Chen Feng said with a smile: "Come on, except for me, no one here is sentimental before. What the hell are you asking me to come over, he said, I have to go there quickly The lab beside the side. They said that the mental state of our 30,000 passengers is a bit weird recently. I have to check it out."

"I just want to talk to you about it. You know the hearing of blind people is better than Normal people are much better, right?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, because of the loss of vision, the brain and auditory center will gradually recover, and it will be more developed than normal people."

" I now have no sense of hearing, smell, touch, sight, or taste. My five senses are completely deprived, and only thinking is left. I found that my brain has changed on another level and became extremely active. Since yesterday, my brain has changed. I can faintly'hear' some strange sounds. I suspect this is related to the mental state of the passengers outside, to the intruder's thinking penetration that you have been emphasizing, and also to it."

Chen Feng's station Up.

"Is it true?"

"It is true. At first I thought it was my own fantasy, but I was not sure. So I observed for a day, as we moved away from the intruder The barrier is getting closer, and the voices of thinking that conform to the special band are getting clearer. I dare to be sure before telling you. I think this is a special radiated microwave that humans have never understood. Its effective mechanism should be precise and accurate. Extensive quantum entanglement. This quantum entanglement is not entanglement at the electronic level. The energy level of this quantum is far lower than that of quarks and electrons, and is more profound than our current technological limit, but it exists objectively."

Chen Feng fell into deep thought, trying to figure out what Lin Bu said.

It didn't take long for him to give up.

He said that even though he had read a lot of academic books from the fugitives, he still couldn't understand it. He couldn't construct and imagine the concepts described by Lin Bu in his mind based on his scientific outlook.

Limb asked again, "Did you let someone launch a missile just now?"


"Neutron fission missile "

Chen Feng was slightly surprised, "Yes, how did you know?"

The spaceship is loaded with a full eighteen kinds of missiles, and neutron fission bombs are not commonly used.

If Limbu relies on guessing, this is too coincidental.

"Because I've seen it."

"Huh? Look?"

"At the moment when the neutron fission missile is disassembled, I'll see 'In the process of dispersing and dispersing those elementary particles. My'look' is in quotation marks."

"In this way, I will call all the people over. You set up a research team, be sure to follow Within a month and a few days, figure out what the radiation wave you are catching is. Even if you can’t figure out its essence, at least figure out its content!"

After that, Chen Feng took it. Started the communicator and started shaking people.

He is indeed a scumbag.

But it doesn't matter, now he has a lot of tyrants around him.

Ou Qinglan's level needless to say.

Ouyang Academician and Scott are not generals either.

There are also many professional technical talents in the fugitives.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to make a new decision.

Suspend the research on the psychological problems of spaceship passengers, set up a project team with Ou Qinglan as Chief-In-Charge, and fully cooperate with Lin Bu to capture information.

At the same time, the spaceship continued to slow down, and within the next month, approach the intruder barrier at an appropriate speed little by little.

When Chen Feng finished the arrangements and everyone was in their place, Tang Tianxin pulled him out and walked to the corner of the command cabin, seemingly hesitant to speak.

Chen Feng looked at her abdomen with interest.

She said ill-humoredly: "What do you look at? It's only a month or so, what do you think?"

Chen Feng chuckled: "That's right."

Tang Tianxin asked: "Are you going to stop all your psychological projects?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, the long march here is the last step. Other problems are It’s a trivial matter."

"But I don’t think it makes any sense. Since Lin Bodu said that it is a radiation wave at a level that humans have never touched, how can it be analyzed?"

Chen Feng asked, "In the Xia Dynasty five thousand years ago, people did not understand the principle of sound waves, but they created chimes and wrote music scores. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if we understand this wave. Can we understand its content."

Tang Tianxin was taken aback, and immediately reacted, "It makes sense. But I still don’t feel relieved. You rarely go to the residential areas behind and don’t understand the grassroots. The situation. Judging by my experience in the military, the situation is very serious and a major event may happen at any time."

Chen Feng thought for a while, "It’s okay, we don’t have you as an authentic lieutenant general. Is it? Even on the military side, you are a high-level leader. Trifling 30,000 people can be disabled to subdue? Besides, don’t you still have me?"

"I’m just intuitive Feeling dangerous, don't you let me trust my instincts?"

"Then I will put on the blue stars and go to the living area with you. Don't worry."


It didn't take long for the two to take the shuttle elevator to the middle section of the spaceship.

The design of the entire spaceship still continues the concept of the world government and is basically a spindle structure.

But in order to load the energy to the maximum, the tail section of this spindle is made extra large, so that the spaceship as a whole looks like a large rocket a thousand years ago.

The living and production areas in the middle section are two oppositely rotating cylindrical structures.

The speed of rotation is not fast, just like the commemorative high-rise revolving restaurant in some big cities in Earth.

The purpose of rotation is not to simulate Earth's gravity, and gravity has a special force field system.

Rotation is just to maintain the basic physiological adaptation of the human cerebellar spindle and avoid dizziness.

At the same time, the two phases of counter-rotation also help the spaceship maintain a stable center of gravity in a straight line.

Nowadays, cryonics technology is sufficiently stable, advanced and reliable. According to the design concept, after leaving the solar system, passengers and main members can choose whether to freeze and sleep.

But before successfully breaking through the solar system, people remained active.

Chen Feng and Tang Tianxin came to the living area.

Here is still orderly.

From time to time, adults and children play and play.

Bars are still open, Internet cafes are also in a frenzy, basketball courts are still playing games in full swing.

Chen Feng asked Tang Tianxin next to him: "Isn't this good?"

Tang Tianxin shook his head, "No, you will carefully observe everyone's expressions. Their micro expressions. I have recently re-learned a lot of psychology books, especially five hundred years ago."

After Tang Tianxin’s hint, Chen Feng found out that problem.

It feels hard to describe, it always makes him intuitively have one's hair stand on end.

Everyone's attitude is not too problematic, but the details are weird and gloomy.

Everyone is like a computer exhausting its abilities to imitate humans.

This reminds Chen Feng of the famous theory he learned while watching 3D realistic movies in the 21st century, the uncanny valley effect.

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