"Big brother, I can see so much from up here!"

Chang Li giggled as she held onto Gu Xia's pitch white hair with her small little hands, she looked around at her surroundings with a giant adorable smile plastered on her white face.

If you're wondering why she was calling Gu Xia, "big brother"... Well her shyness had gone 'poof' and she started saying it.

Gu Xia didn't have the heart to say anything about it... Even though he wouldn't say shit anyways... (He found it outright adorable).

At the current moment, the little girl was riding on top of Gu Xia's shoulders with happiness flooding from her atmosphere, she was enjoying herself.

After an irrelevant conversation between Gu Xia and Chang Tong finished, he left with the little girl and began their wholesome adventure to the supermarket.

As they made their way down the sidewalk, Gu Xia smiled gently, he showed a carefree expression as he silently listened to Chang Li run her mouth, happily.

"Big brother, it's odd... I don't feel cold... I'm only wearing my pajamas..."

She commented, confused by the way she wasn't feeling the slight cold wind blowing onto her exposed skin.

"I did a magic trick, so you wouldn't feel cold."

Gu Xia told her, his tone was gentle.

Though, it wasn't magic... But Qi which he used as heat elements to make sure the little girl wouldn't get cold.

Because, if she got a cold... Gu Xia would have broken his promise to Chang Tong.

Which of course he didn't want to, after all... This woman did nothing wrong to him in every restart he lived through.

"You're a magician, big brother!?"

Chang Li's eyes began to shine as stars appeared in her pupils, she stopped looking around, her attention snapped onto the man she was riding on, for free...

Gu Xia couldn't help but chuckle at her cute words.

"Yep, I'm a very strong magician!"

As he spoke, he showed her his right hand and out of nowhere a little pitch black fireball appeared out of thin air which rested on his skin.

Chang Li's eyes widened, she was amazed at the sudden magic that occurred right in front of her.

"Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!"

She repeated as she gently clapped her hands together, over and over.

Before Gu Xia could open his mouth, a scratched voice was heard.

"Empty your pockets!"

A tall man who had his face covered in a pure black ski mask, walked out of an alleyway and approached Gu Xia and Chang Li with a knife in his hand.

He pointed the sharp edge at the two.

Gu Xia glared sharply at the thug.


He ordered in a cold tone, his blood red eyes slightly glowed and the air around him felt cold.

The thug felt his body shiver and his pupils shrink, his throat seemed to have clenched up because his breathing became distorted.

Looking at the man in front of him he felt like he was standing in front of an unmovable mountain.
unconsciously he took a step back.

Biting his lip, he gripped harder onto the knife and refused to listen to the person he was robbing.

"Are you stupid? I have a fucking knife! Empty your pockets!"

He spit out, his voice was slightly shaky.

"B-Big brother... I'm scared..."

Chang Li whispered, she doesn't like violence and has never been in this type of situation and felt an emotion called fear appear in her heart.

"Chang Li, want to see a magic trick that can make this man disappear?"

Gu Xia asked.

Chang Li hurriedly nodded her head, wanting to get rid of the bad guy as soon as possible!

"Y-Yes I want to see the bad guy disappear!"

"Ok, then close your eyes and cover your ears, and in the next 10 seconds he will go 'poof'!"

Gu Xia's eyes never left the thug as the little girl sitting on his shoulders closed her eyes and covered her ears.

Watching all of this, the thug was beyond confused, but a vein soon appeared on his forehead which was because he felt his pride being stepped on, he also felt like he wasn't being treated properly as a criminal!

"Y-You arrogant bastard!"

He pointed the knife's sharp edge toward Gu Xia's face, his face burning hot in rage. Never in his life as a criminal has he ever been treated so lowly.

Gu Xia seemed to ignore the words that were spit at him and instead looked around, checking out his current surroundings to see how busy it was.

Just a couple of homeless who were either laying on the ground or sitting and some sketchy people who leaned against trash can's and other objects while talking to each other, quietly.

He didn't want his movement to be limited because of the lower class, so once he got all the information he needed he began to speak.

"Chang Li, don't open your eyes or uncover your ears until I say so, ok?"


Chang Li didn't respond... Why? She was still tightly covering her ears with her small hands.

At this point, coming to that realization, Gu Xia wanted to slap himself in the face, he really wasn't thinking fully besides wanting to rip the thugs head off and feed it to the pigs.

Showing a small awkward smile, he scratched his cheek.

"Well, looks like she is occupied on top of my shoulders, so how about we head into the alley way."

He asked the thug in a calm voice, he looked over at the alley way which the thug came out of.

The thug was beyond happy to hear this, now he didn't have to worry about police spotting him!

As you can tell, he did not even question or think why the 'victim' wanted to move locations to a more unfortunate one...

"Hurry the fuck up then!"

The thug ushered as he walked back into the alley way, he made sure to keep his eyes on Gu Xia at all times, making sure he wouldn't run away.

Gu Xia followed behind and in a couple seconds he and the little girl on his shoulders stood in the alley way in front of the thug who still had his knife pointed forward.

"Empty your pockets!"

The thug repeated his words from earlier.

Gu Xia nodded his head and took his right hand and placed it in his right pocket where he began grabbing something.

He pulled out his wallet and handed it over, politely.

The thug quickly snatched the wallet and instantly looked inside with greedy eyes.

"!?-How many hundreds are there!?"

He couldn't help but yelp when he looked at all the stacks of cash in the wallet which were all hundreds.

'I really hit the jackpot! With this I can party!'

As he was thinking this, he didn't notice that Gu Xia was moving closer to him.

"Now that you had a look, your time is unfortunately up."

Gu Xia grabbed the thug by his neck and lifted him up from the ground.

The thug was caught off guard by the sudden action and lifted his knife and shot it toward Gu Xia's shoulder however, right as the sharp edge was about to make contact...

Gu Xia's entire right arm and hand turned to pure fire.


The thug screamed in pure pain, the pure fire immediately spread to his skin and began to burn off his entire body.

The wallet he was holding burnt and all the money turned to ash.

Gu Xia released the burning man and took a step back where he then coldly gazed at this hellish scene with indifference.

Once the entire body was burned and turned into ash, he took his leave from the alley way.

"Make sure you make the people who heard and saw what happened disappear."

He spoke out loud.

"Yes sir!"

Out of thin air, multiple voices were heard and streaks of black disappeared into the darkness.

Gu Xia carried on to walk down the sidewalk.

"Chang Li, you can open your eyes."

His voice which was icy turned to gentleness.

Hearing no response, his eyebrows raised.

Gently and softly, he grabbed Chang Li and moved her position into a princess carry to see her current state.

Gu Xia's heart warmed up at the adorable scene in front of him and really had to hold himself back from ticking her stomach.

'Sleep well.'

He thought to himself as he patted her head.

Yep, Chang Li fell asleep... And she seemed to be a heavy sleeper...

It was past her bedtime and the sleepiness from earlier caught up.

Not wanting to awake the precious being that rested in his arms, he made sure no other presence could interrupt.

With that, they made their way to the supermarket where he bought a couple of bottles of water with his golden credit card which his subordinate gave him.

With that done, they made their way back, the entire time, Chang Li was snoring and muttering in her sleep.

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach 1,000 golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys a nice Christmas filler chapter about Gu Xia and the other characters enjoying Christmas together. PS, it will be comedic and wholesome!]

[Also, if we reach such a goal I will let the readers pick the first heroine to be digitally illustrated!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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