Chen Feng stayed.

He divides his daily time into three parts.

Use two hours a day to guide the warriors of the fugitives and help them improve their Azure Dragon Armor control skills for free. Although this has no practical significance, it is a condition in exchange for Chen Feng to live here to enjoy the supplies and supplies of the fugitives.

Use four hours a day to exercise, adapt and strengthen the new physical condition after the gene arousal rate exceeds 31%.

And I spend ten hours a day frantically learning the "outdated" knowledge in the knowledge base of the fugitives.

The fugitive was born about two hundred years ago. The founder was a crazy fan of Sergey Academician.

At the same time, this person is also the Principal of a comprehensive university.

This Principal has thoroughly studied the life of Sergey Academician and many of his scientific research results.

In the end, he thought that Sergey had never gone mad, but lived more sober than anyone else.

When this Principal left the world government, he copied all the scientific research documents in the school's electronic library and eventually became the core knowledge base of the fugitives.

Although the world government is laissez-faire to the fugitives, it is not generous enough to share knowledge and achievements.

After two hundred years of development, the fugitives did not have much innovation due to financial and human constraints. Their core progress mainly came from the products eliminated by the world government from the recycling organization, and the absorption and absorption of the world government’s Results.

Chen Feng doesn't care about the scientific and technological achievements of nearly a hundred years. What he wants to look at is the outdated literature two hundred years ago.

He did not expect to be able to learn to be an all-rounder, he put his main energy on the advanced development of materials science, energy science and artificial intelligence.

He mainly learns basic formulas and some core concepts. He wants to try hard to sort out a usable industrial upgrading technology chain by his own strength.

This is of course difficult, even if it is the historical data of the university two hundred years ago, the things in it are still waiting for him like a Heavenly Book.

The only blame for the scientific and technological achievements of this historical data can only be pushed forward two hundred years, that is, around the 27th century, which is still too large compared to the 21st century.

If it was before, Chen Feng would definitely be so angry that the explosion would give up decisively.

But now he has learned well, and is numb to this unfavorable situation. It is better to learn than nothing.

Being a human being, contentment is always happy.

He began to take the initiative to face the difficulties he didn't want to face when he thought of scalp numbness and scalp numbness.

I came here this time to find historical materials of the 27th century. I can learn as much as I can.

Maybe you will find the historical data of the twenty three-four century next time?

He is willing to accept this unprecedented challenge.

Use strength of oneself to complete the millennium process of learning several subjects.

Come over again and again, learn a little at a time, and one day you will succeed.

It is Chen Feng's current level of gene arousal as high as 31.77% that prompted Chen Feng to change his mind.

He is more confident in his memory.

Even if he still can't understand it, he can forcibly memorize it.

The more fragmented knowledge gets memorized, and one day it will become a complete system.

In addition to these basic tasks, Chen Feng also has about one or two hours of leisure time every day.

He allocates these leisure time to things he is good at and familiar with.

Copy songs, oh don't listen to songs.

Remember the plot outlines of some successful movies in various periods of the 21st century, carefully study those names in the art history of the 21st century, and distinguish which literary and artistic celebrities have real materials and which celebrities It's just a product of capital operation.

After I went back, I sorted out all the newly memorized songs and gave them to Meng Xiaozhou.

All those talented singers, composers, lyric creators, arrangers, and instrument players who are talented or have potential in the future are gathered in advance.

If conditions permit, start training these people from childhood!

Then, before dreaming next month, make a long-term plan for Star Peak Entertainment, which movies to shoot and who to win over.

As long as these things are done well, more resources will be transformed into his own industrial value, and a better foundation will be laid for Star Peak Entertainment. Then in the next thousand years, Star Peak Entertainment must play a more important role and play a better role in promoting.

Chen Feng has seen the failure of Star Front Entertainment once, and of course he will not fall twice in the same pit.

Of course, one thing that cannot be denied is that he didn't realize these methods in the past because he was stupid, mediocre, and he had no commercial talent.

Now he finally thought of it, and sorted out a perfect implementation plan in his mind, because he has become a little smarter.

The happy time is always short. Two months later, a small battleship appeared outside Liberty Town.

"Chen Feng, have you played enough?"

Tang Tianxin, dressed in a military uniform, swaggered into the depths of Freedom Town, and showed Chen Feng who was watching a movie in the audio-visual room. Catch it right away.

Chen Feng stood up, stretched his waist, "Please wait a minute, I'll finish watching this film."

He didn't panic at all, he was very familiar with this scene. Psychological preparation.

Since discovering that the Nuan Nan strategy didn't work for General Tang, Chen Feng changed his strategy and returned to the supercilious free and easy state of the past.

Anyway, she is a hard-hearted woman. Before making her belly big, she can't talk about feelings anymore, so why waste her mind.

Tang Tianxin breathed a little harder, but this mood swing disappeared suddenly.

"Impossible, my time is precious. I have no time to delay with you."

Chen Feng took out a wad of documents from the bag he carried with him and handed it to Tang Tianxin.

"General Tang, this is the harvest of my mission out this time. Please taste it."

Tang Tianxin said in an angry tone, "I know your genetic arousal is How much, or why do you think I am here?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "These my self-test parameters were made by myself behind closed doors. They are the only ones in the whole world. You can take a look again. ."

Tang Tianxin grabbed the document, and at the same time picked up the communicator and called all the guards outside to block the scene.

Chen Feng walked out with his hands behind ones back.

"Where are you going?"

"Since you are not allowed to watch movies, I can only take advantage of this time to deal with personal matters."

Tang Tianxin While reading the file, he held Chen Feng with one hand, "What's private?"

"How about bringing you back the second S-Rank Armored Soldier in the army?"

"The second in the army?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Well, second only to me."

"You mean Lin Bu?"

Chen Feng wondered: "You know?"

Tang Tianxin was nodded, "Of course, you think the military's intelligence system is a joke? Someone has talked to Lin Bu long ago, but he didn't. Interest, only people who walk different paths cannot make plans together."

Chen Feng ignored her pouring cold water and went directly to the office building of the Security Department.

"Why haven't you left?"

Lin Bu asked in a little surprised.

Chen Feng sat down in front of him, "Teach you something before leaving."


Chen Feng looked at him.

"The core concept of the fugitives is that there is something wrong with human beings. If you are completely in line with the world government, there will be no hope, right?"

Lin Bu is surprised why he Suddenly discussing such a profound issue with myself, thinking for a long time, nodded, "Yes."

Chen Feng squinted his eyes, "But including Sergey Academician and you all person, they can only think about this The point of view is treated as an inference, and there is no definite answer, right?"


"I can tell you that you are right. This is indeed the truth. "

Lin Bu shook his head blankly, "Why are you sure? Can you prove it?"

Chen Feng thought for a while, shook his head, "You are still in this game. A chess piece in the game. You think you are awake, but it's just that your chess piece turned over and you still failed to get out of the chessboard."

"Although my mind has jumped out, But my body is also on this chessboard, I can’t pull you out. So I can’t persuade you, can’t prove anything to you. I can only tell you my answer, whether you believe it or not, but it’s yours."

Lin Bu thought for a long time, shook the head, "I don't believe you."

"Is it the conclusion of your rational thinking and logical analysis that I am this remark untrustworthy."


"Then I will ask you another question. You charge blindly, trying to break out of the solar system, it is meaningless behavior. Preservation of human fire The only hope is that in me, you should leave the fugitives and return to the army with me. What is your answer?"

Lin Bu shook his head again, "people who walk different paths cannot make plans together."

Chen Feng smiled.

He pointed to Lin Bu and said: "You think you have overcome logic and have feelings. But you are still stuck in it. Because you are on a piece of white paper, you can never use the same white paint Draw colors. Your two consecutive decisions are all based on rational judgment, which again conflicts with your highest ideals."

"If you want to jump out, then you must go against your own rational logic. , Make the opposite decision. That is to believe me and follow me! I don’t care about anyone else in the fugitive, but why I have to want to take you away is because my instinct tells me that you will be useful to me ! Look at what I do, I don’t talk about logic at all, I only talk about feelings."

Lin Bu’s thinking went down on the spot.

After a long time, he was both puzzled and asked a little excitedly, "Where did your feelings come from?"

Chen Feng whispered: "I You are the most special person in this world. You are at least the second or third special person in this world. Do you believe that a person’s body is blown to pieces, leaving only a head to live?"

Lin Bu continued to shake his head, "I don't believe it."

"But I believe it, because I have seen it. This person is you."

"Absurd!" Lin Bu fiercely Slap on the table.

Chen Feng shrugged, "Look, you have been stimulated by me again for mood swings. Okay, I'm leaving, keep up."

Ten minutes later, Chen Feng and Tang Tianxin walked outside of Liberty Town side by side.

A long pedal stretched out on the battleship.

Tang Tianxin stepped forward first.

She didn't think about talking to Chen Feng, she only curled her eyebrows and fell into thought.

She is making a decision.

Chen Feng slowly raised his foot.

He began to count down in the heart.




A shout came from behind.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Feng slowly turned and turned his head, it was Lin Bu, who had been dressed in casual clothes.

"I will go with you."

Chen Feng asked, "I figured it out? The reason?"

Lin Bu: "There is no reason. I will do it. Something unreasonable."

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