Looking at Zhizhi running away, Zhou Ruan didn't intend to let Zhizhi go like this. He couldn't do it without giving her a little punishment.

"Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me."

Zhou Ruan clapped his hands, made a noise and said to everyone.

Listening to Zhou Ruan's tone, Zhizhi knew that something bad was going on. He would be caught if he went out. Just when everyone stopped working, Zhizhi hid behind the cabinet in the operation room and could not see it from the outside. arrive.

"Where's that Zhi Zhi?"

Zhou Ruan saw everyone except Zhi Zhi, so he walked forward into the operation room and asked other employees.

When he heard Zhou Ruan looking for Zhizhi and saw Zhizhi entering the operation room, he quickly ran into the operation room and saw the empty operation room. He was stunned and scratched his head. He clearly saw Zhizhi running in just now. . Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye? Just when the employee was wondering, a voice came from the corner.

"Hey, Sun Feng, come here."

Zhizhi revealed his head from behind the cabinet and said to Sun Feng who came in to look for him.

"Why are you here? Sister Ruan is looking for you outside. Come out quickly."

Looking at Zhi Zhi hiding behind the cabinet, Sun Feng didn't understand why. He pulled Zhi Zhi out with his hands as he spoke.

"Don't drag me. If you go out, just tell Zhi 197 that Zhi is busy in the control room and can't spare the time to go out now.

Zhizhi saw that Sun Feng was about to pull her out and said to him quickly.

"All right."

Looking at Zhizhi who didn't want to come out, Sun Feng couldn't really force her out because his colleagues would see her later.

"Sister Ruan, Zhizhi was working on something in the operation room. He said he couldn't spare the time to come out now. She asked us to just go in and repeat it to her after listening.

Sun Feng walked out and said to Zhou Ruan.

"Oh, if you don't come out, don't come out. If this matter has anything to do with you."

Zhou Ruan looked at the operation room and raised his voice deliberately.

"whats the matter?"

"Does it have something to do with us? Isn't it about laying off employees?"

After listening to Zhou Ruan's words, the employees began to murmur in a low voice, because usually such sudden announcements of things never happened, and besides, there were shareholders here today, and Zhou Ruan, who had just come out of the office, was about to announce the matter. Isn’t it clear?

Zhou Ruan on the other side didn't think about what these employees were thinking. He just wanted to tease Zhi Zhi, and he didn't expect to scare other employees.

"Sister Ruan, are you going to lay off employees?"

Sun Feng saw everyone looking terrified, so he mustered up the courage to stand up and ask Zhou Ruan.

"What layoffs? You didn't think I was going to announce layoffs, did you?"

Zhou Ruan, who was staring at the operation room, heard Sun Feng's question and came back to his senses to see all the employees staring wide-eyed, waiting for his answer. Zhou Ruan felt as if he was in trouble again.

So he looked at the employees in a low voice and asked.


"You said that you have something to do with us and nothing to do with Zhizhi. Everything has nothing to do with her. You two have the best relationship. There is only one possibility to lay off people from among us.

"That's right!"

The employees heard Zhou Ruan ask them and expressed their thoughts to him.

"It's not about layoffs. You all can rest assured. What I want to announce today is that everyone on duty here will go home tonight. Zhizhi just came to me privately and said that he would take the initiative to stay and work overtime without any conditions. He may I’m a little embarrassed to hide.”


"It turns out it's not about layoffs. It scared me to death."

"No need to work overtime today!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and put smiles on their faces again.

"Sister Ruan."

When Zhizhi heard that he was asked to stay and work overtime, he came out from behind the cabinet and came to the hall. Just as he was about to speak and refute, he saw other employees looking at him in confusion from the corner of his eye.

He turned around and looked at Zhou Ruan, who looked like he was watching a good show, with a smile on his face.

(acbi) Zhizhi now understands that this is retaliating against herself. If she doesn't agree to work overtime, these employees will definitely feel that she is capricious, and she will lose a lot of friends. If she compromises, she will have to work overtime for another night. Zhizhi now has the heart to be with her class.

"Everyone, I happened to have nothing to do tonight, so I couldn't sleep even when I got home. So I worked overtime for everyone."

Zhizhi had no choice but to bite the bullet and said to all the employees.

"Okay, everyone, give her a round of applause!"

Zhou Ruan looked at Zhi Zhi, who was about to stay and work overtime, and started to take the lead in applauding with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Sister-in-law, the company employees have spontaneously prepared to stay and work overtime today. I will hold a small meeting to praise them."

Hearing a familiar voice coming from behind, Zhou Ruan quickly turned back to look at Ye Wanqing walking towards him and replied quickly.

"Hey, there's another person who took the initiative to stay and work overtime, who is it?"

Hearing that someone offered to work overtime, Lin Zhe, who was supporting Ye Wanqing, also became interested and asked Zhou Ruan, wanting to see what this person looked like.

Hearing that someone wanted to take the initiative to work overtime, Zhou Yao, who was standing behind him, felt something was wrong. But when he heard who the person who took the initiative to work overtime was, he suddenly understood something.


Zhou Ruan pulled Zhi Zhi who was standing next to Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing and said.

"What's your name girl?"

Ye Wanqing looked at this sweet-looking little girl and asked with a smile on her face.

"My name is Zhi Zhi."

"Zhizhi, what a good name. This bracelet is for you, work hard, I'm optimistic about you."

When she saw Zhizhi for the first time, Ye Wanqing felt a little familiar, an indescribable feeling. Then she took Zhizhi's hand and gave Zhizhi a jade bracelet on her wrist.

All the employees were dumbfounded. They gave him a jade bracelet when they met him for the first time. Is it just because Zhizhi took the initiative to work overtime? Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

Lin Zhe saw that her wife's behavior was very different. This was her favorite bracelet, and now she wanted to give it to this little girl she had just met. Although she didn't understand it, Lin Zhe would support whatever her wife wanted to do.

"This is too expensive, I can't have it!"

Seeing Ye Wanqing put her jade bracelet on her, Zhizhi quickly pushed it back with her hand and said with an embarrassed face.

"Well, I never want to get back the things I gave away. Just take it if you give it to me."

Ye Wanqing looked at Zhi Zhi who didn't want the bracelet. This time, she stopped talking and put the bracelet on her wrist and said with a smile.

Zhizhi wanted to take off the bracelet and give it back to Ye Wanqing, but when she saw Ye Wanqing's face, she was a little unhappy because of her repeated pushback. .

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