When Daxiong came to the hospital, he went straight into Liu Gong's ward and saw Liu Shang sitting by the bed and looking at Liu Gong.

"Brother, I'm here."

Da Xiong looked at Liu Shang's vicissitudes of life and said.

"Your second brother showed signs of waking up today.

Liu Shang told his confidant Da Xiong what had just happened without any concealment.

"Really? That's really great."

Hearing that Liu Gong had shown signs of waking up, Big Bear also laughed happily.

"Don't be happy too early. This is also the most dangerous thing for your second brother."

Compared with Da Xiong's happiness, Liu Shang expressed his worries to Da Xiong with a melancholy face.

"What? Are you saying that it will be dangerous for the second brother to wake up?"

Hearing Liu Shang's worries, Yin Neng also asked Liu Shang doubtfully.

"Those who hurt your second brother will definitely not let your second brother open his eyes."

Liu Shang told Da Xiong his analysis.

"Don't worry about this. I'll be watching here 24 hours a day. I'll sleep next to you to protect your second brother's safety."

After listening to Liu Shang's words, Big Bear also understood and quickly assured Liu Shang.

"I have a two-pronged strategy, which can not only keep your second brother safe, but also catch all those people with evil intentions."

Liu Shang had a big plan in mind. He wanted to make those who hurt his brother pay the price.

"Brother, please tell me."

Seeing that Liu Shang had already thought of a solution, Big Bear also became interested and said to Liu Shang.

Liu Shang also knew that the only person he could trust was Da Xiong, so he leaned his head over and told Da Xiong his plan in his ear.

"It sounds good, but I'm afraid."

After listening, Daxiong nodded, but still had some worries in his heart and said to Liu Shang.

"Hey, let's do it this way. Finish it quickly before tonight.`

Before Da Xiong could express his worries, Liu Shang quickly raised his hand and interrupted.

"No problem, I'll do it right away."

Big Bear also knows that it is better to do this kind of thing sooner rather than later, because he never knows when the danger will come.

"I'm just leaving first. If anything happens, call me."

Liu Shang was also very relieved about Da Xiong. He gave Da Xiong a few instructions and left the hospital. After all, there were still many things that he needed to deal with in the company, so there was no need to waste too much time here.

After Liu Shang left, Daxiong looked at Liu Gong who was lying on the hospital bed and had not yet woken up. He took out the phone and spoke to the other end of the phone.

"Chairman, there are a lot of documents that need your approval recently. Should I send them to you now, or should you come to the company."

Lin Zhe, who was sitting on the sofa, listened to Secretary Wu on the other end of the phone and said to Na Li after thinking about it.

"I'm going to the company. When I get there, I'll go to your office and let's talk in detail."


When Lin Zhe hung up the phone, Ye Wanqing, who was watching TV next to him, watched Lin Zhe put on his coat and asked him.

"What are you busy with?"

Lin Zhe must have something to do when she went out at this time, otherwise she would not have left home.

"Secretary Wu from the company called me and said that there are some documents that I need to take a look at."

Lin Zhe took a look at the notes on the phone to Ye Wanqing and said.

"What are you doing again?"

Lin Shuyu turned to look at the other side and stood up. Ye Wanqing asked doubtfully.

"Ang, I'll go back to the room and take a nap. I didn't sleep well last night."

Lin Shuyu didn't want to stay in the living room anymore, and quickly got up to go back to the room.

Lin Zhe left home and arrived at the door of the company in more than ten minutes. The employees in the company saw Lin Zhe coming to the company and greeted him warmly. After Lin Zhe responded, he took the elevator directly to the fourth floor.

"Old Wu, why are you looking for me?"

After getting out of the elevator, Lin Zhe turned directly into Secretary Wu's office. After entering the office, he directly asked Secretary Wu who was still sorting out documents.

"Chairman, aren't you here to review documents?"

Secretary Wu saw Lin Zhe coming and quickly stood up with a smile to greet him.

"Don't be so careless about me here. I don't know yet. You can just get the documents yourself. When did you ask me to come? You specified that you wanted to tell me something, so you deliberately told me on the phone that you needed documents. batch."

Lin Zhe looked at Secretary Wu who still refused to admit it and expressed his analysis.

"The chairman is really smart! I do have something to report to the chairman."

After listening to Lin Zhe's words, Secretary Wu knew that Lin Zhe had heard what he meant on the phone, so he spoke to Lin Zhe straight to the point.

", "Chairman, you should have a very good relationship with Director Zhu Qi. "

Secretary Wu then asked Lin Zhe.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Lin Zhe sat up straight when he heard Secretary Wu talking about Zhu Qi. He didn't know why Secretary Wu asked that, and then asked Secretary Wu in return.

"Director Zhu Qi has never been to the company since your accident. I called her to ask what happened. Zhu Qi was hesitant and didn't say anything. She just said she wanted to resign."

Secretary Wu told Lin Zhe his purpose of finding Lin Zhe here.

"Resign? She never told me about this!"

Lin Zhe also said in disbelief when he heard that Zhu Qi and Secretary Wu had mentioned their resignation.

"That's right, she also asked me to tell you after I resign that she thanked you for taking care of her over the years. He is very happy working here, but she does not belong here, so she has to go to where she should be (Liao Nuo) Zhao) went to the place.

Secretary Wu looked at the surprised Lin Zhe, and then told Lin Zhe what Zhu Qi asked him to tell Lin Zhe only once.

"I know about this. I will call Zhu Qi myself later and ask what happened?"

After she went in, Zhu Qi must have done something for herself, otherwise she would not have suddenly left without saying goodbye. However, she was unwilling to mention the reason to Secretary Wu. It seemed that she could only get it by calling Zhu Qi. The answer is.

"Well, there are also the directors of the company who wanted to take back their shares last time. They didn't dare to talk to you, so they secretly found me and wanted me to tell you about this matter. They were also forced by Hu Shan, so I would like to ask you not to take back the shares.”

Hearing that Lin Zhe was going to talk to Zhu Qi, Secretary Wu didn't pay attention to these things. Anyway, Zhu Qi's departure had no impact on him, and turned to talk to Lin Zhe about another matter. .

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