Zhou Wen felt disgusted when she saw the self-righteous Gu Hai talking seriously.

Seeing that Gu Hai was still talking, he interrupted impatiently and said, "Are you done?"

Gu Hai was interrupted by Zhou Wen's words. He turned around and saw a trace of anger on her pretty face, and quickly stopped.

"How can I tell you all about my love for you in just one or two sentences? I still have many, many more. I will tell you slowly after you are with me.

Even though he could see that Zhou Wen had no good feelings for him, Gu Hai didn't intend to give up. He didn't believe there was a woman he couldn't win.

"I just want to say that it is impossible for us!"

Of course Zhou Wen knew what Gu Hai was thinking. He was a suitor with no sense of existence before, but now he finally turned around. Faced with someone like herself who had once looked down on him, "Four Nine Seven" would definitely not let him go.

Hearing Zhou Wen's resolute answer, Gu Hai, who was originally smiling, suddenly lost his composure. He threw the cigar he was smoking on the ground and stamped it out with his toes.

Turn around and walk towards the room inside.

Two minutes later, he walked out with a small box, walked up to Zhou Wen, stretched out his hand and handed it over.

"Since Miss Zhou doesn't need to come to a conclusion so quickly, I think we can still continue chatting, right?"

Zhou Wen took the box and opened it, and shouted angrily when she saw the contents inside.


"I hope you can go back and think about it carefully, and come here to find me after three days."

Seeing Zhou Wen's angry look, Gu Hai took back the box with a smile.




Zhizhi was busy sitting in the store having a cup of coffee, while Zhou Ruan was looking in the direction of the door with worry on his face.

Logically speaking, he should come back after giving the money. Why haven't he come back yet? Thinking of the sinister face of the man named Gu, I felt more and more uneasy.

I took out my phone and looked at the time on it. I couldn't wait any longer. What if something unexpected happened? I got up with the car keys and walked anxiously to the door.

"Zhizhi, please stay here and keep an eye on the store. If I don't come back in two hours, hurry up!"

"What are you hurrying up about? Where are you going?"

Before Zhou Ruan could finish his explanation, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Zhou Ruan, who had his back turned, turned around and saw Zhou Wen standing well behind him, and the stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground.

"Sister, nothing happened?"

Although seeing Zhou Wen come back intact, Zhou Yuan still felt uneasy and asked a question when he thought of the sinister and despicable Gu Hai.


Zhou Wen looked at the sister in front of her, lowered her head and responded, then quickly returned to her office. As soon as she entered the office door, she quickly locked the door from the inside.

Looking at his sister who was very different from usual, Zhou Ruan felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly chased after her. When she got to the door of the office, she couldn't open it.

"Sister, open the door. What happened?"

The office door was also locked, and the change heightened my initial worries.

"Ahem, it's nothing. I'm a little sleepy. I see more and more customers coming at this time. Please help Zhizhi quickly."

"Sister, you have a good rest, then I will go and get busy."

Hearing the exhaustion in his sister's voice, Zhou Ruanliang, the man named Gu, did not dare to do anything to her sister. After saying a few words, he quickly helped Zhizhi take care of the guests.

Zhou Wen squatted on the ground with her back against the door of the office, trying not to cry. When she heard Zhou Ruan walking away outside, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands and started crying.

A string of tears fell from his cheeks.

I can still recall what happened just now in my mind.

"I hope you can think clearly, this is the photo your good sister took when she borrowed the money from me a year ago.

Seeing the naked photo of his sister in Gu Hai's hand, he snatched it back angrily and tore it into pieces with all his strength.

"It's useless if you tear this photo into pieces. I won't be stupid enough to put the only photo in front of you."

Seeing Zhou Wen struggling to tear apart the photo, Gu Hai couldn't help but smile.

"Isn't this photo destroyed a long time ago? You kept it privately."

Zhou Wen looked at the man in front of him and gritted his teeth so hard that he wanted to kill him on the spot, but he couldn't do that. He had to calm down. If these photos of his sister were leaked online, Zhou Ruan would definitely not be able to accept it. .

Originally, Zhou Wen came to ask Gu Hai to destroy these things when this photo was first taken. Gu Hai looked at Zhou Wen and agreed cooperatively, burning the photo in front of him. At that time, Zhou Wen saw that the photos had been destroyed. After all, she still owed money. Although she was very angry, she had no choice but to do anything. But I didn't expect that this bastard still had these photos.

"As long as you agree to marry me for these photos, not only will I give you money, but I will also give you money. What do you think?"

Seeing Zhou Wen's anxious expression, Gu Hai had long expected that this would happen. As expected, her younger sister was her weak point. The trick he prepared a year ago really came in handy.

"You are wishful thinking!"

"I'll give you three days to think about it. If you don't come to me at this time in three days, this thing will appear on the Internet."

Seeing Zhou Wen who was so cruel that he could eat him, Gu Hai sat back on the sofa, lit up a cigar again, blew out a smoke ring, and looked at Zhou Wen with interest.

"Miss Zhou."

Gu Hai's men walked in, put a black hood on Zhou Wen, and took her out.

"Hmph, there is no woman that I, Gu Hai, can't get!"

Looking at Zhou Wen being taken away, Gu Hai's eyes revealed a hint of sinisterness.

After being brought back to the place where she came in, several men took off the mask from Zhou Wen's head and stood back at the door.

Zhou Wen looked back at the office building behind her, angrily got in the car and returned to the coffee shop.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Zhou Wen, who has always been a strong woman, hid alone in the corner of the office, questioning herself over and over in her mind.

If he had gone there a year ago, things like this might not have happened today. Letting his biological sister borrow money from Gu Hai on his behalf would have completely harmed her.

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Wen gritted her teeth and wiped away the tears on her face, stood up, opened the locked office door, and sat back on the office chair. Go ahead and start your own work.

As time went by, at two or three o'clock, the customers in the store also left one after another, and there were only a few tables of customers left. Zhizhi could do it all by himself, and Zhou Ruan took off his apron and left. Arrive at the door of the office. .

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