"Let’s just find someone to chat with and see the situation. It’s not enough to see with your eyes."

Chen Feng walked forward first.

Tang Tianxin followed.

With a scale of 30,000 people, it is a small community on Earth, and information is transmitted quickly.

So now almost everyone knows that the person who talked about this spaceship has become Chen Feng.

Almost everyone knew Chen Feng, and when the two of them appeared, they were immediately noticed.

People come to exchange and talk with enthusiasm.

These people’s face-changing skills are very difficult to deal with. They maintained their previous demeanor in the first second, but when they noticed the two, the facial muscles were relaxed and tightened in a very short time, etc. Recombination of the action, alive and out of the face of Sichuan Opera.

They themselves didn't feel wrong.

Chen Feng and Tang Tianxin did not show any discomfort. They looked like leaders inspecting the grassroots.

But when the two left the living area and returned to the small Conference Hall behind the command cabin, their mood became extremely heavy.

The situation has indeed reached the point of urgency.

Everything outside seems to be in order, but this is an illusion.

Danger lurks on every side already.

The overall atmosphere is weird, gloomy and tense, just like a tensioned string, which seems to have a pleasing sound quality, but in fact it is easy to break when touched.

And no one can predict in what form and in what direction it will break.

Chen Feng and Tang Tianxin discussed a basic response plan.

"Arrange for protection, announce that the spaceship has entered the state of war, block the mutual circulation between the living area and other areas, collect all weapons, and deposit them in the warehouse. The warehouse password can only be controlled by me. From now on At the beginning, I will wear the blue stars all day long for emergencies."

Tang Tianxin perfected Chen Feng’s plan and said: “When we did research before, Qing Lan thought that we were the barrier between us and the invaders. Distance is directly related to passengers’ reactions."

"The closer you are to the barrier, the more obvious this phenomenon will be?"

"Yes, I just don’t know when the qualitative change will happen. Do you want to slow down? Observe the speed of approaching the barrier for a while?"

Chen Feng thought for a while, "No, things are prioritized. I have to ask for an answer. For this answer, it doesn’t matter how many people die. Anyway... …Everyone will die after all."

Tang Tianxin understood what he meant, "By the way, Qing Lan previously sent you a research report, which was completed by her colleagues at the Black Tortoise Institute on Earth. Item."

"What report?"

"It is related to my Go pieces."


Back in his office, Chen Feng called up his personal SmartBrain, opened the report, and looked at it with keen interest pleasure.

He didn't expect much of this report.

The facts are not beyond his expectations.

Although Ou Qinglan used a personal relationship, and the world government’s senior officials attached great importance to this matter, the Black Tortoise Institute put out a lot of scientific research resources to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Tang Tianxin’s chess pieces and chessboard.

There are many analytical methods, including physical, chemical and biological methods.

Physically decompose and break it into powder continuously.

Analysis of its composition by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Radiation test.

The high-energy particle collider conducts continuous strikes on it.

Strikes with focused particle beams.

Try to react with all the chemicals that humans can control.

Use animals and plants to absorb and observe changes.

Through this series of testing processes, the Black Tortoise Institute has obtained a lot of data.

But unfortunately, these data are useless data, and it does not mean that there is any abnormality in the chess piece.

All the analysis results show that these chess pieces and chessboards are ordinary crafts.

The Black Tortoise Institute also traced the origin to the handicraft workshop that produced this chess piece.

A millennium old workshop with many years of inheritance.

The Black Tortoise Academy removed the other chess pieces and chessboards in the workshop, and repeated the experiment several times, and the results were the same.

Still no anomalies were found, let alone the shocking explosion described by Chen Feng.

At the end of this report, it is the conclusive speculation signed by Ou Qinglan.

"All research results show that the pieces and chessboard of Go are not abnormal. The principle can only be inferred from the results, assuming that Chen Feng's statement is true, and then comprehensively analyzing all the measured data. I make theoretical conjectures As follows, there are some ultra-fine particles with a quality level equal to or lower than gluons in Go chess pieces. The particles can release energy in an instant, or catalyze the transformation of matter, turning positive matter into anti-matter and forming an anti-matter bomb. Its technology The level should be the next level of quark energy, or the next level of science and technology. It may also lead incalculably, representing a stage of mass-energy transformation that human beings cannot understand. This is my personal conjecture and is not a reference. "

After reading it, Chen Feng put down the report and fell into long thoughts.

Intuition tells her that Ou Qinglan's conjecture is probably correct.

But even if the guess is correct, it doesn't make any sense to change the status quo.

No one knows the specific methods of the intruder.

The technological gap between the invaders and the Earth people is too big to understand.

It's like a gods block suddenly pops up on the cold weapon battlefield, then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, and then the ancient famous generals with soldiers like gods have to catch the blind on the spot.

Only based on this painless report, the military is impossible to take any effective measures to make many captains and generals turn over their small hobby bearers.

Chen Feng started to feel helpless again.

Whether it is a chess piece or a thought penetration, it is an attack method that he himself and even human beings in this era cannot understand.

Humanity is still doomed to perish over and over again, but he still can't see the real enemy, but he still doesn't understand the opponent's attack methods.

What's more tragic is that these attacking techniques seem to be just appetizers for the other party at all.

Humans are simply not qualified to experience the real means of intruders. It is really frustrating and desperate to think about it.

Chen Feng thought of Sergey again.

He can't help but admire the other party's madness and paranoia.

I just want to have that imposing manner.

I am a little ashamed of this responsibility, it is too easy to get frustrated.

Just as he was thinking about it, the communication rang. It was a message from Tang Tianxin.

"You come to the bar in the living area, something is wrong."

Chen Feng stood up.

He asked first: "Did anyone resist in the process of collecting weapons?"

"No, the weapons have just been collected, but there are more and more people in the bar for Fighting for the right to mate, and it is irreconcilable."

Chen Feng rushed out of the door and asked in confusion: "The right to mate? Isn't this kind of low-level desire long gone?"

"Because they believe that more advanced genes will inevitably give birth to better offspring. Some people want to show off their martial power to show their excellence. This kind of thinking has always been there, but it has never been so extreme."

"Okay, I understand. You should pay attention to self-protection first, I will be there soon."

"I'm fine, everyone knows that I am pregnant with your offspring. Yours Gene is recognized as the best choice. They fight to avoid me."

"You can't take it lightly."


Chen Feng soon Arrived in the living area.

It looks no different from just now, it's still organized.

He was worried about Tang Tianxin's safety, the blue stars were fully powered, turned into a violent wind, and then he slammed into the bar.

The movement of him breaking through the door was so loud that he instantly attracted everyone's attention to himself.

"Mr. Chen, are you here?"

The bar waiter approached with a smile.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment and looked around, but there was no confusion at all. Those who should drink and chat should be chatting.

The only and biggest mess in the bar is himself.

He was confused by the second monk Zhengzhang, and Tang Tianxin ran through the crowd all the way.

Chen Feng said: "Is this not good?"

"Come here." Tang Tianxin dragged Chen Feng forward, crossing the aisle of more than ten meters in the bar , Came to a deck.

There were three or five young men and women sitting on the deck, and two men fell unconscious on the ground.

Blood from the corners of the mouths of the two men, and torn skin and gaping flesh on their faces.

One of them had a fractured hand bone, which was bent at a very distorted angle.

The ground was stained with blood, swaying little by little.

The situation of other decks not far away is similar.

Others are doing very plainly what to do. Many people fell on the ground, but everyone turned a blind eye.

Chen Feng: "These people are..."

Tang Tianxin answered, "I fainted. If I don't stop them, I must wait for someone Only if you die."

Chen Feng pointed to the spectators and asked, "Where are they?"

"Mr. Chen, it doesn’t matter to us. Anyway, wait. A security officer will come over to clean it up later."

A girl said with a smile in the deck next to her.

Chen Feng asked: "Are you not nervous or have other feelings?"

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they did not understand Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng roughly understood the scene.

The two robots are fighting, and the gears are messed up, and the jet fuel is crazy. Will there be mood swings for the robot next to it?

Of course not.

Everyone was talking, and several security officers filed in to clean up the mess.

Just as the security officer was passing the aisle in front of him, there was another fight between two people in the deck.

The fighting gesture of these two people is very strange.

No rants, no shouts, no hoarse hysteria.

These two people are just dull, you punch me and kick me, entangled together.

When the security officer passed by these two people, he didn't even turn his head and ignored the air.

Chen Feng grabbed one person, "What are you doing? Don't care about fighting over there?"

The security officer replied in an instant: "Yes! Mr. Chen!"

Then the security officer rushed over with a colleague, and subdued the two and separated them.

But these two people did not stop there, they were still struggling, face to face, trying to rush towards each other.

Chen Feng asked other guests next to him, "Why don't you stop them?"

The bar guests were briefly confused, "Mr. Chen, is this an order?"

"It's not an order, it's a question."

"They did the right thing, why should I stop it?"

Chen Feng was stunned.

He doesn't know how to answer.

He asked the two people who still wanted to fight, "Why are you fighting silently? Isn't it better to shout out?"

The two replied in unison.

"Going back to Mr. Chen, shouting will make us uselessly stamina."

When these two people answered, they still kept trying to move forward, trying to hurt their opponents.

Chen Feng said to the sheriff angrily roared: "What are you doing here? Don't you get people away? If I let you take care of it, you just take care of it?"

The sheriff did what he said.

Tang Tianxinpatted Chen Feng's back, "See? That's the situation. If you don't give new instructions to the sheriffs, these four people will always keep this action here. Until exhausted."

Chen Feng nodded.

This really makes him have one's hair stand on end.

"Not good! Ou Qinglan's experiment over there!"

Chen Feng reacted violently, ignoring this, and hurried to the medical cabin.

After arriving, the situation here is still stable, making him exhale.

Researchers such as Ou Qinglan have also changed a bit, but before their produce transformation, Chen Feng has given them the highest level of other instructions, that is, this project is the highest purpose.

Now the more mechanized they are, the more they can devote themselves to the project without distraction.

Lin Bu’s voice sounded: "Don’t worry, I’m watching over here. I will keep them busy and completely free from other thoughts. The progress of the project seems to be speeding up, and we seem to have a real chance to analyze that. The content of the sound comes."

Chen Feng nodded, "That's good."

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