
"Then how much do you plan to sell this huge piece of rough stone to me?"

When Lin Zhe heard about the discount, she was immediately interested!

He had heard from Lin Zhe in the future that this thing was worth 30 million.

If it is a discount, even a 10% discount can save him 3 million.

"Haha, don't worry, little brother, the discount I will give you is absolutely favorable."

"30 million, I'll give you the lowest price."

"You know, the original price of this huge rough stone was 35 million."

"The price I'm offering you now is already less than 10% off."

The boss of Jade Pavilion said sincerely.

That expression, that god!

If it weren't for Lin Zhe, he would know the true price of this jadeite.

I really believed what he said.

Obviously, for a rich second generation like Lin Zhe who looks like a novice at first glance, the boss of Jade Cuixuan has no psychological burden at all when trying to cheat him.

"Boss, this is unreasonable of you."

"I have heard that the price of your rough stone is not that high."

"Moreover, it has been sitting here for a year and no one has bought it."

"The price you are offering now is a bit deceptive."

Lin Zhe glanced at the boss of Feicui Xuan speechlessly.

Sure enough, there is no business without treachery.

They also said they would give you a favorable discount.


The boss of Jade Cuixuan obviously didn't expect that Lin Zhe knew so much about the price of this "920" piece of rough stone.

I felt a little embarrassed immediately.

I originally wanted to fool around.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the price was quoted, the other party found out.

It's better now. Even if I want to cheat, I can't do it anymore.

"Boss, what if you really want to sell?"

"Just give me a real price."

"If I think it's feasible, I'll buy it."

"If the price is too expensive, I will look elsewhere."

Although Lin Zhe knew that the benefits gained from cutting the rough stone in front of him far exceeded its price.

As long as you buy it, you will make a lot of money.

However, if you can save a sum, it is better to save a sum.

Wouldn’t it be nice to use the saved money to buy gifts for your future wife?

Wouldn’t it be nice to give it to your sister as pocket money?

Why do you want to take advantage of the profiteer, the owner of Feicui Xuan?

"Xiao Zhe, do you want to buy this rough stone?"

"I'm afraid you will suffer a terrible loss."

After Lin Zhe finished speaking, he did not wait for the boss of Jade Xuan to speak.

Ye Wenbo, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke.

Although he hasn't gambled on stones for a long time.

But some experience remains.

Like the raw jadeite in front of me, the chance of it turning green is really low.

"Isn't uncle optimistic about this rough stone?"

Lin Zhe's heart moved and he planned to use his plan.

"Well, I rarely gamble on stones."

"But there's a lot of research on this."

"The chance of this stone becoming green is almost non-existent."

"So, I don't mind if you buy it."

“Besides, the price of this stone is too much.

"A full 30 million!"

"This is going to be a pile of scraps."

"Then your 30 million will be wasted."

Ye Wenbo reminded him kindly.

"That's it......"

Lin Zhe heard this, touched his chin, and began to think deeply.

He was deliberately pretending to show it to the boss of Jade Pavilion!

I deliberately pretended that I wanted to give up.

As a result, Jade Xuan is the one who is anxious.

"Brother, don't say that.

"This rough stone is expensive for a reason."

"Betting on stones, betting on stones, you are betting on the slightest chance."

"Perhaps this stone can produce something amazing?"

Sure enough, Lin Zhe seemed to have no intention of buying it.

The boss of Jade Pavilion was anxious.

He quickly said good things about his rough stone.

To be honest, placing this rough stone here not only took up space, but also occupied a large amount of his funds.

He had long wanted to sell.

However, the price has never been agreed upon!

"Then boss, why don't you drive it yourself?"

Lin Zhe chuckled and then asked a question.

"Haha, I'm in the stone betting business, so of course I won't mine my own rough stones."

The boss’s face froze!

Then, the rhetoric quickly came to mind.

Seeing this, Lin Zhe had to admire his boss's reaction ability.

It's true that you are talking about ghosts when you see ghosts, and you are talking about people when you see people.

Haha, if you knew, there is jade worth hundreds of millions lying here.

I'm afraid you've already opened it yourself.

Can you still wait for someone else?

"Okay, I won't tell you any more."

"Please give me a sincere price.

"If the price satisfies me, I will buy it."

Lin Zhe was too lazy to talk to the boss of Feicui Xuan.

"Hey, brother, you look like you are someone who does great things."

"Well, I won't frame you anymore."

"I'll give it to you at a 15% discount.

"how do you feel?"

It's rare to meet such a cheerful person like Lin Zhe.

After thinking for a while, the boss of Jade Pavilion offered the lowest price.

15% off, based on the original price of 30 million.

That’s a discount of 4.5 million!

You only need 25.5 million to buy this huge piece of jadeite.

In fact, a higher price was offered before.

That's 26 million.

However, the owner of Shiyanji felt that the price was a bit low.

I wanted to wait a little longer, so I didn’t sell it.

As a result, it took nearly a year to wait.

Since that 26 million, no one has ever offered a higher price.

On the contrary, the prices offered are getting lower and lower.

The high one was 23 million, and the low one was even Song Ken gave 18 million.

Of course the owner of Jade Cuixuan can't sell it.

Therefore, this jadeite rough stone became the boss of Jadeite Pavilion's heart.

That was always in my heart.

"15% off, 25.5 million!"

"Okay, then it's decided."

"Swipe your card."

Lin Zhe thought about it and felt that it was almost the same.

I simply agreed.

Immediately, he took out his bank card and asked the boss of Jade Pavilion to swipe the card.

"Xiao Zhe, your stone gambling is too casual."

"I haven't looked at any other rough stones yet."

"You just saw the first one and bought it directly?"

Ye Wenbo said from the side, dumbfounded.

Although 25.5 million is still a small sum of money to him.

But even if it is a small amount of money, it cannot be spent casually.

"Uncle, I don't know why."

“The first time I saw this huge rough stone, I thought it could turn green.

"I have always trusted my instincts."

Lin Zhe smiled slightly and expressed his thoughts.

Anyway, this is not the first time he has mentioned such a thing, as his intuition is very accurate.

Previous garlic futures, and changes in Qingyuan District.

When he talks to others, he always says that his intuition is very accurate.

Nowadays, when it comes to gambling on stones, you can also use your intuition to be very accurate.

I believe that others will not think too wildly!

What's more, as long as Lin Zhe doesn't expose himself.

No one can believe that he can obtain information about the future.

"Okay, just be happy."

"I hope this rough stone can cut a good jadeite."

Seeing what Lin Zhe said, Ye Wenbo said nothing more.

Moreover, at this moment, he also became interested in Lin Zhe's intuition...

Right once, right twice!

What about this third time?

I don't know if it's accurate or not.

If, this third time, it is so accurate.

Ye Wenbo felt that if anything happened in the future, he could discuss it with his future son-in-law.

As a person who has been in the mall for decades.

He knows that sometimes no matter how powerful his experience is, it cannot compare with some people who are born with keen intuition!

"Haha, little brother, the credit card was swiped successfully."

"From now on, this rough stone belongs to you."

"Look, it's here to unravel the stone."

"Or do you take it back and find someone to explain it to you?"

The owner of Jade Cuixuan exchanged Lin Zhe's bank card for him with a smile on his face.

After selling this huge piece of rough stone, his worries were completely eliminated.

Moreover, more than 20 million yuan of funds was withdrawn.

It also made him feel more relaxed.

"Just solve it here."

"It would be troublesome to move such a big rough stone back."

Without saying a word, Lin Zhe directly chose to analyze the stone in Jade Pavilion.

"Okay, I'll ask Master Jie Shi to explain it to you."

At this moment, the boss of Jade Cuixuan's attitude towards Lin Zhe was quite enthusiastic.

Someone who can spend 25.5 million on stone gambling definitely has a lot of assets.

Ordinary people don't have that much strength.

In the heart of the owner of Jade Cuixuan, Lin Zhe is already a very high-quality customer.

"Uncle, let us witness together what kind of jadeite this rough stone worth 25.5 million can produce."

Lin Zhe said to Ye Wenbo beside him.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it."

Ye Wenbo had bet on a lot of rough stones before.

However, it was the first time he had seen one worth 25.5 million.

When he used to bet on stones, the most expensive rough stones he bought were only seven to eight million.

"Boss, how do you want to cut it?"

"Is it a direct cut in the middle?"


Soon, the stone-breaking master came with the stone-breaking tools.

I looked at the huge rough stone in front of me, which was as tall as an adult.

Master Jie Shi, I am going to ask Lin Zhe for his opinion.

"Emmm...cut it from the edge and inward bit by bit.

Lin Zhe knew that there was jade in this huge rough stone.

However, he planned to start cutting from the edge bit by bit.

This 0.3 can create a sense of expectation, right?

"OK, no problem."

"Then I'll start unraveling the stone."

Master Jie Shi agreed without saying a word.

He heard from his boss that this was a big customer who spent 25.5 million yuan.

All requirements of this customer must be executed perfectly.


Under the operation of the stone-cutting master, this huge rough stone was cut away bit by bit very quickly.

Soon, almost half an hour passed.

Nearly half of the huge rough stone has been cut.

It's a pity that so far, nothing has come out green.

This made Ye Wenbo, who had been watching, frown.

Could it be that Lin Zhe's intuition was wrong this time?

He glanced at Lin Zhe, who still had a confident expression next to him.

Ye Wenbo put away the doubts in his heart.

Continue to accompany Lin Zhe patiently to solve the problem.

"It's...it's green!"

Another twenty minutes passed.

Just when everyone thought that it was impossible for this rough stone to turn green.

Master Jie Shi's excited voice shocked Lin Zhe, Ye Wenbo and the boss of Jade Cuixuan!

It's green.

It’s really green!

I don’t know what kind of jade it is.

Immediately, three people gathered around him in unison.


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