"Well, actually sometimes I still envy you."

The black-clothed killer held a toothpick in his mouth and glanced around, "Since coming to China, I have found that it is really good here, especially it is very safe. As a killer, I have a say in this."

"The main reason is that the life here is also very diverse, and there are many things I have never seen before."

"Even after I have been here for so long, I am still amazed. There are so many interesting things. There are so many provinces in China, and each place even has a different culture..."

"Wait a minute." Hearing this, Xu Bing really couldn't bear it. If he continued to listen to this, he felt that he had been friends with the killer in front of him for how many years?

How did this guy become a killer with his IQ? Just chatting with me like this? Shouldn't he be more defensive?

It's "410". I can't do anything to you, but you don't take me seriously.

There was only one reason why the black-clothed killer could be so relaxed. He didn't take Xu Bing, who was listening to him, seriously at all, or even treated him as a tool.

He never thought that Xu Bing could cause him any trouble or pose any threat.

"What are you waiting for? What do you think?"

The killer in black didn't speak after seeing Xu Bing interrupting him, and asked again with doubts on his face.

"Uh..." Xu Bing was brought back to reality by the black-clothed killer's words. He blinked and continued.

"I want to know, since you came to China, you seem to have never been to other places and have been staying in the magic city. How do you know that the culture of other provinces is different?"

Obviously, this is unscientific.

In Xu Bing's eyes, the killer in black had no time to do anything, let alone wander around.

That's why he wanted to ask about it.

"This...I have indeed never been there in person." The black-clothed killer said seriously: "But I watched the video promotion on the Internet. After finishing this job, I am going to rest first. It’s been a while, let’s have some fun in China.”

"The tourist attractions on the Internet are more beautiful than the last. I have long wanted to take a closer look."

As he spoke, the black-clothed killer put his hands behind his head with a contented expression, leaned back on the chair, and continued with a leisurely expression:

"Maybe I will settle here after retirement, and I will have to rely on you more. By the way, you don't have to go to the company to handle things every day?"

The killer in black has always been curious about this. He had heard that the Xu family was powerful and considered very powerful in China.

So he has always been very polite, and he hopes to be able to settle with Xu Bing this time. At least he won't have to worry about money in the future.

Money is the most normal thing in his mind. After all, without money, nothing can be done.

Although the killer made a lot of money, he had basically spent it all, so now Heiyi also wants to hug Xu Bing's thigh.

With such a consortium, what kind of hard work will we do in the future? We will retire directly.

He is also tired these years. He has lived through enough bloodshed and he wants to live a quiet life as an ordinary person.

"This... you are quite good at asking."

Xu Bing sighed, knowing that Heiyi probably didn't know that the Xu family's property had been bankrupt and sold off.

Because he had just arrived in China, he didn't know much about these business matters.

But this time, it also directly asked Xu Bing's heart, which pot was really not open and which pot was raised.

Has this guy's mouth been opened? Why can he be so precise every time he asks questions?

Originally, Xu Bing was not in a good mood because of these things, but now he was asked directly about it.

Who else would feel better?

But think about it, although Xu Bing didn't work much every day when he was not busy in the past, he would at least occasionally go to the company to take a look, or hold a meeting to provide guidance on work.

But now in Heiyi's eyes, Xu Bing has never been to the company before.

Even Heiyi was wondering in his mind whether Xu Bing didn't want to be discovered because he had been in contact with him recently, so he didn't go, "Shen Xin exposed his whereabouts.

"So why?"

"To put it simply, we are currently encountering some problems in our career, but they will be resolved soon."

Xu Bing has been planning a comeback and will definitely succeed when the time comes.

He did not think that he would not be able to succeed after experiencing this setback, and even used this as an incentive for himself.

Whenever he wants to relax, Chen Bing will remind himself.

And short-term failure is not necessarily a bad thing, it may also be a better preparation for future success.

At the same time, Xu Bing also secretly made up his mind. When he makes a comeback in the future and has sufficient funds, the first step will be... to buy Bulgari back.

No matter how much it costs, no matter what the cost, he will do it!

Because this was a company that had been passed down by the Xu family for several generations, he didn't want to lose the company just like that.

"Okay, your company is called Bulgari, right?"

The black-clothed killer said boredly: "I also did a brief investigation on your brother. It seems that he is not just missing your father. He should also have sold your company to your archenemy. His name is Jingrui, right? "

"You shouldn't know this, right?"

The killer in black did not continue the investigation after he had investigated this point, because he was no longer too interested in these premature babies, and it was useless to spend too much energy on it.

If you have that time, why not eat, drink and have fun?

That's why he didn't know that Bulgari had been acquired by a rival.

"I asked you to kill him for this reason, but it was the least important reason, so I didn't tell you."

Xu Bing narrated sincerely, "I didn't mean to hide it from you, and besides, it's not a secret." 2.1 "That's not what it means." Hei Yi shook his head, "I don't want to start an attack, and for For a killer, there is no need for you to tell me these things, I am just chatting with you now."

"Yeah." Xu Bing nodded.

"But since you still have such a powerful rival." The black-clothed killer suddenly thought of something, "Why don't you just give me some more money and I'll help you two solve it together. There's no need to keep him." Alright?"

"No." Xu Bing categorically refused, "Absolutely not. Lin Zhe even has connections. There may be many big bosses watching his every move. This person is very promising. If anything happens, he will definitely We will investigate to the end, and by then we will all have to walk around without food."

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