I Pretended To Be Bankrupt At The Beginning, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Group Chat By My Classmates

Chapter 64 Twenty Times The Profit, Making 500 Million In A Few Hours!

"Fuck, Emperor...Emperor Green!"

As soon as I heard that it was green, people from the surrounding area gathered around.

Then the next second, the boss of Jade Cuixuan came out with his unbelievable exclamation.

At this moment, the boss of Jade Cuixuan was really dumbfounded.

He never expected that this huge jadeite stone, which everyone was not optimistic about, could actually expel the emperor Lu Lai.

If he had known earlier, he would have kept nothing.

Wouldn't it be enough to just cut it yourself?

At this moment, the boss of Jade Cuixuan suddenly felt heartache.

"It's really green."

"And it's imperial green."

"Xiao Zhe, you can do it this time."

Ye Wenbo looked at the oily green jadeite with a look of surprise on his face.

Lin Zhe's terrifying intuition once again shocked him.

"Is it imperial green?"

"Uncle, how much do you think the imperial green of this rough stone can be sold for?"

Lin Zhe was also very surprised.

He didn't expect that the jadeite that came out of this huge jadeite rough stone was actually imperial green.

Although Lin Zhe doesn't understand jade.

But we also know that imperial green is the green with the best color and the highest value among jadeite.

"It's hard to say now, after all, it's not completely solved yet.

"However, even if it is not solved, if you take action now."

"It can definitely sell for more than 50 million."

Ye Wenbo told Lin Zhe based on his experience.

"Brother, look, I will recycle this rough stone at a high price. Are you willing to sell it?"

At this time, the boss of Feicui Xuan, who had been meeting for a long time, said directly to Lin Zhe.

"Oh? High price?"

"Then boss, how much can you offer?"

Lin Zhe asked curiously.

"I offer 60 million.'

The boss of Jade Pavilion also heard what Ye Wenbo said.

Therefore, he also knew that Ye 23 Wenbo was an expert.

Without saying a word, he directly raised the price by 10 million.

It can be regarded as full of sincerity.

"It's really sincere."

"But, I'm not going to sell it.

"This is the first time in my life that I have solved a stone."

"No matter what, I have to let the full picture of this jadeite be displayed in front of me.

When Lin Zhe heard about 60 million, he immediately lost interest.

He has not forgotten what Lin Zhe said about the future.

The price of this raw jade stone can be sold for hundreds of millions.

Now it’s sold for 60 million, is he a fool?


The boss of Jade Cuixuan was quite happy when he heard Lin Zhe's first words.

As a result, what Lin Zhe said next made him dumbfounded.

However, if they didn't sell it, there was nothing he could do.

After all, since Lian paid 25.5 million, the ownership of this huge jadeite stone belongs to Lin Zhe.

"Master, continue to solve it."

"I want to see how big this piece of jade is."

Lin Zhe said to Master Jie Shi.

"Okay boss."

Cut out the imperial green.

Master Jie Shi didn't dare to be careless, and his movements were much more careful.

I am deeply afraid of hurting this piece of imperial green.

As the original stone is unraveled little by little.

The area of ​​​​this imperial green is also getting larger and larger.

"It's a big rise, it's a big rise."

"Brother, just rely on the current appearance of this rough stone.

"Selling it for 150 million is definitely not a problem."

The boss of Jade Pavilion said excitedly from the side.

Although it is a pity that this rough stone no longer belongs to me.

But opening such a huge imperial green in their store is also a kind of publicity.

There is such a pearl ahead of you.

I believe it will attract many stone betting customers to come to their store to choose rough stones.

"Haha, then let me borrow your good words from the boss."

Lin Zhe said with a smile.

My heart started to get excited.

Several hundred million are about to be obtained.

And with the news of the appearance of imperial green in Jade Tower, the news spread.

More and more people dare to come from different places.

Among them, there are even many jewelry store owners.

In addition, the rough stone boss in the gambling stone market also came over to join in the fun.

"Brother, do you have any intention of selling this stone?

"I'll pay 300 million!"

Another half hour later.

When the full picture of this imperial green is about to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

The owner of a jewelry store directly made a bid for Lin Zhe.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I asked for the price of B.

"Three hundred million?"

Lin Zhen was stunned. It seemed that this boss was also a courageous person.

This hasn't even been solved to the end, and there are already 300 million.

If he didn't know the price of this piece of imperial green, maybe Lin Zhe would have sold it.

It's a pity that Lin Zhe knows this.

The price of this piece of imperial green is far more than 300 million.

"Yes, three hundred million!"

"As long as you agree, little brother, I will send you money immediately.

The man said impatiently.

"Xiao Zhe, don't sell it!"

"The value of your imperial green is far more than 300 million."

"The price is low."

Before Lin Zhe could speak.

Ye Wenbo was the first to remind Lin Zhe of this sentence.

Obviously, he was afraid that Lin Zhe would suffer a loss.

"Okay uncle."

Lin Zhe actually knows how much this piece of imperial green is worth.

However, he would not ignore Ye Wenbo's concern.

Seeing that Lin Zhe had no intention of selling, the owner of the jewelry store suddenly felt a little unhappy.

He glared at Ye Wenbo fiercely.

He felt that if Ye Wenbo hadn't interrupted.

Perhaps, Lin Zhe agreed.

However, when glaring at Ye Wenbo, the owner of the jewelry store suddenly felt that Ye Wenbo looked familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, his expression suddenly changed.

"Yes... I'm sorry Mr. Ye."

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't recognize you just now, please forgive me."

Obviously, this jewelry store owner also knew Ye Wenbo.

Even if we don't know each other, we have met before.

Otherwise, he would not be so respectful to Ye Wenbo.

"you know me?"

Ye Wenbo was stunned. He didn't expect that there was someone who knew him here.

Although he has been on the Forbes list.

However, many people actually only know his name and don't know what he looks like.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, I'm afraid many people won't recognize it.

"Haha, I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Ye twice at cocktail parties in Shanghai.

The jewelry store owner replied humbly.

This is a big shot from Magic City.

And he is also one of the richest people on the Forbes list.

He couldn't afford to offend.


Ye Wenbo nodded clearly.

Then he ignored him.

I have no interest in getting to know him!

At this point, he doesn't need to get to know others at all.

Only others wanted to know him.

Unravel the stone and continue.

Soon, nearly half an hour passed.

At this time, the rough stone was finally completely unlocked.

"Hiss...so perfect."

Look at the flawless imperial green without any cracks.

Everyone present took a deep breath.

"Xiao Zhe, your piece of imperial green is in good shape and has no cracks.

"Preliminary estimates suggest the price should be around 500 million."

Ye Wenbo walked to this piece of imperial green.

After careful observation, a specific price was given.

"Is it worth about five?"

"It seems that Lao Lin's information is not wrong."

Lin Zhe was secretly pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Lin, do you want to sell this piece of imperial green?"

"If you want to sell it, I can help you contact the buyer."

“The price is absolutely fair.”

Seeing such perfect imperial green, the owner of Jade Cuixuan was very excited.

It's a pity that with his current financial resources, he simply can't afford it.

But that's okay.

He knows many jewelry merchants.

We usually have cooperative relationships.

As long as Lin Zhe is willing to sell, he can contact those jewelers.

I know it's as big as a man and so perfect in imperial green.

Those jewelers are afraid that they will fight for their heads.

"Xiao Zhe, if you want to buy this piece of imperial green."

"Just leave it to me."

"I know many big names in the jewelry industry in Shanghai."

"I believe they will give you a satisfactory price."

However, before Lin Zhe could reply, Ye Wenbo took the lead and said to Lin Zhe.

Such a large piece of imperial green, if he were to take action.

A big favor can be obtained.

This favor can be used on Lin Zhe himself.

There is no need for the boss of Jade Pavilion to earn favors.

"Okay uncle."

"Then I'll listen to you."

Lin Zhe knew that Ye Wenbo was helping him.

So he nodded without any hesitation. 880 "Sorry boss, I have sales channels.

"I won't bother you anymore."

Later, Lin Zhe said to the boss of Feicui Xuan.

"it's okay no problem.""

"Please ask Brother Lin to take more care of my business in the future."

The boss of Jade Shop is very sharp-eyed.

At first glance, Ye Wenbo is an amazing big shot.

Therefore, he did not dare to say anything about Ye Wenbo's involvement in the sales of Imperial Green.

On the contrary, he enthusiastically hopes that Lin Zhe can take more care of his business in the future.

"Haha, I will."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

After hearing that the boss of Feicui Xuan asked him to come here often.

Lin Zhe's heart moved and he had a very interesting idea.

He can grasp future information!

If, when he buys rough stones, he will contact Lin Zhe in the future.

Will Lin Zhe give him some useful information in the future?

As soon as this idea came up, he became a little excited.

And, I can’t wait to implement it.

However, I thought that I had an imperial green worth about 500 million in my hand.

Lin Zhe suppressed this thought temporarily.

Money moves people's hearts.

Now he is a walking 500 million!

If you stay in the stone gambling market all the time, there is no guarantee that someone will not have a wrong idea.

Take advantage of the fact that few people know about it now.

He decided to leave the stone gambling market first.

Come back after some time.

Anyway, there’s no rush!

"Uncle, I am going to take this piece of imperial green home first."

"how do you feel?"

Lin Zhe suggested to Ye Wenbo.

"Well, I know what you mean.

"Let's go back to the hotel first."

Ye Wenbo also knew Lin Zhe's worries.

He nodded without any hesitation.

Then the group of three people left Jade Pavilion!

Fortunately, Ye Wenbo also brought bodyguards with him when he went out on this trip.

So nothing happened on the way back to the Four Seasons Hotel.

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