in the room.

Xu Song has been in the toilet for about five minutes, and he is wondering whether to go out now.

Because Xu Song didn't understand how long it would take to see if there was something wrong with the rice or vegetables.

"Logically speaking, those poisons should have an effect after being eaten into the stomach, right?"

Xu Song muttered and glanced at his watch again.

He felt that he was thinking too much and was suffering from paranoia. However, this was actually an intuition. He always felt that something was wrong with the waiter.

"What if nothing happens for a while? Do I look stupid?"

Xu Song scratched his head, feeling that his behavior was a bit childish.

Is this something a normal adult can do? Isn’t it just a meal delivered by the hotel? As for thinking so much?

I'm not a big shot, I must have been too nervous lately...

Moreover, this is the country of China, and the law is invincible. Whoever dares to do anything in this land is not seeking death?

But things will be different when we go overseas. We still have to pay attention to safety. It's not as safe as here, but we have to deal with it overseas, and now it's fine.

Xu Song also always feels a little uneasy these days.

"I'm going to see my good brother tomorrow. It's almost time to leave. It's not easy to stay here any longer."

Now Xu Song had a wry smile on his face, feeling like he was doing something unnecessary and like a fool.

Fortunately, my behavior was not discovered, and it was fairly hidden, so it wouldn't be embarrassing.

Although Xu Song is preparing to go abroad and no longer cares about his face in China, it does not mean that he will not be embarrassed.

The two women drank red wine while eating.

"Why haven't you come back for so long? What's going on?"

"I don't know. Did it fall into the toilet?"

"Don't talk nonsense, if this is heard... we will all be finished. Sister, let me tell you, being with you is like being with a tiger. Sometimes you have to know what jokes can be said and what can't be said.

Do you know?"

"Hmm, isn't he unable to hear now?"

With that said, the two toasted and took another sip of red wine.

Since Xu Song has already said that he should let the two of them eat first, there is no need to be polite anymore. Pretending to be pretentious is not good.

It's better to be more natural and likable. Maybe they will be the ones to live together in the future.

They also know in their hearts that what these wealthy young men hate most is people who are coy and good at pretending, so they will try to be as real as possible.

In their view, this is their only chance to soar into the sky and transform from a pheasant into a phoenix.

In fact, those who are able to work in this industry have poor family conditions. Once they come out and see the world, they can't go back.

It's like a child who ran away from the mountains and suddenly saw the prosperity outside. How could it be possible to suddenly let them go back at this time?

They also want to live in prosperous villas and live a luxurious life.

They are the same, they just want to be rich and live the life of the upper class, but however, this is completely impossible with their own efforts alone.

Therefore, this can be regarded as a shortcut, and they do not think it is shameful. As long as they live a decent life, what else does it matter?

"I've finally made it through, sister. From now on, the two of us don't have to worry about anything. We just need to help Mr. Xu, and we won't have to worry about it for the rest of our lives."

"Actually, I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Before, I was just an ordinary person who drank with others. Thanks to you, sister, for taking me. I will never forget your kindness to me."

"If you don't say this, we will be the best sisters from now on and live a better life together."

"Yeah, it must be okay."

While the two were chatting, Xu Song walked out of the bathroom.

With a smile on his face: "How is it? Does it taste okay?"

"I'm also very happy to see you like this. At least it means that you don't treat me as an outsider. This is right. You can eat well when I ask you to eat. There is no need to be polite to me."

In fact, after going out, I saw that both women were in good condition, and there was no sense of discomfort at all.

Xu Song felt a lot more relieved. Although he had always felt that he was doing something unnecessary, it didn't mean that he wasn't worried at all.

Now he doesn't want to have any more accidents? It would be nice to be able to reach the country safely.

"Master Xu, you are such a kind person. Not only are you rich, you are also able to be so kind and have no airs at all."

"Hahaha. Isn't this normal?" Xu Song waved his hand and sat directly between the two women, "Give me some to try..."

"Well, here you go." As he said that, he put the steak in his fork and brought it to Xu Song's mouth.

Xu Song glanced at her with some confusion: "What are you doing? Why do you feel your hands are shaking?"

Could it be that I have been too strong these past two days?

Xu Song suddenly had an idea in his mind and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

Does it seem like my physical fitness is still good?

Wait, didn't I go to the Supervision Bureau? I haven't been in the hotel these two days, so...

Xu Song had another ominous premonition.

"Are you feeling unwell? There's something wrong with your face? It's flushed. If you feel unwell, just tell me and I'll call a doctor for you." "

Xu Song glanced at her worriedly, "Don't worry, there is a doctor in the hotel, he will be there soon."

Could it be that this food was really tampered with? Is the request taking effect now?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't happen. If there was really any problem, wouldn't it have happened a long time ago? Can you still sit in front of yourself and eat properly?

But Xu Song himself didn't know why. He couldn't help but think about that today. Maybe he was under too much pressure recently, maybe he was paranoid.

"It's okay. It's probably because the red wine is too strong. I'm a little dizzy now."

The girl's somewhat confused voice reached Xu Song (Wang Nuohao)'s ears, and Xu Song nodded with relief.

"So that's it, then it's okay. If you can't drink enough, just drink less and don't delay your work.

Xu Songruo pointedly said: "What kind of red wine is this? As for the two of you, you just drank more than one glass and you are so drunk?"

It's just because of drinking, so it's no big deal.

As long as there is no problem with the food, Xu Song can rest assured. This means that he is still safe and there will be no problems.

And he doesn't have any big enemies who would frame him like this.

If there is one, it might be his brother.

But that guy is probably so poor that he can't even eat, and he probably doesn't have the mind or energy to do anything.

Thinking of this, Chu Song's heart that had been hanging around was relieved.

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