But looking at such a valuable thing, it was not worn by someone like me. After hesitating for a long time, I still wanted to take it off and give it back to Ye Wanqing.

"Zhizhi, don't push it away anymore. Since Mrs. Lin gave this to you, just keep it."

Zhou Wen also didn't understand. Looking at the jade bracelet that Ye Wanqing gave to Zhizhi, the quality and appearance were absolutely top-grade, and the price was more than ten W, so she gave it to Zhizhi just as she said it would. Zhou Wen was confused for a while. If you have money, you can't be so busy.

Looking at Zhizhi who still wanted to push away, Zhou Wen also stood up and said to Zhizhi. After all, establishing a good relationship with Ye Wanqing will be of great benefit to Zhizhi in the future.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Lin."

Zhizhi smiled a little embarrassed and said to Ye Wanqing as he gave him such a big gift when they first met.

"Don't call me Mrs. Lin, it's so unpleasant! I have a name, my name is Ye Wanqing, you can call me Sister Wanqing from now on.

Hearing others call her Mrs. Lin, she felt awkward. Ye Wanqing said to Zhizhi with a smile without any airs.

"Okay, Sister Wanqing."

Seeing such a kind Ye Wanqing, Zhizhi felt so kind and replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'm in trouble, so I'll go back with your brother-in-law."

Ye Wanqing touched her bulging belly and said to Zhizhi.

"Sister Wanqing, your day is coming soon, so you should go home and rest, and stop running around."

Looking at Ye Wanqing's belly, Zhizhi said seriously.

"Well, you all just stay. The car is at the door. We'll get in the car and leave."

Seeing Zhou Wen and Zhou Ruan Zhizhi preparing to go out to see off the couple, they quickly spoke with a smile.

When the three of them heard this, they all stopped and did not continue to send him off.

When Ye Wanqing came to the door, she glanced back at Zhizhi. After reading it, she followed Lin Zhe and left the coffee shop. The Maybachs who sat at the door opened a coffee shop.

"Everyone, hurry up and get to work. Zhou Ruan and Zhizhi come to my office."

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhe and his wife came to take a look and so many things happened. They glanced at their younger sister Zhou Ruan, who they thought had grown up just now, sighed and looked at Zhou Ruan and Zhi Zhi Da, who was looking at the bracelet on his hand. .

The employees all cast envious glances at Zhizhi. Even when he offered to work overtime, he received a jade bracelet worth more than 100,000 yuan from the shareholder's wife. Who wouldn't be jealous!

"Close the door."

Zhou Wen walked into the office first, followed closely by Zhou Ruan and Zhizhi. Seeing that the two people who came in behind did not close the door, she said to Zhou Ruan and Zhizhi who were following her.

"Sister, what are you doing with us two?"

Seeing the serious-looking class sitting on the office chair with a straight face, Zhou felt that things were not that simple, so he took the lead and asked with a smile.

"Tell me, what happened just now?"

Seeing Zhou Ruan still smiling playfully with her, Zhou Wen was angry and directly slapped the table and asked.

"That's right, we started........."

Seeing that her sister was already angry, she quickly told the whole story without stopping for a moment.

"You, don't always bully others Zhizhi. Zhizhi, let me ask you, have you met the person who gave you the bracelet just now?"

After listening to what Zhou Ruan said, he had a straight face at first, but looked at Zhizhi and said with a smile the next second.

Seeing his sister smiling and asking Zhizhi, Zhou Ruan's heart suddenly felt cold.

"Sister Wen, you are talking about Sister Wanqing. I have never seen her before, and I don't know why she suddenly gave me a jade bracelet."

Zhizhi has not figured out Zhou Wen's doubts yet, and is also confused.

"How is that possible?"

Zhou Wen didn't understand. She didn't give this bracelet to anyone but gave it to Zhizhi. [If you don't know this, then what does Ye Wanqing want?

"Did Sister Wanqing reward me when she heard that I took the initiative to work overtime?"

Zhizhi scratched his head, thought of an explanation in his head, and suddenly realized his analysis to Zhou Wen.

"Hey! Do you know what that is on your hand? A jade bracelet. The market price is at least a dozen W. You can give one as a gift and let me take a look."

Looking at Zhizhi's innocent eyes, Zhou Wen suddenly felt that something was blocking her heart and she was a little out of breath.

At the same moment, Lin Zhemai, who was driving, used the rearview mirror to look at Ye Wanqing sitting in the back seat.

"Why do you always look at me?"

Ye Wanqing also noticed that Lin Zhe had been using the reversing mirror to look at herself since he left the cafe and got into the car, so he asked doubtfully.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Ang, I just don't understand. Isn't that jade bracelet your favorite? Why did you give it to that girl?"

Lin Zhe thought for a moment and expressed his doubts to Ye Wanqing.

"Why, didn't you just give me a jade bracelet? Are you feeling distressed?"

Ye Wanqing asked a little impatiently while listening to Lin Zhe's probing questions.

"I feel distressed? What I feel distressed the most is you. Money is just a number to me now."

When he heard Ye Wanqing say that he was worried about money, Lin Zhe's face became a little unhappy and he said seriously.

"This matter can't be explained in one sentence or two. This girl is obedient to me."


Ye Wanqing still didn't say why. She turned her head and looked out the window, looking at the blue sky and falling into memories.

Since his wife didn't want to talk, Lin Zhe stopped asking further, but silently wrote down in his heart that the girl named Zhizhi just now, since she was kind to his wife,

Then you have to take care of yourself when the time comes.

"I understand. Zhizhi, you go down first. You have to work harder tonight. Now that everything has been said, you can work overtime. Zhou Ruan and I are here to accompany you."

Zhou Wen pinched her forehead and said to Zhizhi.


Zhizhi nodded and walked out of the office.

When there were only Zhou Wen and Zhou Ruan in the office, Zhou Wen took the lead and asked: "When I was talking about things just now, you came in and said you had something important to tell me. What did you want to say?"

"Sister, I want to ask, have we paid off Gu Hai's money?"

Zhou Wen was stunned when she heard Zhou Ruan asked her question. She was stunned for a moment and smiled before returning to normal and asked: "Why do you ask that?"

"It's because there are still Gu Hai's men outside who are watching us. I met their leader twice, and he said that we can only say that we have not paid off our debts here, otherwise they wouldn't be watching us... ……….”

Zhou Ruan told his sister what Liu Shang told her.

Since his sister already knows about this matter, there is no need for him to hide it anymore. .

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