In the blink of an eye, three days passed!

Lin Zhe hasn't been out much in the past three days.

I have been keeping a close eye on the price of international garlic futures!

If you're hungry, order takeout, and if you're thirsty, drink mineral water.

If it is not necessary, he has no intention of leaving this rental house for the next month.

It is the same as Lin Zhe predicted in the future.

Because of the floods in Shandong.

The garlic originally intended for export suffered a devastating blow.

Therefore, international garlic prices began to increase the next day.

Three days have passed!

The international price of garlic has risen from the original US$0.83 to US$1.56 today.

In just three days, the price almost doubled!

Lin Zhe was very happy about this.

You know, with a leverage of 50 times, for every cent increase in the price of garlic, the profit he gets will be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

Today the price of garlic has almost doubled.

At this time, if Lin Zhe chooses to sell the garlic bonds.

The 45.18 million kilograms of garlic bonds in his hands can be sold for a sky-high price of US$70 million.

Deduct costs and some odd handling fees.

Lin Zhe can earn at least 69 million US dollars!

And this has only been three days!

If 69 million US dollars is divided by 3, that is 23 million US dollars a day!

If we only rely on the income of these three days, then Lin Zhe's rate of making money will definitely be ranked among the best in the world.

However, Lin Zhe would not be so stupid and sell Garlic's bonds now.

He knew that the price of garlic could rise to US$2.8 per kilogram in half a month, and a month later, the final price was US$3.6 per kilogram!

If he sells these bonds now, then Lin Zhe would be really stupid!

You know, based on the price of 3.6 US dollars per kilogram.

The 45.18 million kilograms of garlic bonds in Lin Zhe's hands can be sold for more than 100 million US dollars!

More than 100 million U.S. dollars, how many soft girl coins is that?

At least 700 million!

The small goal mentioned by Mr. Quarantine is only 100 million.

And what about the money he earned?

Six times more than the small goal!

It is seven times that of 100 million!

"It's no longer possible, calm down, calm down!"

"It's only 700 million."

"My future will definitely be richer."

"I have to get used to the speed of making money."

After the excitement, Lin Zhe gradually regained his composure!

Fortunately, Lin Zhe's psychological quality is quite strong.

If ordinary people knew this, they would be about to receive an astonishing sum of 700 million.

I'm afraid I might have fainted from excitement!

Maybe he would have to be sent to the hospital for rescue.

"Jingle Bell......"

Just when Lin Zhe had been keeping a close eye on the international garlic price.

He received a phone call.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was his father Lin Tianhang calling.

"Dad, why did you have time to call me today?"

"Isn't the company busy?"

After the call was connected, Lin Zhe asked curiously.

"Son, are you short of money recently?"

"If you want, I'll give you some!"

After the call was connected, Lin Tianhang hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly.

"Dad, where did you hear that I am short of money?"

Lin Zhe looks so bored!

No way, the news spread too fast.

Even his father knows?

He doesn't know who told him.

If dad knows about it, does mom also know about it?

"Don't worry about who I'm talking to, just tell me if you're short of money."

Lin Tianhang said in a serious tone.

"Yes, I was really short of money at the beginning. At that time, your son and I only had 1,000 yuan left."

"Fortunately, I have a friend who lent me several thousand yuan."

"Now, I'm not short of money either."

Lin Zhe said quickly.

Of course, to cover up my embarrassment.

He made a friend out of nowhere, saying that he had a friend who lent him money.

In fact, he only has 1,000 yuan left in his pocket now.

"I'm afraid it's more than that."

"I also heard that you even sold the house we bought for you."

"Also, your new car was also sold."

"What exactly is going on?"

Lin Tianhang asked again.

This time, Lin Zhe was completely numb!

These news messengers are so powerful.

Not only did they know that I was short of money, they also knew that my house and car were sold.

Xu Tao, Xu Tao, you, the instigator, are really amazing.

Lin Zhe complained speechlessly.

If Xu Tao hadn't been the first to spread the word.

Why is this rumor getting more and more outrageous now?

"Dad, as for the house and car, I did sell them."

"It's true that I'm short of money now."

"The reason why I sold my house and car was because I was optimistic about a project that required a lot of money."

"In order to maximize profits, I sold my house and car."

"Now this money has been invested in the project."

“Next, it’s time to harvest the fruits.

"By the way, Dad, don't tell anyone about my investment project that was sold out."

"I also want to see how many people want to see the joke."

Lin Zhe explained with a smile.

He told what happened in detail.

Lin Zhe has nothing to hide about his father.

"So that's it."

"I heard some people say that your investment failed and you are bankrupt."

"It makes me worried."

Lin Tianhang finally felt at ease after hearing Lin Zhe's explanation.

God knows how anxious he was when he first heard the news.

I'm afraid that my son won't be able to accept the blow and will do something bad.

"I'll go, this rumor about time travel is not reliable."

Lin Zhe said helplessly.

Gained a clear understanding of the power of rumors.

Needless to say, you know that other people must have heard your news and then added their own interpretations to it.

Told others.

Others added fuel to the fire and told another person.

Then, after a lot of embarrassment, my father finally heard it.

Then it came to my father’s ears that speculating in futures turned into a failed investment and went bankrupt.

"That's right, these rumors are really harmful."

"By the way, if you're not busy these days, come back home."

"Your mother is bored at home, but she always thinks about you."

Lin Tianhang called to ask if his son was short of money.

By the way, I want to ask why you sell your car and your house, and what bankruptcy is all about.

Now that I already know the reason, I don’t plan to ask any more questions.

Originally, he called to pay his son several thousand yuan for living expenses.

It relieved my son's financial pressure.

Now that I know my son doesn't need it, I won't mention it anymore.

"Okay, then you ask mom to clean up my old house, and I will go back today or tomorrow."

"I plan to stay a few more days when I go back this time."

Lin Zhe just thought about it and agreed.

And, decided to live with my parents.

Originally, he planned not to leave the rental house these days.

However, considering that there is not much money left in hand at present.

He agreed to Lin Tianhang and planned to go home and live there.

Anyway, you can check the price of international garlic in the rental house.

You can also watch it at your parents’ house.

Besides, after returning to his parents' house, at least he wouldn't have to worry about what to eat for three meals a day.


"That's a good feeling."

"Then I'll let your mother take care of it now."

"Hang up first."

When Lin Tianhang heard this, he immediately said with great joy.

Then hung up the phone without hesitation.

"In these years, I have been away from home, and I have somewhat ignored my parents' feelings."

Putting down the phone and thinking of his father's happy face, Lin Zhe said thoughtfully.

Over the years, he has been busy working.

When I have free time, I spend a lot of time with Ye Xinyan.

There are only a handful of times I go home.

It's a bit neglectful of my parents.

Fortunately, there is still a little sister at home.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the two elders will be even more lonely.

"Lin Zhe, please do me a favor."

"I have my eye on a bag, which costs more than 20,000 yuan."

"I want it so much."

"You can buy me one."

Lin Zhe just hung up the phone.

Ye Xinyan suddenly ran over and pointed at a picture on her phone.

"Buying another bag?"

Lin Zhe frowned when he heard this.

He bought four or five bags for Ye Xinyan.

Each one, there is no one less than 10,000.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Ye Xinyan is asking for money and gifts more and more frequently.

This made him feel like he was a cash machine.

I just asked for the nine-price payment.

Now I have to buy more than 20,000 bags.

Too often.

"What does it mean again?"

"The last time I bought a bag was three months ago."

"It's been a long time, okay?"

"Do you not love me anymore and don't even buy me a bag?"

Hearing that Lin Zhe did not agree, Ye Xinyan immediately became angry.

"No, can you please be reasonable?"

"I just asked subconsciously, why are you angry?"

Lin Zhe was a little confused by Ye Xinyan!

Being angry at every turn is really frustrating.

"Okay, you dislike me now, right?"

"Then we can just break up."

Seeing that Lin Zhe didn't coax him, he even talked back to him.

Ye Xinyan immediately became unreasonable.

"Please, from which sentence did you hear that I dislike you?"

"Also, can you please not break up with us so easily?"

"Do you really think that I dare not agree to break up with you?"

Lin Zhe really collapsed at this time.

Ye Xinyan's temper has become increasingly weird recently.

He is completely unpredictable.

Therefore, at this moment, he also lost his temper.

Don't you want to break up?

OK, I'll make it happen for you!

"Okay, this is what you said."

"Then let's break up."

"Now please leave my house immediately."

Ye Xinyan took a deep breath, and then said to Lin Zhe with an extremely angry expression.

Even in the end, Lin Zhe had to be driven out of the house.

She is really angry now.

It’s okay if you don’t coax yourself.

How dare you attack me.

Sure enough, what is said on the Internet is correct.

Men, no one can be trusted.

"It's okay to break up."

"However, I think you seem to have forgotten one thing."

Lin Zhe frowned, originally thinking that Ye Xinyan was joking when she said they broke up.

Now it seems that she is serious.

In this case, he has nothing to miss.

"What's up?"

Lin Zhe agreed to break up, and Ye Xinyan panicked.

But she was stubborn and didn't want to show weakness in front of Lin Zhe.

Therefore, when asking questions, he is also very tough.

"I paid to rent this house."

"So if you want to leave, you should leave too!"

"Not me!"

Lin Zhe pointed to the house and said coldly.

If Ye Xinyan was willing to give in just now.

He just went down the slope and didn't mention the breakup.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xinyan would drive her away.

This made him even more angry.

I rent the house, and if you want to leave, you leave too.

Now that I have chosen to break up.

Then there will be no relationship between us, and there is no need to ignore the old feelings.

Besides, people are going to kick me out, if I still care about my old relationship.

What the hell, that’s too licking!

Is he Lin Zhe such a person?


"Humph, just leave. Do you think I care about staying here?"

Ye Xinyan said through gritted teeth.

Then, he went back to his room to pack his luggage.

From now on, the road faces the sky, everyone goes to one side!

Lin Zhe didn't hold back at all!

He had really had enough of Ye Xinyan's weird temper recently.

It’s okay to divide it!

I still don’t believe it, I can’t find a better girlfriend!


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