"Ding dong..."

This morning, Lin Zhe received a message.

"Are you there?"

When I opened it, I saw it was from a college classmate.

After recalling it carefully, he remembered who this person was.

"Here, Chaoming, is there something wrong?"

This classmate is called Yang Chaoming, and he is a marginalized figure in the university.

Didn't even join the college group.

In addition, two years after graduation, he has not attended any of the several gatherings of college classmates.

According to others, he is the type of person who doesn't fit in with others.

Moreover, he and Lin Zhe usually don't have much contact.

Therefore, Lin Zhe was very curious and didn't know why Yang Chaoming was looking for him now!

"I heard that you are short of money recently!"

"I have 50,000 here. You can use it first for emergencies."

Soon, Yang Chaoming sent another message.

In addition to these messages, there is also a transfer of 50,000.

Lin Zhe was stunned when he saw the 50,000 transfer.

His expression became a little complicated.

He really didn't expect that Yang Chaoming would lend him money.

Moreover, this loan is 50,000 yuan!

After all, during the four years of college, there were not many opportunities for him and Yang Chaoming to interact.

Think about the avoidance attitude of Xu Tao and Zhao Lei, who have always had a good relationship with him.

Then he thought about Yang Chaoming, who had never been in contact with him, but was willing to lend him 50,000 yuan.

Lin Zhe suddenly understood what it meant that without comparison, there would be no harm.


Lin Zhe did not accept the money, but asked a question.

"You may have forgotten that you helped me when I was in college."

"For you, it may be a trivial matter."

"But for me, that help was enough to be remembered for the rest of my life."

Soon, Yang Chaoming replied to him.

Looking at several messages sent by Yang Chaoming, Lin Zhe fell into deep thought.

After carefully recalling it, he already knew what he had done to Yang Chaoming.

However, that matter was indeed insignificant to him.

Therefore, he had forgotten it a long time ago.

If Yang Chaoming hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have remembered it.

What he didn't expect was that this trivial matter in his opinion would be remembered by Yang Chaoming for the rest of his life.

Even when Xu Tao and the others said that he was a liar, they were willing to lend him 50,000.

Wouldn't Yang Chaoming have imagined that he might not be able to repay it when the time comes?

No, he thought of it!

And the reason why I am still willing to borrow it!

This means that Yang Chaoming even planned to borrow the 50,000 yuan without ever repaying it.

This is not the point!

The point is, Lin Zhe knows very well that Yang Chaoming's family conditions are not good.

This 50,000 yuan is probably most of his savings.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhe was moved in his heart!

Being a good person is rewarded!

"Chaoming, thank you!"

"Let's go out for a meal together when you have time."

Lin Zhe accepted the 50,000 yuan with a smile.

Then invite Yang Chaoming.

For Lin Zhe, whose current net worth is only a few thousand yuan, he really needs these 50,000 yuan now.

Although he can ask his parents at home.

However, since Yang Chaoming has it, why should he bother with it.

In addition, Lin Zhe also deliberately accepted the 50,000 yuan.

Because accepting the 50,000 yuan also meant that Lin Zhe accepted the favor.

After a month, I became more developed.

He would have reason to repay Yang Chaoming's favor.

Lin Zhe is such a person!

Whenever others treat him well, he will remember it in his heart.

And, the kindness will be repaid several times over.

Of course, he is also a vengeful person.

If it was an ordinary trivial matter, he wouldn't care too much about it.

But like Xu Tao and Zhao Lei did before, they arranged themselves without authorization and said that they were liars, and they even promoted it.

He will never forget it.

In this life, it is the lightest thing to live without contact until death.

In fact, sometimes he can't understand it!

Why did Xu Tao and Zhao Lei do this?

He was not surprised that Wang Hongyu would actively kick himself out of the group.

Because, after they were in college, the relationship between him and Wang Hongyu was not good.

The reason? It's naturally related to Ye Xinyan.

This guy also liked Ye Xinyan at first.

However, Lin Zhe got there first.

Therefore, I always hold a grudge.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much!

Anyway, from now on, these two people have nothing to do with themselves.

"Maybe not recently!"

"There are a lot of things in the store, so I need to work overtime all the time."

"In a while, when I'm not busy anymore, I'll treat you to food."

It took about five minutes before Yang Chaoming's message was sent back.

From this we can also see how busy Yang Chaoming is!

If I can send a message to Lin Zhe now, I must have found the time to send it.

"Okay, let's talk about it when you're not busy."

"Also, thank you for the 50,000 yuan."

Lin Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him again.

I can take time out of my busy schedule to lend myself money.

Yang Chaoming, it’s really interesting!

He recognized this classmate.

"Need not."

"I'm busy first."

"Let's talk when we have time."

Yang Chaoming just replied flatly to Lin Zhe's thanks.

"Okay, let's chat when you have time."

Lin Zhe no longer disturbed Yang Chaoming.

Let’s talk about everything until the next time we meet.


"Mom, I'm back."

Dragging the suitcase, Lin Zhe returned to his parents' house.

"Your boy is finally back."

"It just so happens that your uncle and uncle are also here."

"Go over and say hello to them."

After giving Lin Zhe a pair of slippers, Wu Xiaohui looked at Lin Zhe carefully.

After seeing that Lin Zhe was not having a bad life, he nodded with satisfaction.

When her son is away from home, a mother will also worry about whether her son will be doing well.

"Uncle and uncle?"

"Why are they here?"

Lin Zhe was stunned and asked in surprise.

"It's not because of you."

"I heard that you went bankrupt after selling your house and car. Come and see you."

Wu Xiaohui rolled her eyes.

"Let me go, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"How come even my uncle and uncle know about this?"

Lin Zhe was really speechless.

I once again saw what it means that good things don’t go out but bad things spread thousands of miles!

"Okay, this is somewhere else."

"Go say hello to your uncle and the others."

Wu Xiaohui patted Lin Zhe on the shoulder and urged her.

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zhe said, put on his slippers and walked towards the living room.

After walking into the living room, he found his father Lin Tianhang, uncle Wu Xiaokang and uncle Lin Tianyuan drinking tea and talking about something there.

"Dad, uncle, uncle, I'm back."

Lin Zhe walked to the living room with a smile on his face, followed the three elders, and greeted them one by one.

"Xiao Zhe, come back and pull me."

"Come, sit down and talk."

Seeing Lin Zhe come back, Wu Xiaokang immediately waved to him and patted the seat next to him.

Lin Zhe nodded and came to sit in front of Wu Xiaokang.


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