I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 86 Hunting Time!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!"

Wu Kuang repeated crazily as he ran through an alleyway.

His entire body was sweating, short of breath and hazy eyes, veins were seen on his forehead that were on the verge of exploding.

As he pushed through trash cans and kicked through cardboard boxes and plastic cans, his steps echoed throughout the puddles.

Right behind him, sounds of running could be heard, multiple figures all wearing grey military outfits that had no badges, medals or such attached and wore reaper masks chased after their target.

Quickly glancing behind him, Wu Kuang's entire face was red in rage as he hurriedly and sloppily threw his needles at his pursuers.

Only one needle landed, the pursuer in front instantly fell to the ground as if his entire body gave out, his body froze up internally and blood began spilling from his eyes, he left behind a low gargling scream before choking on his blood and dying.

The rest of the pursuers merely ignored their allie and passed his dead corpse, this seemed to cause Wu Kuang to become even more livid as he began cursing internally while biting his lip.

'Shit, these fuckers won't even have one stupid fucking person check on their teammate!?'

The reason why he was cussing like a pre-teen who just learned what cuss words were?

Well... He was absolutely terrified to the point he couldn't think properly or act.

Ever since that exposure video was shown, mostly everyone in the country saw it, making it impossible for him to hide in hotels, malls, or high populated areas.

So, he had no choice but to run into the poor areas of the country.

After all his allies coldly abandoned him, he became a turkey for hunting... And there were a lot of hunters hunting him...

He was alone...

He felt betrayed...

His emotions were in turmoil.

Coming to a halt, due to a wall, Wu Kuang gritted his teeth and rapidly looked around for an exit before his pursuer caught up, which would happen in 10 seconds.

Not seeing an exit, hope started to disappear from his heart until his eyes landed on a small fragile wooden door that had mold on it.

With a crazed expression and his hope remerging inside his heart, he blasted forward and knocked the door down, which easily broke under his strength.

"W-Who are you?"

Entering, Wu Kuang whose eyes were bloodshot looked over toward the old lady who let out a yelp and dropped the soup she was drinking.

At the sound of the shatter, Wu Kuang hurriedly stepped toward the old baggage and grabbed her by the neck and placed his body behind her.

Not even a couple seconds pass and the pursuers barge into the small poor home only to be met with the sight of their 'prey' using a poor old lady as a human shield causing them to flinch in hesitation.

Seeing that the 'hunter's' morally and ethically stopped themselves, Wu Kuang showed a confident expression as he held a sharp needle to the old lady's wrinkly neck.
"Hahahaha!!! Even you guys aren't that cold, right!?"

He yelled out as he took a couple steps backward, his eyes were looking everywhere for any possible open spots that he could be attacked from.

The pursuers didn't answer nor get mad at his words, they merely waited for an opening, slowly following after.

"Enough with the games."

Hearing an unknown voice, everyone in the room hurriedly looked over at the origin of this sound.

All the pursuers immediately knelt down on one knee and slightly lowered their heads.

Wu Kuang was beyond confused at this man's sudden appearance, all he could tell was that this guy had control over the people who were hunting him.

"W-Who are you!"

He barked, his body was slightly shaking in fear.

"Me? My name is Gu Xia, the man who you lied about."

Gu Xia lightly waved, a smile was on his face as he passed his subordinates who were all shaking due to the pressure of their boss who stood at the peak of the pyramid of the organization.

"Y-Y-Y-Your Gu Xia!?"

Wu Kuang obviously became panicked, reason: the golden spirits had warned him about this guy.

Yet, because he wanted to be all cocky and prideful he ignored the very existence of this threat, he merely only had his backers and connections deal with him which horribly failed.

"Yes, that is me. I must say your tactic of using an innocent old lady is very foul..."

Gu Xia smirked, ignoring the old lady who was frozen in fear.

Wu Kuang, without realizing it applied more pressure onto the old lady's neck causing the sharp point of the needle to pierce into the skin, a small amount of clear warm red blood lightly started oozing out.

Realizing his mistake, the medical protagonist quickly healed the damaged skin before glaring back at Gu Xia who just stood there with his hands behind his back.

"I think that's enough playing around, I must say this was a nice small chat we had, but this is the end of the line for you."

Hearing Gu Xia's words, Wu Kuang laughed out loud.

"End of the line for me!? Hahahaha!!! You joke, right!? With this old lady as my hos-"

Before Wu Kuang could finish his words... The old lady's head exploded, her old blood landed on his handsome face.

With shaky hands, he dropped the dead corpse onto the bloody ground.

"Y-You monster!"

Wu Kuang roared, he pointed his pointer finger at Gu Xia.

With his eyebrows raised, Gu Xia shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to dirty your clothes with the blood."

He did a courtesy bow, his voice held mockery.

Wu Kuang whose entire face lost its color and became pale, screaming wildly, he ran toward a window and dived through the glass, not caring for the small injuries that just occurred on his face with the broken glass.

Gu Xia sighed, the next second later his face became distorted as he glanced at his subordinates.

"What are you waiting for... GET HIM!!!"

"YES SIR!!!"

Each subordinate screamed at the top of their lungs while getting out of their kneeling position and getting back to hunting the medical protagonist.

Rubbing his forehead, Gu Xia took out his expensive cigar case and popped out a cigar.

"Well, this is just the start of the hunt, everyone in the country under my influence is hunting you, good luck Mr. Protagonist."




Currently, Wu Kuang was in a large crowded area that held markets on the sides.

Thanks to his regeneration in which the golden spirits gave him, all his injuries were healed and the blood on his face and clothes disappeared.

While pushing through dozens of people, he bumped into a little boy.

"Move you little shit."

He muttered in annoyance.

The little boy who fell onto his butt quickly stood up and glared at the bastard who rudely bumped into him then uttered such words.

Wu Kuang ignored the glare and walked past, but it was at that exact moment he felt his back become slightly numb and cold.

Realizing he was just stabbed, he was on the verge of screaming.

The little boy spit toward the ground before waddling away leaving behind these words.

"I'm a midget you fuck face!"

Wu Kuang desperately wanted to put a needle through the little fuckers head, but he knew he was in a very populated area, so, he held himself back.

"I need to get back to the mountain, I'll then relocate to a new country... Fuck, I'll even have my master change my face."

As he muttered this to himself, he failed to notice that a new group of hunters had joined in on the hunt and were watching him closely on the roofs above with their sniper rifles in their hands.

Finally making it through the crowd, Wu Kuang was immediately greeted with his previous pursuers who all held katanas in their hands.

Before he could react, one of the pursuers stabbed his right shoulder with his katana at a rapid speed and it was at the same moment a loud bang went off and a bullet pierced into his back.

His entire body fell to the ground, he landed on his stomach and ignoring the injuries that were healing, he mustered up all his remaining strength and bolted at the fastest speed he could toward the mountain.

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach 2,000 golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys more chapters from this novel during January, if we can get in the top 10 in the golden tickets I'll get a editor so I'll be able to post chapters faster.

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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