"Damn it! Let the armored soldiers be dispatched! Must catch him!"

In the tavern, Lin Bu called out his intelligent assistant and roared hoarsely.

His two arms have been broken, and he just barely managed to maintain his balance and stumbled out of the tavern, and drove straight to the office building of the Liberty Town Security Team.

He has his personal equipment over there.

He has to report Chen Feng's actions to the military as soon as possible, only in this way can he clarify the relationship a little bit.

Lin Bu sat in the office, finished the report at the fastest speed, and felt a little more at ease.

Then he put his hands under the scanner of the atomic therapy machine and turned on the power to its maximum.

The broken skeleton, tendons and broken nerves quickly recovered under the radiation knife of the therapeutic apparatus, but because the power was turned on too high, severe pain was produced, just like a person putting his hands in a hot Pan.

Lin Bu oozes cold sweat from his forehead, but he did not scream. It only uses the personal information system to continuously collect front-line battle reports from the mountainside of the small town. At the same time, he makes War Section and arranges to try to stop Chen Feng. .

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

Chen Feng has a good grasp of the military deployment of Freedom Town, and he also treasures the location of the various spare arsenals where the munitions are buried.

Combined with his terrifying individual special combat capability, he crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood all the way.

There are nearly twelve lines of defense in the inner base of the base camp.

Under ideal conditions, these twelve lines of defense can withstand a surprise attack by more than fifty regular troops.

But judging from the results, I don’t know whether it was the high-level fugitives who underestimated the battle strength of the regular army, or the super warrior Chen Feng, who ranked first in the overall quality Ranking List, was too tough.

In just ten minutes, Chen Feng has broken through the last line of defense.

"Not good! He is about to arrive at our biological laboratory! Cough cough, this man is a monster! I can’t aim at all!"

A teammate came from Limbu’s communicator The roar.

Already replaced with Azure Dragon Armor, Lin Bu, who is rushing forward, said quickly: "Naked eye can't be locked, so switch to automatic mode, let the artificial intelligence to lock him!"

"It can't be done. The core of our smart auxiliary is a shrinked version leaked by the military. It can't lock the military's warrior!"

Lin Bu waited to vomit three liters of blood.

"Too asshole, he was a deserter, why didn't the military remove him? Don't worry, we will be there soon. Azure Dragon Armor's own auxiliary system is enough, I don't believe it can't be cured. He!"

After that, the five Azure Dragon Armor squad headed by Lin Bu accelerated forward.

It only takes thirty seconds for them to appear in front of Chen Feng.

Regardless of Chen Feng's ability to play, Lin Bu has a chance to win.

At this moment, a more panicked battle report from the front line sounded in the communicator.

"He found our arsenal and rushed in."

Limb was shocked, "How could he know the entrance to the arsenal?"

"He is Chen Feng, the trump card in S-Rank Armored Soldier! Captain, the guard of the battleship captain, he has very high authority!"

Lin Bu was silent for a few seconds, "That's right. But it’s okay. Apart from Azure Dragon Armor, there are only ordinary single-soldier weapons in the arsenal. He is useless. He is not our opponent and can still subdue him."

Hang up the communication, Lin Bu urged others to speed up again with him.

As for Chen Feng, might he wear Azure Dragon Armor?

Lin Bu never thought about this problem at all.

Xingfengjia’s operation method is much simplified compared to Azure Dragon Armor.

Chen Feng’s Xingfeng Jia has an unprecedented level of control, but it does not mean that he will use Azure Dragon Armor.

The complexity of the two is incomparable.

If you don’t have systemized training, you can wear Azure Dragon Armor rashly. Not only can you not improve your strength, you may even hurt yourself when you lift your leg out of the 1st Step.

Azure Dragon Armor is an obsolete equipment that has been eliminated by the government for decades. Only the Explorer camp will use these things dug out of the recycle bin as the main equipment when there is no choice. .

Chen Feng is a professional soldier and there are better choices, so he is impossible to learn how to control Azure Dragon Armor.

Five seconds later, Chen Feng wore a pitch black Azure Dragon Armor-he broke through the door of the arsenal and rushed out.

At the same time, five Azure Dragon Armors, one black and four white, appeared in front of him.

Limbu’s team member shouted: "This man is too courageous, completely act recklessly, he dares to wear Captain your spare armor."

Limbu nodded, "he It seems that the improved color is different, and I think the black Azure Dragon Armor is better. Tsk tsk, it deserves it, it's no wonder that we are now."

Chen Feng moved his body a little.

Very good, but still so familiar.

This black Azure Dragon Armor-modified seems to be the prototype, almost exactly the same as the one made by Ou Qinglan at the beginning, and it is very handy.

Chen Feng said: "I suggest you get out of the way and let me grab a gene fluid. This way, no matter whether I am alive or dead, you can clear the relationship. The military side, I will naturally send them a combat report."

Limbu shook the head, "If you don’t want to die, I also suggest you don’t act rashly. Azure Dragon Armor is more difficult to operate than your Star Front Armor. Too much, if you are not careful, you will be torn to pieces."

Chen Feng shrugged, "many thanks for your reminder. But...I don't need it!"

Certainly, he took a violent step forward.

The magnetic oscillating knife drew a weird curve in the air, and several propulsion devices behind him spurted out with full force.

He pulled the power to 50G at this moment.

This is his own original move at the beginning, and what he pays attention to is a burst of unexpectedness with all his strength.

This move, he called it a surprise.

The distance between the two sides tens of meters was pulled closer by him instantly, and the helmet in Lin Bu's eyes released dynamic capture.

He was stunned.

This action of Chen Feng, this proficiency, how could this be the first time to control Azure Dragon Armor!

Every detail of him is perfect to the extreme.

He brought the performance of this spare armor to a height that Lin Bu had never imagined.

But Lin Bu never intends to disarm it, he raised the alloy shield in time, it should be able to block it.

But the collision did not happen as he expected. The moment Chen Feng rushed to Lin Bu's body, the broken line changed direction and turned to the other side at a faster speed.

In order to obtain the maximum acceleration in the direction of change, Chen Feng even threw out his alloy shield.

Two shocks came in succession.

Lin Bu received the shield and looked around.

The teammate on his left has been knocked down by the alloy shield, the nuclear fusion energy pack on his chest has been knocked off by the shield, and the line is disconnected.

The teammate on his right is standing still, Chen Feng has left him.

The Azure Dragon Armor of this teammate was full of sparks, and the broken lines were mottled and peeled off.

Chen Feng hacked him at least ten times at this moment, completely destroying his armored transmission system.


I don't know when Chen Feng has shaken the particle gun into his hand and hit the third Azure Dragon Armor's control helmet.

The powerful particle voltage went straight down from the data cable at the top of the helmet and burned the third CNC circuit.


Lin Bu screamed.

He looked back at the second station from the left, the last teammate who was still active in shock.

It turned out that I don't know when a high-explosive plasma bomb has appeared in front of this teammate.

A violent explosion occurred suddenly, and the bursting red plasma engulfed the man with flames.

When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Lin Bu discovered that the teammate hadn't died. The plasma just burned through the golden armor on his chest, exposing the skin of Bai Sensen's chest inside.

The chest hair was burned out, but it was unscathed.

This bomb was actually the moment Chen Feng threw the shield before, sticking it to the shield, and using the alloy shield to make it eject to that location in the collision.

This kind of combat smell, this keen ability to judge, and terrifying's ability to formulate on-the-spot combat plans stunned Lin Bu.

His eyes are dizzy, and his heart is lost.

Lin Bu didn't fight Chen Feng with real armor at all, but his mentality has been destroyed.

His hand holding the knife gradually lost its strength, completely unable to provide the courage to fight back.

Lin Bu shouted desperately in the heart, he was unwilling to surrender, like a sad coward.

But the logic at the bottom of his heart completely controlled his body, making him unable to make any movements.

Because logical judgment told him that he should never shoot Chen Feng again anyway.

Chen Feng returned to Lin Bu with a single hand knife.

"Are you sure you want to stop me? You are a little stronger than your teammates. I can't guarantee that you will be able to show mercy to just save your life." Chen Feng shrugged, "You must control yourself to release water. It is ten times harder than the fight of spare no effort."

Lin Bu knelt on the ground and pointed to the fugitive biological laboratory in the distance, "You...you go." Many thanks, you show mercy."

"You're welcome." Chen Feng turned around and left.

Lin Bu asked loudly from behind: "Why are you so strong?"

Chen Feng didn't look back, just shook his hand, "I said it, it's bad It's a thousand miles away. The gap between you and me is one thousand miles."

No one in the biological laboratory dared to stop him. The technicians even took the initiative to take out an alloy box.

There is a gene fluid inside.

Chen Feng got the box, took off the Azure Dragon Armor carefree, and jumped into the life support system next to it.

He sat up again and said to the technician: "Thank you for turning on the life support mode for me."

Still wearing Azure Dragon Armor-modified Lin Bu did not rush in, he just He shouted outside the door: "Chen Feng, don't! You can't die!"

Chen Feng grinned, "Of course I won't die."

Yes, he takes it himself Pick up the gene fluid syringe, poke the spine on the back, and the injection is complete.

Then he threw the syringe away and lay down on his back, and the technician hurriedly started the life support system.

Limb thoughts are revolving.

In the end, he just called out an intelligent assistant and said: "Report to the military that Chen Feng robbed a gene fluid and ran away."

Three days later.

Chen Feng wakes up quietly.

The bed is soft and the bedding feels great.

He opened his eyes and turned his head and looked out the window.

The super-large spaceship belonging to the fugitives is still standing not far away.

This room should be located in an official-level villa in the fugitive base camp.

I noticed the movement in the room, and the door was violently pushed open.

Lin Bu and several leaders of the fugitives walked into the room.

These leaders are men and women, old and young.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with complicated eyes.

A technician in a white coat walked out of the equipment on the other side of the room.

"Captain Chen Feng, congratulations. You have become the first person in all mankind to complete the second genetic arousal. Now your genetic arousal percentage is 31.77%. You are the first in human history. People whose awakening level exceeds 31%."

Chen Feng nodded, "many thanks."

Then he looked towards Lin Bu, "What did the military say?"


A middle-aged man in a suit preemptively said: "We lied to the military. They don't know you are still here, do you want to stay?"

Chen Feng thought for a while, secretly It feels funny, how could I not know.

I haven't done it now, probably because I survived the technical transformation of gene fluid.

The military is reassessing its deserter and has not yet made a decision.

He thought for a while, and said, "I will live for a while. I'll get used to it and talk about it. It's annoying. By the way, I can help you train Azure Dragon Armor operators when I'm free. Slip."

Actually, he was looking at something else.

The knowledge base of the fugitives is very attractive to him.

For the world government, most of the knowledge held by the fugitives is outdated, but it is more in line with Chen Feng's needs.

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