"What you mean by this is that my money is not clean, but even so, so what, you took it for so long." Gu Hai couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Zhou Wen sounded very angry, but she was unable to defend herself. If she hadn't been forced to do so, she wouldn't have taken the money.

So much so that now I have a clue, "Boss Gu, I didn't mean that. You think too much. I just want to try my best to pay off this debt."

This way the burden on my heart will be much less.

For so long, this debt has always been a knot in my heart. "

Then he started to play the emotional card, but Gu Hai was always willing to take the soft side rather than the hard side. If she had just come with him, she would definitely not let her go.

Gu Hai listened and made a slight noise. He didn't care so much, as long as he could use the money to tie up Zhou Wen, he didn't care whether it was money or not.

Ever since the first time he met Zhou Wen, Gu Hai had been hopeless. Zhou Wen was not only attracted to him by her beauty, but also her words and temperament made Gu Hai feel that this woman was not simple.

After nearly a year of getting along, he really guessed it right. Zhou Wen is indeed not simple. But because she owed him a huge sum of money, she had always been restrained from him.

Even the teasing from time to time, Zhou Wenna was indifferent to it. So for a long time, Gu Hai wondered whether he was not attractive.

There were obviously so many women around him who wanted to climb into his bed, but Zhou Wen was really unmoved at all. Mingming can pay off all his debts with a little charm.

But Zhou Wen not only had no intention of asking for the money, but also strengthened her belief in paying off the debt.

This is what Gu Hai appreciates about Zhou Wen, "If you pay it back bit by bit now, that's no problem. Or I can let you pay off the principal all at once and pay back the interest slowly.

After hearing this, Zhou Wen felt that all the words she had said before were in vain. Because Gu Hai didn't listen at all.

She doesn't care about Gu Hai's courtship now. She just wants to pay back the money and she will be thankful. Although Lin Zhe’s money is used for the time being, Ruila Cafe will also make profits in the future, so it doesn’t matter.

"Boss Gu, what do you want me to do to satisfy you? I have said everything that should be said and should not be said. I just hope you can fulfill me."

Zhou Wen couldn't hold herself any longer at this moment. Such torture of physical and mental exhaustion was really too much of an impact on her. She had dreamed of paying off the debt, but now someone just didn't like her.

That's right, that's what Gu Hai is thinking now. "I have said everything I should say. First, if you are willing to stay by my side, this debt can be written off in one go. Second, continue to pay high interest. Of course, if it is overdue, it will increase by one for every overdue day. times."

After Gu Hai finished speaking, he slowly walked to Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen had no fear and did not take a step back.

Just like that, the two of them looked directly at each other. Gu Hai's eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, but Zhou Wen's eyes were only cold and cold.

The two of them are not on the same channel at all, but that's normal. Gu Hai wanted to treat Zhou Wen as his lover, but Zhou Wen treated Gu Hai as his mortal enemy.

"Do you know that your cold attitude really makes me think you are very attractive, and you are even more beautiful than usual now.'

The sudden words broke the awkwardness in the atmosphere. Zhou Wen gritted her teeth word by word: "I can greet everyone with a smile, but not you."

It was already obvious that Gu Hai was a sworn enemy to her. But Gu Hai, who was in love, didn't think so.

He felt that he was unique in this way, but he also felt a little complacent.

"Then, I treat you differently in your heart. It feels really good." Soon, a smile appeared on Gu Hai's face.

Zhou Wen was also stunned, and for a moment she couldn't figure out why Gu Hai's IQ dropped so much.

I couldn't even hear such basic insults, and I thought there was something wrong with my brain.

"This is not a different treatment, Boss Gu. When I came to you, you already agreed. As long as I have money, I can repay the principal and interest at any time, but what do you mean now? Yes. Do you want to consume me all the time?

0Please give me flowers…………0

Just to earn a little interest, I think you must not care about this money. "

It was a waste of time and gained little benefit, so Zhou Wen couldn't figure it out. Even if it's because of my beauty, if I just waste it like this without taking any action, I won't be able to achieve any purpose.

But even if you are a lover, there may not be many benefits. Zhou Wen is not the kind of person who can lower her profile for the sake of men.

So when Gu Hai made these requests, Zhou Wen almost always heard them in one ear and out the other, and didn't even hear them in her heart.

The distance between the two people was so close that Zhou Wen could almost clearly see the lines on Gu Hai's face.

Gu Hai looked at Zhou Wen seriously: "If you are willing, I can ask you to pay it back all at once, but if you don't agree, this matter still needs to be considered.

Zhou Wen was suddenly in a dilemma. If he continues to pay high interest rates, with a vicious person like Gu Hai, he will definitely increase the interest rate very high.

At that time, not only will the interest not be paid back, but all the principal will have to be paid. It was such a shame to think about it this way, and Zhou Wen just did it unwillingly.

But if you agree to be Gu Hai's lover, wouldn't that be too bottom line? When Zhou Wen was young, she was pursued by many people, so many outstanding and rich people. But she chose the most useless one.

So after being hurt, I no longer trust men, so now I am single all the time. Even at this age, Zhou Wen can see clearly.

"What does Boss Gu like about me? I'm not young, and I'm not very pretty. I'm just over-sighted. What attracted you to me?"

"From the first time we met, you have completely attracted me. Your calmness and courage without any fear when encountering things.

When talking about this, Gu Hai also talked eloquently. But in fact, these were all pretended by Zhou Wen to embolden her courage.

A year ago, she was not as prudent as she is now. Facing several grown men, she still felt a little timid. .

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