"Today I went to the company to see what would happen if I wasn't there. I never expected that they would let me go without me. I fired a security captain and two department heads directly."

Lin Zhe thought of what happened in the company today and put his chopsticks on the table angrily. He was not even in the mood to eat.

"The security captain doesn't matter. The department manager is the core of every department. Which department manager are you firing?"

Ye Wanqing also managed a company. As soon as Lin finished speaking, he felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

"Lin Qiang, the grassroots manager, and Li Yuan, the resource department manager. Then they told Ye Wanqing and Lin Shuyu what they had done... Do you think I shouldn't fire people like this?"

Lin Zhe angrily told the two people all the things that such a person had done.

"Yes, if such a moth is in the company, it will bring it down sooner or later."

After listening to Lin Zhe talk about what the two of them did, he excitedly raised his fist to express his approval.

"Don't cause any trouble to me. Just lower your head and eat your food."

Looking at Lin Shuyu who was filled with indignation and Lin Zhe who was so careless, Ye Wanqing suddenly felt that her head was going to be big, and she looked at Lin Shuyu who was whining and saying.

Lin Shuyu felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, so she quickly lowered her head and put the rice in her mouth without making a sound.

"What's wrong, wife? Is there anything wrong with what I'm doing?"

Seeing that Ye Wanqing's expression was not right, she suddenly felt uncertain. After all, before her wife was pregnant, she helped her family manage the company. After hearing what she said, she looked a little wrong. Lin Zhe asked quickly in a low voice.

"Although you did nothing wrong in this matter, you did it too hastily. In fact, it is better to be steady."

Ye Wanqing could only shake her head helplessly and said.

"Daughter-in-law, please stop trying to seduce me. What's going on?"

His daughter-in-law always hides things, so Lin Zhe was very anxious now and continued to ask Ye Wanqing.

"Let's put it this way, they have stayed in your company for such a long time and have met many people from your company through your company. This is your resource. They are responsible for the contact between the two companies. You say a The person in charge of contact was suddenly fired. After he left, when people from these companies wanted to cooperate, who would they go to?"

Seeing Lin Zhe's eagerness to know, after many years in the workplace, he also expressed his worries.

"That's right, I really didn't think of this at the time!"

After his wife said this, Lin Zhe thought carefully about what it was like if it wasn't true.

"Daughter-in-law, you are experienced in the workplace. Please give me some advice."

For a moment, he didn't know what to do. Seeing Ye Wanqing next to him who could analyze so much just by listening, Lin Zhe approached him with a playful smile and asked.

"Actually, if this is the case, it may be difficult or easy to handle."

"Please, my dear, let's finish this sentence at once. This sentence is true and my heart can't bear it."

Lin Zhe pretended to close his eyes and leaned on Ye Wanqing's shoulder as he said.

"Hey, hurry up and ask Lao Wu to contact some customers who can develop in the long term. Don't feel sorry for those short-term customers. The employees in the resource department must clear out all the people Li Yuan arranged to join. There is no need to worry about the grassroots. You did that very well.”

Ye Wanqing moved Lin Zhe's head away from her shoulder and expressed her solution.

"In that case, the company as a whole will suffer a great loss."

After listening to this suggestion, Lin Zhe still hesitated and expressed his concerns.

"You are the boss. Don't you have no responsibility for the employees below? Even if they are like this, you are still counting your profits. Now you must strictly demand your employees to avoid a situation like today."

It makes me speechless to see that my husband is the boss of such a big company and cares about petty profits.

"My wife is still smart. Once the child is born, you will be the CEO of Jingrui Group and I will directly manage it."

Seeing that his wife is so far-sighted and indeed more suitable for managing the company than me, I also expressed my inner thoughts.

When Ye Wanqing heard Lin Zhe's words, she was stunned. She never thought that Lin Zhe would hand over the company he built to her. She was immediately moved. She hugged Lin Zhe and said happily: "Thank you, husband!"

Lin Zhe also kissed Ye Wanqing's pink lips, and Ye Wanqing was also very cooperative. After all, Lin Zhe had just given herself a big gift [it was natural to cooperate ten times.


Seeing the two of them so close, Lin Shuyu coughed twice speechlessly.

Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing, who were kissing passionately, heard the sound of Lin Shuyu coughing and noticed that there was someone else next to them, so they quickly separated, pretending that nothing happened, and continued to eat with their bowls.

"Brother, just now you told me that there is a very good project and you want to invest in it. What is it?"

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Lin Shuyu remembered what Lin Zhe had just said to her in the garden, and asked.

"Ang, yesterday and today I thought of a good investment direction, the Internet.


When Lin Zhe said the last two words, Lin Shuyu and Ye Wanqing looked at each other in surprise.

"It's just the Internet, are you two so surprised?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two people, Lin Zhe was a little confused as to what was going on. Did he say something wrong? He stood in line in confusion.

"Do you know why I can't work on Pin Xixi? It's just that the Internet scolded you for engaging in hacking activities. The Internet is not that easy to control."

Thinking of the word "internet", Lin Shuyu thought of the private messages she had seen online a few days ago from some netizens who criticized her company and herself as a manager.

"You still have to think carefully about the Internet. After all, this field of Internet is an area we have never touched before, and our experience is completely zero. If you invest money, invest the appropriate amount."

Compared with Lin Shuyu's personal resistance, Ye Wanqing expressed the most critical issue with a more overall view.

"Well, I just have this idea in my head now, but I haven't implemented it yet."

Seeing his sister and wife looking serious, Lin Zhe smiled and waved his hand.

Ye Wanqing and Lin Shuyu looked at each other and shook their heads. They obviously didn't believe that Lin Zhe just had an idea. They didn't understand Lin Zhe yet. As long as he had an idea, no matter how much resistance there was, he had to do it. accomplish. What will it look like in the end?

"What's your expression?"

"It's time to eat your food!"

Ye Wanqing and the other two looked at Lin Zhe's puzzled expression, smiled, put a piece of meat in Lin Zhe's bowl.

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