were only two rows of cold beds, and the crystal clear human bodies on them.

There was silence.

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