I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 78 Little Sister, Chang Li!

"Oh, good news?"

Chang Tong looked slightly surprised, her head slightly tilted and her eyes locked onto Gu Xia's red colored eyes, waiting patiently for him to speak. She tried not to close her eyes due to her exhaustion.

Gu Xia, noticing the older woman trying her hardest not to fall asleep out of respect for himself, truly put a genuine smile on his white face.

In all his restarts this woman did nothing wrong to him...

No mental torture.

No physical torture.


So, he was pretty biased when it came to the mother of the overly nice heroine.

Chang Wen who saw the genuine smile Gu Xia was wearing caused her face to slightly reddened and she couldn't help but think back to the embrace that occurred 30 minutes ago in the parking lot.

Cupping her cheeks she tried to control her 'childish' emotions... She failed...

Gu Xia ignored the cute heroine, instead he kept his eyes locked onto Chang Tong and told her the good news.

"I was wondering if yourself and your family would like to move into a private villa, free of charge."

He announced, his tone was dead serious with no joking present.


Chang Tong found herself in a state of disbelief, every time she tried to utter a word she found her mouth not moving.

Her pupils shrunk and she began rubbing her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I've seemed to have misheard you... As you can tell I haven't gotten proper sleep in a long time..."

Those were the words that left her mouth, she honestly thought her ears were playing a cruel trick on her.

She seemed so lost in her thoughts as she took a step backward without realizing her surroundings.

Sighing, Gu Xia took a step forward and grabbed the older woman's hands with his, making sure she wouldn't trip.

He didn't want the tired mother to fall and hurt herself.

"Ma'am, you didn't mishear me... What I said actually left my mouth."

He assured the older woman.

Chang Tong ignored the physical contact, her ears were twitching at his words as her mind was going into overdrive of shock.

Never in her entire life has someone told her, herself and her family could live in a private villa.

"W-What's the catch?"

She spit out, she knew that this was too good of an offer to not have some sketchy price.

Gu Xia shook his head once.

"No catch. I believe that yourself and your family truly deserves this private villa."

His words were quiet, but were heard clearly by the mother and daughter.

Chang Tong felt tears form inside her light blue eyes.

"I-I-I... All these years... I've been working my ass off to get by and live such a sad lifestyle."

Gu Xia wiped the forming tears.

"Don't worry, you won't have to suffer anymore."

He whispered in her ear.

Chang Wen stood in place with a warm smile painted on her beautiful face as she watched the wholesome scene that played out in front of her.

She began to sniffle when she saw her mother tearing up.

Her mother has never cried or showed any weakness in front of her, ever.

So, when she witnessed her mother showing such weakness, she couldn't help but feel many complicated emotions arise inside her heart.

A small girlish voice appeared out of thin air which caught everyone's attention.

Gu Xia stopped wiping Chang Tong's tears and backed away, his head slightly turned right to only see a little 12-year old girl who had appeared around the corner while holding a teddy bear with her left hand.

She had short light blue hair that rested on her shoulders and a small petite body that yelled out cuteness and an innocent air around her.

She wore white pajamas that had baby panda's stitched everywhere.

"Chang Li, why are you up?"

Chang Tong stopped feeling those complicated emotions and instead turned to her motherly side and instinctively walked over to her daughter.

Chang Li with an innocent look on her adorable face rubbed her eyes with her free hand.

"I was thirsty."

She answered sweetly to her mother with a slightly dried voice.

The little girl seemed to not have noticed the other two people present, apparent to the fact she didn't acknowledge them.

Chang Tong's entire body tightened up as if she was uncomfortable, her face had a hinge of sadness present.

She placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders.

"Oh, honey... I'm sorry, but I couldn't afford the water bill this month..."

Her voice was quiet, a little shame was added along her tone.

Chang Li silently nodded her head.

"I understand, mommy."

As the 12-year old girl was about to turn around a voice was heard.

"If you want water, I can go out and buy some."

Chang Wen, Chang Tong, and Chang Li all looked over at Gu Xia who was the owner of the voice that spoke.

This was the first time Chang Li noticed the two people present and this caused her eyes to widen.

"Big sister?"

She instantly noticed her big sister who gently waved at her, she didn't care too much about the insanely handsome man.

With a giant smile on her face and her tiredness disappearing, she dropped her teddy bear and ran to speak to her big sister with her arms out.

Like a rocket she came head first into Chang Wen's stomach.

A second later, she wrapped her small arms around her big sister as she rubbed her face against the soft smooth white skin.

"Chang Li."

Chang Wen muttered as she knelt down and returned the embrace.

"Big sister, I missed you!"

Chang Li sniffled, her eyes becoming wet, she looked upward into her big sister's light blue eyes which she shared.

Chang Wen patted her little sister's short light blue hair.

"I missed you too."

She gently whispered.

Chang Li glanced over at Gu Xia for a second before returning back to looking at her big sister.

"Who is that handsome man?"

She quietly asked with innocent and curious eyes.

With her ears slightly turning red, Chang Wen glanced over at Gu Xia then back to her little sister.

"That is Gu Xia, my ma-friend."

She quickly answered, the word "master" almost left her mouth, but luckily she caught herself before she had to dig her own grave.

Chang Li stopped embracing her older sister and instead took a step back where she nodded her head thrice.

"I see.."

She turned toward Gu Xia and ran over to him with her little legs.

"Hello! My name is Chang Li!"

She introduced herself with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Chang Li."

Gu Xia's tone was tender, he placed his large sturdy warm hand on the little girls head and ruffled her light blue hair.

"Hey, don't mess up my hair!"

Chang Li retreated with both hands covering her own hair.


Gu Xia let out a laugh as he watched the little girl hide behind her mother.

Chang Tong placed her hand on her cheek and sighed.

"Oh my, Chang Li. You're usually shy around new people."

She commented out loud.

Chang Li's small adorable face puffed out like a chipmunk and her ears turned rosy red.

"M-Mommy... Don't embarrass me!"

As she mumbled those words, she playfully barraged her mother with small 'violent' attacks with her hands.

Gu Xia, who was enjoying the sight with a small smile, walked over which seemed to catch the attention of Chang Tong and Chang Li.

Before the little girl could say a word, Gu Xia crouched down to her eye level.

"Earlier you said you were thirsty, right?"

He questioned in a non threatening voice.

"Umu, I came down here to drink some water..."

Chang Li responded.

Getting up from his crouching position, Gu Xia looked downward at the little girl.

"So, do you want to go on a small adventure to retrieve some water with me?"

He asked.


Chang Li's eyes brightened, she looked over at her mother to see what she had to say.

Chang Tong was silent, she looked over at Gu Xia who gave her a thumbs up.

With a deep and heavy sigh, she nodded her head.

"Fine, but..."

She bit her lip, after a few seconds she stopped, she then continued speaking:

"You must protect her, at all costs. This area is highly dangerous at night."

She warned Gu Xia with worry hinged into her voice.

Chang Wen chuckled to herself when she heard her mothers words.

After all... She knew that with Gu Xia around, nobody in the entire novel world could lay a finger on her little sister, so she was quick to calm her mothers worry.

"Mother, don't worry... Gu Xia is extremely strong!"

She confidently said, with not an ounce of lies present.

Seeing and hearing such confidence from her oldest daughter, Chang Tong had no choice but to nod her head.

"Ok... Gu Xia, I trust you to make sure no harm comes to my littlest."

Gu Xia patted his chest.

"Don't worry ma'am, nothing will happen to Chang Li and if something does happen... Well... Let's just say that I might cause a teeny tiny bit of chaos."

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach 1,000 golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys a nice Christmas filler chapter about Gu Xia and the other characters enjoying Christmas together. PS, it will be comedic and wholesome!]

[Also, if we reach such a goal I will let the readers pick the first heroine to be digitally illustrated!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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