Chen Lin was extremely sleepy, but he didn't dare to really sleep. Instead, he was thinking and paying attention to other people.

There are so many medicine people, and each one has a unique talent. Maybe some of them can retain their abilities and become active.

But no.

After waiting for a long time, no one made any movement.

Including the white woman beside him, she closed her eyes and remained motionless, seemingly resigned to her fate.

Chen Lin himself was at his wits' end. He used to have talents that he could use, but now he didn't even have the talents anymore, so he could only place his hope on the resurrection scroll.

His material is state of mind, and the soul should not be specifically targeted. Even if the soul has become a mortal, the consciousness is still there, which means that the soul is not destroyed and there is a chance for reincarnation.

But after all, the resurrection scroll has not been used, and the specific effect cannot be determined, and he cannot completely rely on it. He still has to fight for survival and must not give up until the end.

Unable to find help outside, Chen Lin checked himself.

The body has become transparent, it can be said that there is no impurity at all.

He didn't know whether the old skeletal man refined the elixir with his body, or just extracted the materials corresponding to each body, but now it seemed that there was a high probability that this body could not be saved.

Chen Lin rolled his eyes, checking every part of his body inch by inch, trying to find the Thunder God Sword, but there was no trace of it.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself. He was sick and sought medical treatment. Although the natal magic weapon existed in the body, it was stored in the Dantian space in a special form, not in flesh and blood. How could it be found?

If he could see it himself, then the old skeleton man could also see it and would have been dealt with long ago.

I no longer had delusions, and then tried to sense the various energies I had mastered before, but still found nothing as before.

He helplessly sighed to himself, this was really making the sky unresponsive and the earth and the earth being ineffective. No matter how many trump cards he prepared, they would eventually be used up and he could not change his fate even if he tried all his calculations.

Thinking of fate, Chen Lin tried to sense his talent again. He was also the master of fate, and he was somewhat reluctant to be defeated by fate.

Then he perked up.

He didn't have much hope at first. After all, he had personally watched his talent being cleared before, but now he sensed the existence of the origin of his talent again!

The source of talent can be regenerated, which made Chen Lin overjoyed and immediately tried to stimulate it.

The picture of destiny appears.

He was very excited and observed carefully.

The origin of the new talent was very weak, and the manifested destiny was even more hazy, but Chen Lin discovered that among the many dim lines, a pale golden line was hidden underneath!

This line is very thin, it has never appeared before, and it has some strange resonance with himself, as if this line is him and he is this line.

Chen Lin looked at this thin line and realized that this line should be the main line of his destiny, otherwise he wouldn't feel like this.

But if this is the main line of his destiny, what is the previous one that can only show a part of it?

The previous one was very thick, but it couldn't be fully displayed, and it didn't have such a sense of integration. Although the current one is small and hazy, it extends to the distance and is in line with the surrounding gray lines. All have intersections.

Chen Lin had some ideas.

If according to the woman in silver armor, the talents of a gifted person are the seeds of the resurrection of the powerful, then the thick and big main line before is probably not his, but a certain powerful person. This small talent It's his own.

Could it be that the refining in the alchemy furnace had eliminated the powerful resurrection seeds, and that he was a blessing in disguise, making his innate abilities completely his own?

Thinking about it, it feels impossible.

If it was during the period of the luck-enhancing spell, it would be understandable, but now it is the backlash stage of bad luck, how could such a good thing happen?

If it is not as guessed, then his talent has indeed been weakened by refinement, but the origin has not been completely eliminated. Now it has grown again, and after refinement, it has become more pure.

Both are possible.

Unable to determine which one it was, Chen Lin could only give up thinking.

This is not the time to think about these things. The top priority is how to use your natural abilities to solve the current dilemma.

The empty room was still silent, and Chen Lin continued to observe his destiny.

The main thing is to observe the main line of fate.

Although the pale golden lines extend into the distance, they are covered under the endless lines, looming, and it is impossible to tell which lines they are connected to, and whether there are any gaps or breaks.

This makes it difficult for Chen Lin to realize his idea of ​​​​relying on correcting the main line of fate to avert danger.

Even if we could clear away the clouds, reveal the main lines, and find the fractures, with the current strength of the source, it would be impossible to correct it.

Not to mention the main lines, he couldn't correct even the thinnest branches of gray lines.

After studying for a while and determining that nothing could be done, Chen Lin focused on the white woman next to him.

With a thought, try to manifest the other person's destiny.

The gray light flashed away and fell on the other party.

He was slightly happy that this magical power could still be used, which showed that there was not much problem with the origin of his talent.

Having one more method at this time is just a means, and it cannot be said that it can have unexpected effects at a critical moment.

As soon as the gray light fell on her body, the white woman opened her eyes and turned her eyes in the direction of Chen Lin in surprise.

But because he was lying on his back, the view was not very clear, and he could not be sure whether it was done by Chen Lin.

Then, she turned her eyes to the other side. Here was a green woman with two pointed ears. She didn't know what race she was, but the woman's eyes were closed at the moment, and there was nothing abnormal all the time. So she felt that it was not the other party's fault.

The person on the bed further away is completely invisible.

With her mind racing, she looked away and looked at Chen Lin again.

The feeling just now was very strange, as if there was a pair of eyes peering at her. It was obvious that someone had exerted some kind of ability on her, most likely, it was this muscular man.

But after being captured by that weird old man, she lost everything. Only her pure soul power was left, and she couldn't use any abilities. How did the other party do it?

What was the purpose of the other party using his ability on her? Was it to ask for help, or was he trying to tell her something?

The white woman's desperate heart became alive again.

Chen Lin knew that when he used his innate magical power, the other party would definitely feel it, but he ignored it and focused on the picture in his mind.

The fate of the other party is revealed.

However, like his own picture, it became very hazy, and the small fish representing the other party was barely distinguishable. It looked like it was dying, and all the lines in front were broken.

There is no way out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Lin's heart became heavy.

If the other party has no way to survive, it means that the same goes for him. Medicine people like them are like small fish and shrimps in a horseshoe pit. No matter how hard they struggle, it is useless.

He tried briefly to see if he could correct the opponent's fate line, but he was unable to do so, so he stopped observing and dissipated the picture.

Next, Chen Lin continued to study his destiny picture, but until the next morning, there was no new discovery.

There were footsteps at the end of the room.

The figure of the old skeleton appeared.

He walked around first, especially when he came to Chen Lin, he stopped and took a look.

Chen Lin calmed down, not thinking about the origin of his talent at all, and preventing himself from having any abnormal emotions.

Perhaps it was because the new student's talent source had become one with Chen Lin. The old skeleton man didn't find anything, nodded with satisfaction, and continued to check on the others.

After everyone had finished checking, he said to the zombie behind him: "Okay, push them all inside. I hope there will be a good result this time."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Then, the zombies began to push the beds in one by one, until finally it was Chen Lin's turn.

Chen Lin squinted his eyes to check his surroundings. The bed quilt was pushed all the way out of the room, then passed through a downward corridor, then passed through a stone door, and finally appeared in an extremely wide hall.

The main hall is very simple. It should have been temporarily opened. There is an altar in the center.

This altar is like a hill, with fluorescent cauldrons placed on it, and a medicine man placed in each cauldron.

There was one empty one left, so the zombie grabbed Chen Lin, walked up to the altar and put it inside.

The old skeleton man stood motionless in the center of the altar, raising his head and looking upward, not knowing what he was looking at.

After waiting for a long time, he looked back.

"The auspicious time has arrived, let's start making elixirs."

I don't know if he was talking to the zombie or to himself. After he finished speaking, he didn't ask the zombie to do anything. Instead, he took out a golden gourd and pointed it at it, and the gourd floated.

"Put out the elixir!"

The old skeleton man spoke again, and then the gourd bloomed with light, and streams of milky white liquid poured out, pouring into each of the alchemy cauldrons.

The gourd didn't look big, but the liquid inside was endless. When all the alchemy cauldrons were filled, they were not used up and were collected by the old skeleton.

Chen Lin was soaked in the liquid, but still did not give up, but calmly observed the medicine people in each cauldron.

His position was on the edge, facing inward, and he could see almost everyone.

Only then did he realize that these medicine people were not only human beings, but also came from all kinds of people, and there was also a crystal clan among them.

Apart from him, there was only a handsome young man who looked like a normal human being.

Looked around.

Finally, Chen Lin turned his attention to the two people next to him.

One is the white woman, who is looking at him with her eyes open at the moment, with a look of inquiry. She must have sensed it when he used his innate magical power before, thinking that he had some means to escape.

The other one is the boy with a big mouth who represents luck.


The old skeleton man spoke at this time.

Chen Lin took the opportunity to use his innate magical power on the boy with a big mouth, and displayed the picture of his fate in his mind.

Then he glanced at the old skeleton first. The other person seemed not to be aware of it and was always looking at the flames under the alchemy cauldron.

He glanced at the white woman again, but she didn't react at all.

But the big-mouthed boy immediately looked over, looking puzzled.

Chen Lin understood somewhat.

It seems that after this innate magical power is used, only the person involved can feel it, and others cannot detect it. He was discovered by Murong Qing in Tianfeng City before, which should be the reason why his energy leaked after suffering a backlash.

Of course, this is just a guess. The specific situation must be verified slowly to be sure. As for whether there is still a chance for verification, it is not certain.

Seeing that no one noticed, Chen Lin turned his attention to the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at the fate of the big-mouthed boy.

The image of the opponent's long river is clearer than that of the white woman, especially the small fish representing the opponent. It is very solid, but it is also in a dying state, with all the lines in front broken.

What struck Chen Lin was that this little fish gave him a slight sense of desire. It was not as strong as when he encountered the Origin Ball, but he could still feel it clearly.

He immediately understood that his previous guess was correct.

If the opponent can be selected by the old skeleton as a luck medicine man, he must have a talent for luck, and it is very powerful. After being tempered by the alchemy furnace, the power of luck contained in it has been extremely pure, and he can absorb it and devour it!

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate to try to contact Xiaoyu, but he soon discovered that Xiaoyu had a strong sense of resistance, which prevented him from succeeding.

He calmed down.

This situation is reasonable. It would be terrible if a person's luck could be easily deprived and devoured. It would be too abnormal for his innate ability to be able to do this.

All things in the world are interdependent and check and balance each other. It is impossible for anyone to have the ability to completely break the balance of rules, at least he has never heard of it.

Even so, he must get this luck!

Based on the opponent's amount of luck, if it can be swallowed up, it is likely that the luck consumed by his strong luck technique will be replenished. In this way, he will have the power of luck at his disposal, and he can make better use of his natural abilities, and even use them again. Use strong luck to change your destiny!

But now, the overdraft of luck has reached the limit. Even if the strong luck technique is used again, it will not increase much luck. It is not even enough to make up for the previous deficit, and it will not help.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin opened his eyes, looked at the boy with a big mouth, and kept winking.

Seeing that the other party had a confused expression, he tried his best to make the mouth gestures to make the other party give up resistance and let him use his luck.

He only wants luck and does not need the opponent's talent source, so it does no harm to the opponent. Even if he needs the talent source, as long as he can break the game, it will be beneficial to him.

No talent is better than no life.

But after trying hard for a long time, he couldn't make the other party understand his intention. Instead, he lured the old skeleton man over.


The old skeleton man came closer, glanced at Chen Lin, and pointed at him.

Chen Lin found that he could not move at all, including his mouth and eyes!

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