Opposite you, Ye Wanqing has been waiting at home for half an hour. According to his usual expectations, you have come back early. The distance between your home and the company is only more than ten minutes away.

After waiting for a long time, the dishes were almost cold. I thought something had happened to Lin Zhe, so I hurriedly called to inquire.

"Something in my company has been delayed."

Faced with Ye Wanqing's questioning, Lin Zhe was not stupid, so he couldn't tell the truth, so he had to make up a lie to cover it up.

It's not that Lin Zhe is an alarmist. A phone call without any notes in the morning was so angry that he had to interrogate him for a long time. If he knew this, it would be strange if he didn't peel off a layer of his own skin.

"So that's it, then come back quickly. The food is almost cold. If you don't eat it, I and the child in your belly will still have to eat."

Although the person on the other end of the phone was not angry, there was still a bit more reproach in his tone.

""One, three, three" OK, wife, I'll drive back right now. You and the baby in your belly will eat first, and I'll just take a bite."

"That's pretty much it."

Ye Wanqing on the opposite side heard that Lin Zhe would be back soon, and hung up the phone without continuing to say anything.

Lin Zhe got up and tidied her clothes, got into the car and used the rearview mirror to do her hair, returning it to the way it was when she went out, and drove home.

Just as he drove into the villa area, he saw from the corner of his eye that the car Zhu Qi had just driven parked near his home. Was he eating near his home? He couldn't help but feel a little confused. It was really too much. I can't understand this Zhu Qi anymore.

A few minutes later, the car stopped at the door of his villa. Lin Zhe got out of the car and was about to take the key and open the door.

"Brother, you are back."

Lin Shuyu saw Lin Zhe coming back and ran out from the side and shouted.

"Hey, you scared your brother and went in to eat."

Lin Zhe, who was frightened twice in one day, smiled and patted Lin Shuyu's head. After patting him, he pulled Lin Shuyu home.

"Let's eat later, bro. I've finished decorating the garden."

After breaking free from Lin Zhe's hand, Lin Shuyu pointed to the garden next to her and said.

Just after his sister finished speaking, she was just looking for the keys in her pocket when she came in, and didn't notice the garden next to her at all. After being reminded by her sister, she saw that the garden was all decorated.

Looking at Lin Shuyu's confident look again, Lin Zhe was curious about how his sister spent so much money and effort to build it. I walked in and took a quick look around. It was indeed well decorated and I nodded with satisfaction.

"It's really good. How's your Pinxixi company doing?"

Lin Zhe thought of a new idea and asked Lin Shuyu, who looked proud in front of him.

"The work there is not very happy, and there is a lot of criticism on the Internet, but the performance in the company is definitely just right."

As soon as I heard Lin Zhe mention Pin Xixi, I was still proud and complacent in Lin Zhe's praise, but my mood suddenly plummeted, and my tone suddenly dropped. After telling the truth, did I still peek at Lin Zhe's expression and see After finishing the first half of the sentence, Lin Zhe became a little unhappy and quickly stretched out three fingers to assure her.

"If it is true as you said, your ability is still fair, I have a new investment company here, how about letting you manage it on my behalf?"

When Lin Zhe was dreaming last night, he discovered a new business opportunity and said to Lin Shuyu.

"You are going to invest in a new project again. What type of company is that?"

Hearing that Lin Zhe was going to change his position and finally leave this boring and scolding job, he happily grabbed Lin Zhe's arm and asked.

"I asked you to say this. I am your brother. I can still sell you to Shanxi to mine coal. Just wait."

Seeing the excited Lin Shuyu, Lin Zhe took out his hand and rolled his eyes at him.

"That's right! You are my brother, so you are destined to arrange the best job for me."

After hearing Lin Zhe's words, Lin Shuyu also figured it out. What else could she ask? Who could be worse than her brother?

"Then I won't ask, brother, I'll just wait for you to let me go to work directly."

"Let's go home and eat first. After dinner, I will tell you my plan."

Lin Zhe, who was already very hungry, did not want to continue chatting with Lin Shuyu in the garden. He raised his legs and walked toward the house while talking.

"Okay, it's time to eat."

"You are finally back, hurry up and eat."

Ye Wanqing, who was sitting at the dining table, looked back when she heard the sound at the door and saw Lin Zhe and Lin Shuyu walking in together.

"Okay, I'm starving. Let's eat quickly. Where is mom?"

Lin Zhe took off his suit jacket and hung it on the hanger at the door. His stomach had been growling for an hour. [I couldn't wait and walked to the dining table and sat down and asked Ye Wanqing and Lin Shuyu. 011704002 Feilu 014072230]

"Mom saw that you didn't come back for a long time, so she finished her meal and went out for a walk."

Ye Wanqing also sat down on the seat next to Lin Zhe. Lin Shuyu was also a little hungry.

The three of them started dinner. Ye Wanqing looked at Lin Zhe and asked, "What happened in the company today?"

Ye Wanqing picked up a piece of beef and put it in Lin Zhe's bowl.


Lin Zhe suddenly remembered what happened in the underground garage and choked on the rice he stuffed into his mouth.

"Eat slowly and no one will compete with you."

Ye Wanqing quickly patted Lin Zhe's back and said.

Lin Shuyu had never seen her brother choke on his rice. She happened to sit opposite Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing, and noticed that when Ye Wanqing finished talking about what happened in the company, her brother was obviously worried again.

I thought to myself: It seems that there is some secret that I don't know, and I can blackmail my cheap brother. "I couldn't help but smile when I thought about it.

"why are you laughing!"

Lin Zhe saw Lin Shuyu on the opposite side secretly laughing at him, tapped the table with his chopsticks and said unhappily.

"Why are you hurting her? If you are dissatisfied with me, then do it to me."

Ye Wanqing 2.3 chopped Lin Zhe got angry at Lin Shuyu who had been eating, and directly used his right hand to pinch Lin Zhe's ear and asked.

"No, no, how dare I get angry."

Lin Zhe, whose ears were pulled, suddenly lost his previous momentum, held Ye Wanqing's hand and said with a smile.

While saying that he had not forgotten to look at Lin Shuyu with his eyes, Lin Shuyu didn't care about that and just shrugged and made a face at Lin Zhe.

"Next time, let's see if you dare to criticize Sang and Huai!"

Seeing Lin Zhe begging for mercy, he let go of his hand.

"I came back late today mainly because there were too many things going on in the company today. I have to sit in the company."

"Isn't Lao Wu in charge of everything in the company? You don't need to go to work today, so what are you busy with?"

After hearing what Lin Zhe said, Ye Wanqing retorted directly. .

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