Xu Song took a sip of wine and started eating.

Since both of them had finished eating for so long, nothing happened.

So what's there to worry about?

"Eat more. Only when you are full can you have the strength to work." Xu Song said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, the two women seemed to understand something, their faces turned slightly red and they lowered their heads.

Xu Song has always been like this. No matter when he speaks, he doesn't think too much and just makes jokes when he wants to.

"Why do you feel so drunk today?"

The two women ate for a while, as if they couldn't keep their eyes open.

Soon, the two of them lay on the table and fell asleep.

Xu Song: "???"

Is this………………?

But I do seem a little dizzy? Is this a bottle of fake wine?

Alas, in order to reduce costs, hotels can do anything nowadays, and they even fool everyone with fake wine.

But I really don’t treat everyone as human beings.

The people who can stay in this hotel are not only business celebrities but also corporate tycoons. How could they not have drank this kind of wine?

So basically you can taste the real thing as soon as you drink it. Anyway, it feels like anything else, isn't it just wine?

There is no difference in his eyes, and Xu Song has never cared about it. Although his family has been rich since he was a child, in fact, he has not lived a luxurious life.

Regarding red wine, unlike other descendants of wealthy families, it has to be any kind of wine. He just needs to drink what he has.

"Hey, you two think about it, go into the house and go to sleep." Xu Song changed their arms, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Don't sleep here, otherwise you will catch a cold easily, and then you will catch a cold again, do you hear me?"

In fact, Xu Song wanted to let the two of them sleep in the house...of course not because he was afraid that they would catch a cold.

Xu Song yelled for a while, but the two of them really didn't respond at all.

"What's going on? Even if you drink too much and fall asleep, you won't be able to wake up, right?"

Xu Song muttered, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his mind.


The killer in black outside the door has been listening, observing quietly, looking for the perfect moment to walk in.

It's not good if it's too early, and it's not good if it's too late.

It just needs to be just right.

As a killer, the most important thing is to learn to seize the opportunity.

After all, he had made full preparations this time, and he was not prepared to fail at all, nor did he think about failure.

This time it must be successful!

He didn't want to delay this matter any longer. It had already been delayed for so long... It would be difficult to explain if it continued.

And now he only took the deposit. Before killing Xu Song, he wouldn't get the balance.

The main reason is that the money is about to be spent now, and it is not an option to continue like this... It is better to solve it as soon as possible and save worry.

Xu Song ate for a while and then leaned on the chair.

"This wine... does seem a bit strong."

He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he was just a little dizzy.

At this moment, the door to the room opened with a click.


Xu Song immediately turned around alertly, and when he saw it, it turned out to be the waiter who delivered the food from the world.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Song looked at the waiter and asked with squinted eyes.

He originally thought that this waiter had barged into his room directly.

There is definitely a problem! Do you even need to think about it?

As he spoke, Xu Song secretly moved back a few steps.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to clean it up after you finish eating."

Heiyi made a random excuse, he didn't want to alert the enemy.

At the current distance, he is not yet sure that he can kill with one hit, so he still needs to wait.

"Huh? Come in and clean it up? You've never done it before?"

Xu Song was a little confused, and suddenly thought of something, "Isn't that right? I didn't open the door for you, how did you get in?"

"you guess?"

The man in black had already reached a distance that he was confident about. He rushed forward and covered Xu Song's mouth with a towel.

Then he directly pressed him down (acah), making him unable to move.


Xu Song struggled wildly, but he was not as strong as Heiyi, so no matter how hard he struggled, it had no effect.

"Listen, I can take the towel away before you die, but don't speak loudly after the magic crystal is opened, otherwise I will end your life immediately, do you understand?"

The man in black took out a dagger and put it on Xu Song's neck.

A trace of panic appeared on Xu Song's face, and he nodded frantically.

Heiyi slowly let go of the towel, allowing Xu Song to breathe smoothly. Just as Xu Song was breathing heavily, Heiyi spoke again.

"Then I'll get straight to the point. As for me, you should be able to tell by my profession. I'm a killer. I was hired by others to kill you.

"So you probably won't survive. However, I happened to be short of some money recently, so I have some other ideas..."

Heiyi didn't finish what he said, but I believe that after hearing this, he would be able to hear what he said without being stupid.


Xu Song pointed at the black-clothed killer and said nothing.

"So now... Do you want your life, or do you want money first?"

The black-clothed killer said while scratching Xu Song's face with a dagger.

He knew that Xu Song must be rich, and not less.

In any case, he was a young master from a wealthy family, and he had also investigated before that Xu Song had a lawsuit with his brother Xu Bing.

It was precisely because of that lawsuit that Xu Song gained a lot of property.

Isn’t this money free of charge?

Although Heiyi said that he had no intention of letting Xu Song go from the beginning to the end, he would die the same way if he handed over the money.

However, now we still need to give him some hope, make him feel that he can buy his own life by spending money, and then defraud him of his last money.

He has used this method many times, and it is basically successful every time.

This can get the best of both worlds. You can get rid of people and get money at the same time. Why not do it?

"I'm dying, I'm dying, don't be impulsive." Xu Song just wanted to hold the black clothes steady.

But besides listening to what the other party said, he seemed to have no other option. Now that the two women couldn't wake up, they couldn't help at all.

In the future, the killer should have tampered with the food, but it wasn't poison but drug.

His suspicion is correct. If he had known about it, he would not have eaten it.

Now there were only two people in the room, he and the killer, and it was impossible to pass the news on.

"Okay, then tell me how much money you can spend to buy your own life?"

The killer in black continued the conversation. He knew how much money Xu Song won in the lawsuit, but this guy must have saved some money, so he was going to get it all together.

After all, Xu Song is going to be dead soon, so what's the use of keeping money?

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