"Okay, I know.

He was originally drinking with Li Yuan and his brothers, but when he heard what the secretary said, his happy face suddenly turned cold.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

Li Yuan also noticed something was wrong with Liu Shuang's expression, and waited until Liu Shuang put down the phone before asking him.

"The person I arranged told me that Liu Shang was rushing to the hospital."

Seeing that everyone who was drinking was looking at him and wanted to know what was going on on the other end of the phone, Liu Shuang told everyone without hesitation.

"What does going to the hospital mean? Come on, let's keep drinking."

One of my subordinates didn't understand why he was so nervous when he just went to the hospital.

"Go away, go over there and stand facing the wall."

Li Yuan saw that his heartless subordinate still understood what was going on and continued to drink. Li Yuan stood up angrily and kicked the subordinate over and said.

The subordinate who was kicked down looked at the fools around him, finally sobered up, and quickly stood in the corner dejectedly.

"Third brother, you don't have to worry. Maybe Liu Gong in the hospital is dead. Liu Shang rushed over anxiously just to see him for the last time.

Li Yuan also thought of another possibility and said to Liu Shuang.

02 "This is impossible. If Liu Gong is really dying, she will definitely notify me. His failure to notify me means that I am still not completely reassured in his heart. Liu Shang went to the hospital in a hurry, but he has not notified me yet. Even my informant didn’t tell me, so that only means that Liu Gong is awake!”

Liu Shuang denied Li Yuan's statement and told everyone his analysis.

"Even if Liu Gong wakes up, he won't know that we drove it."

One of his subordinates looked at the nervous Liu Shuang and said confidently.

"That's right, but we can't afford the gamble. Get rid of him tonight!"

As Liu Shuang said, he had no way to turn back now. He could only walk to the dark side and said to Li Yuan and many brothers.

"Okay, leave it to us."

Li Yuan had no choice. Since he had offended Liu Shang, he had no place in this city. If even Liu Shuang gave up on him, the only thing waiting for him would be death, so he fought desperately for Liu Shuang. Do things happily and wait until one day you can succeed.

"Okay, you continue to drink. Li Yuan comes with me."

Liu Shuang saw everyone volunteering to kill Liu Gong, and he was very satisfied and said to everyone, and then called Li Yuan aside.

"What's wrong with third brother?"

Li Yuan saw Liu Shuang calling him aside for something important, so he asked Liu Shuang.

"You bring someone with you tomorrow night, and then I will..."

The plan had already been conceived in Liu Shuang's mind, and Liu Shuang leaned into Li Yuan's ear and said.

"This, this, this is not allowed."

After Li Yuan heard Liu Shuang's plan, he opened his eyes wide in fear and said to Liu Shuang.

"Okay, no problem. If you don't go, I will find someone else to go for you. Then it will still be my plan. They don't have your brains. There may not be many people who can come back after completing this plan."

Liu Shuang knew that Li Yuan had been getting along well with these brothers recently, and when he heard that Li Yuan did not want to make his own plans, he took the safety of these brothers and said to Ji Yuan with a threatening tone.

"Okay, I'll lead the team."

Li Yuan turned around to his brothers who were drinking, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said to Liu Shuang.

"Okay. I believe you will handle this matter well. Don't show your face for this matter, you can already follow me in the future."

Seeing Li Yuan who had already agreed, Liu Shuang patted his shoulder and said with satisfaction.

Liu Shang, who had already rushed to the hospital, went directly to Liu Gong's ward.

"Mr. Liu, you are finally here."

The doctor who was already checking Liu Gong's condition in the ward quickly made room when he saw that Liu Shang was coming.

"How is my brother doing now?"

Liu Shang looked at Liu Gong, who had not yet opened his eyes, and asked the doctor.

"When we came in before, the patient's arm moved. We thought the patient was getting better, but what we didn't expect was that no matter what methods we used, the patient had no response."

When they heard Liu Shang ask them, they all knew that Liu Shang was not easy to mess with, so they didn't take it too seriously and told Liu Shang exactly what happened.

"It turns out it just moved."

After hearing what the doctor said about the situation just now, Liu Shang, who had come over happily, said dejectedly as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

"Mr. Liu, please don't feel sad yet. This doesn't mean your brother can't wake up."

Seeing Liu Shang so sad, the doctor patted Liu Shang's back comfortingly and said.

"Yes, my brother has already moved. There is absolutely hope that he will wake up."

Liu Shang, who was originally decadent, suddenly raised his head and said when he thought of something.

The doctors who were standing around and comforting Liu Shang were all shocked by this scene.

"You only need to let me know everything about my brother from now on. No matter who comes here and asks about my brother, they will tell me that he can't wake up. Do you understand?"

Liu Shang looked at the doctor standing in the ward and ordered.

"Don't worry about this."

"We know what to do."

The doctors looked at Liu Shang's expression like a wolf seeing prey and quickly expressed their attitude.

"Well, don't worry, your hush money will be paid even to 510 cents.

Looking at the doctors who had already expressed their attitude, Liu Shang, who was still stern at first, said to the doctors with a smile on his face.

"We can't collect money."

"Can't accept it."

Liu Shang, who turned against him faster than turning the pages of a book, made the doctors scared. They dared to ask for hush money, so they quickly waved their hands and refused.

"You can keep it if you give it to me. If someone wants to give you money to talk, just tell me and I will give you double the amount."

Since he meditated and reached the position of chairman, Liu Shang has also figured out that money is just an external thing, and if you don't have it, you can earn it. Things that can be done with money are not called things. Liu Shang has never been stingy when it comes to money.

"You all go."

After finishing speaking, Liu Shang looked at the many doctors in the ward. It was useless to stand here and still occupied the space, and said directly to all the doctors.

When the doctors heard that Liu Shang had begun to chase them away, they all left the ward one after another.

Looking at Liu Gong lying on the hospital bed, Liu Shang was still a little worried and made a phone call.

"Big Bear, come to the hospital quickly."


Liu Shang was worried, and the person he trusted the most was Da Xiong. Da Xiong received Liu Shang's call and quickly drove to the hospital without saying anything. .

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