"Brother, what should we do next?"

Liu Shuang saw Liu Shang staring at the phone screen without saying anything, so he asked.

"Let's not worry about this matter for now. Finding your second brother first is the first priority. Let's talk about Lin Zhe later."

Liu Shang, who originally wanted to cooperate with Lin Zhe, didn't know what to do for a while. Should he continue to cooperate with Lin Zhe and disband these brothers? Finally, he thought that if Lin Zhe had nothing to do, he had not offended a big boss. , told Liu Shuang his decision.

"Uh, okay, that's right, finding the second brother is the most important thing."

After hearing the decision given by Liu Shang, Liu Shuang didn't react for a moment. He didn't think that he wouldn't expand his territory now. He just thought about the impulsive and stupid Liu Gong [said to Liu Shang with a forced smile.

"Well, I heard that there will be certain clues in the suburbs of the city. Then you can bring more people and keep an eye on some small factories and some unattractive places for me to look for.

Thinking of finding Liu Gong quickly, Liu Shang remembered the news he had recently received from the underworld and told Liu Shuang. 963 "Understood."

When I heard that Liu Shang told me to focus on checking the small factories in the suburbs, I was frightened. I didn't expect that the underworld people could get clues even from the places where they hid themselves so deeply. It was really not easy! There was not much panic in my heart. After all, I had vaccinated Li Yuan in advance, and he would not go out to attract attention.

"Do you have anything else? If not, just go down first."

Liu Shang saw Liu Shuang still standing in front of him, and waved his hand to indicate that Li Shuang could go out.


Nothing happened, so Liu Shuang turned around and left.

Ring ring ring.


"Boss, we have now found the place where the second brother is being held."

The subordinate on the other end of the phone was anxiously reporting to Liu Shang.

"Send me the location and I'll rescue people when I arrive."

When Liu Shang heard the good news from the other end of the phone, a big stone finally fell from his heart, and he happily ordered to the other end of the phone. Liu Shang was afraid that these stupid young men would do something and endanger Liu Gong's life.

"Don't leave, come with me to rescue your second brother."

Liu Shang had spent a lot of money to buy a pistol before. This time he saved Liu Gong just in case. He also put the gun on his waist and shouted to Liu Shuang who had not yet walked out of the door.

"Okay, I'm going to call someone now."

Liu Shuang, who had already heard the content of the phone call, wanted to leave the office quickly and find a place where no one was around to report the message to Li Yuan. Unexpectedly, Liu Shang stopped him before he left. Knowing that he could not escape, he turned around. He turned to Liu Shang and said.

"No need to call anyone, that place has been surrounded layer by layer. No one can escape. Let's leave quickly."

Liu Shang heard that Liu Shuang was still going to call for help. Liu Shang, who was already eager to save people, couldn't care less and just dragged Liu Shuang out.

Liu Shuang broke free, but he was just playing with his brain. With Liu Shang's muscles, such a break would have no effect at all.

The two of them drove towards the suburbs. Liu Shuang was sitting in the passenger seat and looked at the familiar roads around him, which was the road he had been taking to the suburbs. He felt very uneasy. This really showed that Liu Gong was being imprisoned. The place was really discovered.

"Brother, how did you find your second brother?"

Anyway, they already knew where Liu Gong was being imprisoned. Liu Shuang didn't want to report the news anymore. He was sitting in the passenger seat and Liu Shang was sitting in the driver's seat. With such a close distance, it would be difficult for him to pass on the news without being caught. I gave up this idea.

Liu Shuang was puzzled as to how Liu Shang found the place of detention he was looking for, so he asked Liu Shang who was driving (acah).

"Thanks to the people in the underworld, I heard the news that after a person drank too much in a hotel, he spilled the beans and was overheard by the underworld. Then he followed these people and found the current factory. This underworld The people carefully observed here for two days and found that these people had not come out since that time, and there was nothing inside.


Liu Shang looked at Liu Shuang and wanted to know, so he told the news exactly as he got it.

"So that's it."

Liu Shuang was really speechless when he heard that the date they got drunk was the night he called. He guessed that Li Yuan took them to have a good meal in order to stay well in the factory. He didn't expect that someone would I don’t know even if I follow it.

Soon they arrived at the place where Liu Gong was being held. As soon as Liu Shang's car stopped, more than ten people appeared and surrounded him.

"Big brother, third brother."

Everyone saw that Liu Shang and Liu Shuang were coming and quickly said hello.

"What's going on inside now?"

Liu Shang looked at his men who had been staring here for a long time, and felt very fortunate. He nodded to a few people and asked.

"Brother, the underworld people have been watching here. It is certain that no one has come out since that day. After we came, there is still no movement here. The people who entered seemed to have evaporated."

The men quickly reported the results they had been staring at.

Just when Liu Shang was thinking about how to get in, he saw a person coming out of the factory from a distance.

"Hurry and take cover."

Liu Shang took everyone to hide in a nearby house that he had bought. Liu Shuang was stunned when he saw the people who came out. The people who came out were his cronies. This was not made public.

"Go and catch that man."

Liu Shang pointed at several of his men and ordered.

Liu Shuang hid behind and observed that no one around him noticed him. He quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a dangerous text message to Li Yuan who was still in the scene.

Then he quickly deleted the sent text message. After deleting it, he walked to the door as if nothing had happened and looked at the situation outside through the crack in the door.

"Hey. Has anyone caught you?"

Liu Shang was sitting in the yard. After waiting for a long time, the men he had just sent out had not returned yet. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Just when Liu Shang was anxious, the phone in his pocket rang. He glanced at the phone number and it was He wanted to wait, so he answered the phone and asked anxiously to the other end of the phone.

When Liu Shuang heard the phone call, he felt a little nervous. He had just been busy sending text messages to Li Yuan and forgot about the brother who came out. If he was caught, it would be really troublesome. .

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