Through Lin Zhe's words and deeds, the reporters no longer had any hostility towards Lin Zhe. They had already finished their interviews and all the reporters dispersed.

"You all go back to the security room and rest."

Lin Zhe, who had already entered the company, looked at all the security guards guarding the door and said to Zhang Fan.

"Understood, the people on duty today will stay and don't let anyone who is not a company employee come in. Everyone else will go back to the security room and be ready at any time. I don't know what will happen."

Zhang Fan said to the dozen or so security guards at the door. After speaking, the security guards dispersed in all directions.

"What are you doing? If you don't want to work, just go to HR and get fired."

Seeing the employees who had been watching the excitement at the door of the first floor but did not go upstairs to work, Lin Zhe angrily yelled at these people.

When these people heard Lin Zhe's words, they were like a flock of frightened birds and hurried back to their jobs.

"There are less and less rules."

Lin Zhe took the elevator to the third floor. These employees were not at their jobs, and no one from the human resources department came forward to manage them. This made Lin Zhe very strange. He went directly to the third floor to see what these people were doing.

When he came to the third floor, he saw that the employees of the resource department on the third floor were working under the management of Jing Feng. Lin Zhe was very satisfied with the employees who were working hard. He looked at the direction of the human resources department and sat lazily. At the workstation, some people are playing with their mobile phones and some are putting on makeup.


Lin Zhe, who originally wanted to get angry, thought after thinking that this was Zhu Qi's territory after all, and he had to save some face for her. Instead of saying anything directly, he walked outside the personnel department and coughed on the two of them as a reminder.

These two coughs were heard by everyone in the human resources department. Seeing Lin Zhe at the door, they quickly pretended to be working seriously.

"Good job, where is your supervisor?"

Lin Zhe forced a smile and said to the employees in the human resources department. He looked at the office area and did not see Zhu Qi and asked the employees.

"Our supervisor left yesterday afternoon and never came back." "

The deputy director stood up and answered Lin Zhe.

"If the supervisor is not here, you won't be working? Are you, the deputy supervisor, completely dispensable? If that's the case, you can leave."

Looking at Qin Mu, the deputy director of the human resources department in front of him, Lin Zhe put away the smile that he was unwilling to show and said to him.

"Me, the chairman?"

Qin Mu, the deputy director of the human resources department, was confused. He was praising them just now, but his face suddenly changed. He couldn't figure it out for a while.

"You really think I don't know what you were doing just now! The employees downstairs left their jobs and went to the first floor. Why didn't I see the human resources department?"

Zhu Qi had originally helped him yesterday, and although he was very angry today, he couldn't get angry at her. But when he heard that Zhu Qi had not come today, he couldn't hide the anger in his heart, and he directly faced Qin Mu. shouted the angry bag.

"Yes, I will strictly manage it so that this kind of thing will never happen again."

Qin Mu, who was scolded, immediately understood why Lin Zhe was angry, and directly assured Lin Zhe that he could keep his job.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance. As long as your supervisor is away from now on, you can help me carry the big beam. Don't point your fingers at Zhu Qi to do everything. I will also pay you as the deputy supervisor."

After all, this was Zhu Qi's territory. After giving Qin Mu a few more instructions, he left the work area of ​​the Human Resources Department.

After leaving the work area of ​​the Human Resources Department, Lin Zhe turned into the office area of ​​the Resources Department next door. Seeing the different atmosphere between the Resources Department and the next door, Lin Zhe nodded with satisfaction.

"Chairman, sit down quickly and go get the chairman a cup of coffee."

Jing Feng, the deputy director of the resources department, raised his head and saw Lin Zhe standing at the door. He quickly got a stool for Lin Zhe and put it behind Lin Zhe, and asked ten employees to pour coffee.

"There's no need for Jingfeng to be busy, and everyone doesn't need to look at me. Your work enthusiasm is very good. Jingfeng, please arrange lunch and I'll treat it. Then take the reimbursement form and call the finance department directly."

Lin Zhe was never stingy when it came to employees who worked hard. He directly took out an insurance policy, wrote his name on it and handed it to Jingfeng and said.

"Long live the Chairman!"

The employees all shouted happily when the chairman treated him to a treat at noon today.

"Take it because I dare to change my job."

Jingfeng stopped the employees' celebration and said to everyone with a straight face.

"Chairman, we have already made the new investment plan, and we confirmed it last time."

Jingfeng took out a document bag from his desk drawer and handed it to Lin Zhe, who was a little embarrassed and wanted to explain the last plan to Lin Zhe.

", "What happened last time is over. You will be the head of the resources department from now on. You work hard. If I open a new company in the future, you will be the general manager for me. "

After a brief look at the new investment plan, Lin Zhe found that the plan was completely consistent with what Lin Zhe had in mind. He closed the plan and said to Jing Feng with great satisfaction.

All the employees in the office heard Lin Zhe's words, and no one expected that a deputy supervisor would suddenly become a supervisor and have the opportunity to become the general manager of a branch company.

"Thank you, Chairman, for giving me the opportunity. Listen carefully, as long as you work well, you can get a promotion and a salary increase."

Listening to Lin Zhe's arrangement, Jingfeng was a little flattered. She originally thought that being the director of the resources department would be great, but she didn't expect that the chairman would actually promise him the general manager. First, he thanked Lin Zhe, and then took this opportunity to motivate his employees.

(Hao Zhaohao) Lin Zhe was also very satisfied with what Jing Feng did later.

"Brother, have you read today's news?"

Liu Shuang broke into Liu Shang's office without knocking and asked Liu Shang who was still working.

"News? What's so interesting about that."

Liu Shang also felt bored when he heard Liu Shuang ask him if he watched the news. Who else watches the news now.

"It's reported in the news that something happened to Lin Zhe, please take a look."

Liu Shuang was too anxious to say anything, so he directly put the phone in front of Liu Shang for him to look at.

"Lin Zhe is a murderer. He bribed the police to change his murder into suicide!"

Liu Shang was shocked when he saw what was written in the news on his mobile phone. If Lin Zhe was really the murderer, he could just give up on the cooperation he had reached with Lin Zhe before. He would not be able to put the future of the company on his own. In a murderer. .

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