After bolting through the city, Wu Kuang, thanks to his protagonist halo which was on life support caused all his pursuers to lose him.

As the medical protagonist hurriedly made his way up the mountain, he kept glancing backwards repeatedly.

Fear overwhelmed his entire being, his mind was on the verge of collapsing to the point it would only take a single tap on the back and he would fall into misery.

His appearance was straight up ugly, the blue scrub he wore was ripped up showing his half naked body.

His face was plastered with snot and dry tears, making his handsome face extremally unsightly.

After a couple minutes of glancing behind his shoulder, he stopped his movement and took a heavy deep breath and inhaled the clean air around him, he then took a good moment to exhale the air back into the world.

"I should be fine now..."

Wu Kuang commented to himself, still wary of his surroundings but not so on edge to the point of craziness.

"Indeed, you should be fine now..."


Wu Kuang's entire body jumped backward, his face was full of terror when he heard the voice he truly didn't want to hear...

Gu Xia's lone figure walked out of the woods, while brushing the leaf's that were on his suit, he showed a small smile.

"I must say, you truly are a rat that's hard to hunt."

He made a joke in which Wu Kuang did not find funny... At all...

At the current moment it began to lightly rain.

Wu Kuang grinded his teeth, multiple emotions turmoil inside his heart, his expression looked like it was on the verge of breaking into absolute fear.

With a shaky body which was clean from his wounds that occurred earlier, he wanted to bolt out of here like a cheetah but found himself not being able to move his wobbly legs which tensed up.

No Qi or anything was stopping the medical protagonist from using his legs to run away...

Gu Xia who eyed his target, from up and down his body found his eyebrows raising as he noticed that his wounds were fully healed.

He commented to himself in a whisper so low only he could hear.

Although he knew that Wu Kuang was a medical genius in medical arts... He knew it was impossible for him at his current level to heal all his wounds on the run from professional 'hunters'.

Both men stood in silence, the only sounds that were heard was the sound of small breathing and light rain which hit the dirt ground.

While multiple clouds started to cover the sun which beamed downward onto both men, Gu Xia took a step forward then stopped his movement at the sight of Wu Kuang subconsciously taking a step back.

"Just give up, even If I let you go... The entire country is after you and multiple big shots are after your head."

Gu Xia spoke in a cold tone, his voice held nothing but coldness. He truly held no emotions to any protagonist, after all... In his eyes these bastards are all sent to just fuck with him and his life.

Wu Kuang shook his head in a robotic fashion while trying to open his mouth and form actual words.

He didn't want to believe that he was now target #1 in the entire country... It hasn't even been a week... A fucking week since he came down the mountain.

"L-L-Leave me alone!!!"

Wu Kuang let out his first coherent words from his mouth, with a scream he kicked off the ground and went into full panic rush mode.

His mind was in chaos which consisted of:






The list could go on and on...

His blood was pumping and his heart was beating at a rapid rate while he desperately ran like the wind.

Heavily sighing, Gu Xia began rubbing his forehead as he simply began walking toward the direction that Wu Kuang went.

"I swear, I don't have time to play tag..."

It was at those words a sudden burst of Qi erupted from his entire body and instantly began consuming his entire body from head to toe into pure darkness.

The only thing visible was a small black mist which was on the ground, the next second the small black mist shot forward at lighting speed.

Wu Kuang's danger senses which were going off crazily, caused his entire body to shutter.

Without realizing it, his Qi began to manifest around his body... Enhancing his physical capabilities.

Out of nowhere a black line of mist appeared from the ground and wrapped around his right leg, the next moment later, Wu Kuang fell onto the ground with his face eating a pile of dirt.

"Damn it."

He spit out in displeasure, wiping his nose which started bleeding from the impact of his fall, he tried to stand up but found that his leg was still being tightly held.

A couple feet away, the small amount of black mist appeared.

Gu Xia stepped out from the black mist under the shocked gaze of Wu Kuang who could only shake his head in disbelief.

"That was a fun little game of tag."

Gu Xia clapped his hands together, a small smile was etched onto his handsome face.

"But, the game must end here..."

He walked over to Wu Kuang and stood above him, he looked downward at him with displeasure swirling inside his eyes.

Wu Kuang couldn't utter a word while he watched Gu Xia take out a Desert Eagle and point it toward his chest.

"Goodbye, Mr. Protagonist."

Gu Xia uttered before loading 9 rounds into the medical protagonist's chest in all which pierced his heart.

Wu Kuang's life flashed before his eyes and scenes of special moments changed every time another shot was let off and made contact with his skin.

His body fell forward, smacking the ground he let out a blood gurgling sound before his eyes went lifeless.

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach the top ten for golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys more chapters from this novel during January, if we can get in the top 10 in the golden tickets I'll get a editor so I'll be able to post chapters faster.

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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