"So what Lin Zhe from Jingrui actually has such a big background?"

The black-clothed killer muttered at first, then looked at Xu Bing with some doubts, raised his eyebrows and said: "That's not right, but I remember this Lin Zhen is not someone who started from scratch? He can actually get the support of the people above him.

This is not a secret, because when the killer in black was investigating, these things came to light on their own, and he didn't even do much investigating.

But just hearing this background, the black-clothed killer had already given up the idea of ​​killing him.

Just because he is a killer from abroad, he wants to compete with the Chinese officials? Isn't this a joke?

And the reason why he said this was just to sell Xu Bing a favor, but he never thought about risking his own life.

"To be honest, this is what I am curious about. Although the official did not give him any substantial help, everyone knows this relationship well. Who dares to provoke him?"

Xu Bing shook his head helplessly. This was also the difficulty he encountered. Although he had not been too afraid of these things before, it was not like there was no one in the Xu family.

But Xu Bing still feels that the reason why he lost in the previous competition with Lin Zhe was definitely for this reason.

Although Lin Zhe is very strong, which Xu Bing has never denied, his background power also plays a vital role.

But Xu Bing never complained about this. After all, didn't he get the power behind him? So it was also his own ability. He couldn't blame others for this. Who made his back not so tough?

"Well, I don't think so much anymore. Now I just wait until your good brother comes out and I take action again."

Regarding the first failure, the black-clothed killer didn't feel anything wrong.

After all, this is his first mission in China. Even if there is some accident, it is normal, and it is inevitable.

Moreover, he has made adequate preparations and plans. In fact, there should be no big problems. Who let that guy Xu Song cause trouble by himself?

"Well, don't let any more accidents happen this time, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Xu Bing didn't want to waste time or energy on Xu Song. "Now his focus is on how to make himself rise again."

"Well, I'll try my best, but it should be 9 out of 10." The black-clothed killer actually didn't dare to guarantee it. After all, China was full of uncertainties.

You don't know why you will terminate your actions, but it will not affect the final result.

As long as the killer is still alive, the target will definitely die, but the process will be a little more difficult.

Jingrui Company.

In the high-rise conference room.

"In just a short period of time, our Mr. Lin directly took over the Bulgari Company. What did I say at that time? I said that as long as you believe Mr. Lin, you must be right? How many people were hesitant at that time? "

"Ahem, that's true. I remember that the first person to hesitate and refute was Mr. Lin's sister. You have to ask her about this, but it seems that not many others refuted it?

"What are you talking about? What nonsense are you talking about? The truth is that Mr. Lin's sister is also considering all things for our company and is worried about any accidents? Then she raised her doubts..."

"As long as you can talk, okay? But being able to win so quickly is beyond everyone's expectation. I guess even Xu Lai didn't expect that he would lose so quickly, right?"

Lin Shuyu's face turned dark as he listened to the discussion among the senior officials above the seat.

These guys... you know that you are doing this in hindsight. You didn't take a position before. Aren't you all neutral?

Now it seems that what Lin Zhe said is indeed right, and then everyone starts to become his people.

Alas, there is really no way.

Lin Zhe on the side was watching the people chatting in the conference room with a serious face, but he accidentally glanced at Lin Shuyu's expression, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"To celebrate our success, I announce..." Lin Zhe paused and continued with a faint smile, "Everyone, regardless of department, will have three days off.

You guys have a good rest these days, recharge your batteries, and wait until you go to work in three days. I hope to see you face your work with all your energy. "

"At the same time, in addition to the shares I promised before, everyone who is a regular employee of our company and has served for more than half a year can receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan for consumption."

Lin Zhe has never been stingy with his employees, and he has never been merciless when it comes to providing benefits.

After all, if they realize the benefits of staying here, they will have the motivation to continue staying.

This is exactly what a leader should do. After all, the most important thing is to capture the hearts of his employees and make them work hard willingly.

What Jingrui is today is also crucially related to the efforts of all employees.

Although Lin Zhe did not take out many shares, it seems that no one has done so since ancient times.

Even if there is a better boss, he will just pay more wages to his employees. He has never said that he will give away his company's shares.

Lin Zhe is estimated to be the first case in history.

How important are the company's shares? Needless to say, if everyone only received a few tenths of a percent, or even a few tenths of a percent, it would be enough.

Even relying on this small amount of shares, you can live a lifetime without doing anything.

However, Lin Zhe also distributed shares to them this time, not asking them to resign and do nothing in the future.

Lin Zhe knows very well that human nature is always greedy. Even if they give him so much, they will never be satisfied and will even look forward to the next time.

That is to say, because of their mentality, they will always work hard in their own company to get the next opportunity.

This is of course also the reason why Lin Zhe was so confident and didn't worry about anything and directly distributed the shares.

"Mr. Lin is very generous. I carry the banner for Mr. Lin. I have three days off. As long as other company employees find out, I will not be envied to death?"

"It's better not to make them jealous, otherwise they will all switch jobs and come to our company, and we won't need so many employees."

"Not only did they allocate shares to us, but now they also directly paid bonuses, and every official employee got one. If Mr. Lin doesn't succeed, who will succeed?"

"I think so. From the moment I joined Jingrui, I knew that this was the most correct decision I have ever made in my life. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with it and there is nothing wrong with my vision."

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