If Chen Feng's first leg has taken a solid step in the field of art, then his second leg is simply a big split in the field of science.

The time has turned back to 2020. He finalized the Star Front Research Institute with lightning speed and seduce Ou Guohua and Ryan into his huge invisible business territory.

These two people are bright and dark.

One is in front of the front, and for the Xingfeng Research Institute in terms of market development and customized procurement of materials and equipment.

Another seclusion behind the scenes, sitting in the Star Front Research Institute, exhausted his wisdom and talents, studied crazy, and constantly deepened his understanding of the transformation of materials and energy in the field of applied physics.

Ryan did not live up to Chen Feng's high expectations. He succeeded in turning those Chen Feng only answers, omitting countless new materials and solar panel technology into laboratory products.

And he also explored the field of research to the upstream production line, designed a variety of new and improved equipment, and successively broke through the production process of various pre-materials.

Ou Guohua then sent a strong business team again, holding the design drawings of these upstream production lines, or waving checks or intimidation, and constantly improving the upstream production lines.

In 2022, the pre-process is the most mature, which can be used as the strings of the new musical instrument Sisma, and can be used in more production and life fields of polymer organic super-tough fibers to complete the production workshop debugging. The first batch of products rolled off the assembly line and appeared at the 1 month later World Expo, exhibiting amazing abrasion resistance, load-bearing capacity, extreme elasticity, and extremely strong delayed recovery capabilities, and other unique performances. The relatively fair sales were publicly announced in Ou Guohua. After the price, it has caused widespread concern in the industry.

Almost at the same time, Lu Wei took out a brand new instrument, Hisma, hand-made by Chen Feng himself, replaced the guitar with accompaniment, and re-interpreted "Cross and Crossing Starry Sky" to make this star rock rock It has bloomed with real brilliance and returned to its due historical status, which is comparable to the eight masterpieces in Zhong Lei's "8th layer sound".

Ordinary people became curious about the new musical instrument Sisma due to the sudden emergence of "Cross and Crossing Stars", and then they learned about this new super-tough fiber material.

The exposure of both professional and ordinary people has formed a superimposed effect. The global market for the first product of Xingfeng Research Institute suddenly opened, and orders from all walks of life and various fields flew in.

Chen Feng immediately gave an order to restructure the Star Peak Research Institute into the Star Peak Technology Group. The research institute maintains its organization and focuses on research and development.

Xingfeng Technology will be established separately, focusing on raw material supply, product manufacturing and marketing.

The shareholding changes, Chen Feng emptied his personal liquidity in Star Peak Entertainment, and took advantage of the shareholding advantage and Absolute Control of technology to suppress Ou Guohua at the internal closed meeting.

Chen Feng completed a unilateral capital injection, and his shareholding in Xingfeng Research Institute rose to 67%, while his shareholding in Xingfeng Technology fell to 52%.

At that time, Ou Guohua did not doubt that he had him. After all, he could earn more after such a restructuring, and Chen Feng's shareholding ratio in Xingfeng Technology Company was still not low. Chen Feng did not Will have trouble with his own money.

All developments are going well. In the next 13 years, new materials such as ultra-fine conductive fibers, organic optical fibers, selenium tungsten diodes that can be loaded with 0.5 nanometer semiconductor processes, etc. will be released one after another.

In 2035, Xingfeng Technology Group has completed the transformation of all the achievements of the nine major technologies, especially the room temperature superconducting metal and new solar panels that were launched almost simultaneously in the last year are simply heaven shaking, earth shattering.

In this year, the two most critical elements in the energy problem that has plagued mankind for a century have disappeared instantly.

The two major issues are the high-efficiency transportation of electric energy and the means of obtaining electric energy.

Controllable nuclear fission nuclear power plants were eliminated on the spot!

Controllable nuclear fusion still has its value, but its value is mainly in Chen Feng's recognition of this technology!

With the power of one person, he has dragged mankind into the next era fiercely.

Everything is as Chen Feng expected. Xingfeng Technology Group has grown into a truly hegemonic enterprise, even the most powerful under modern technology.

Compared with other multinational giants, Xingfeng Technology’s biggest essential difference is that the technical fields it is breaking through are unique in the current era, leading the era for at least 20 years, and there is no competition at all. Patent hegemony and The technological monopoly advantage is unbreakable.

As long as he refuses to teach others, they can’t copy if they want to.

Because of the differences between China and the United States, Xingfeng Technology does not need to make superficial efforts to deal with anti-monopoly. It only needs to support two different agents and distributors in the same European and American countries when exporting products.

Chen Feng announced this at the end of 2035, and many ordinary persons woke up in horror and realized the connection between the two.

After all, one is the entertainment empire, and the other is the high-tech empire. Although the name is the same, the business category has nothing to do with it.

Chen Feng has not deliberately promoted, except for insiders, few people really know about it.

Then the world was stunned.

Just when everyone thought Chen Feng would be madly harvesting wealth by relying on Two Great Empires, he suddenly went "crazy".

With a series of dazzling and incomprehensible operations, he completed a major transformation of his career in just six months.

He kicked his two empires!

He sold Star Peak Entertainment and only took away Meng Xiaozhou.

He forced Ou Guohua to make a concession, poured himself into countless efforts, and was about to reap huge profits, and sent him to the Xingfeng Research Institute, the richest man in human history, from the personnel to the laboratory. Ouhe Group.

His exchange terms are the patent rights of the nine major technologies.

It is hard to say who loses and who earns, but Ou Guohua really does not want to agree, but Chen Feng threatens to share patents with all mankind for free.

Chen Feng holds up to 67% of the holdings in the Star Research Institute, which controls the patent rights, and has obtained absolute holdings.

For decades in the business world, Ou Guohua, who has been attacking the city and fighting for all disadvantages, is unable to resist. It can only end in a disastrous defeat, and has to accept the Xingfeng Research Institute, a research institution with complete system and huge potential. By incorporating it into the Ouhe Research Institute, the strength of the Ouhe Group has been greatly enhanced. By the way, Ou Guohua’s idea of ​​letting Ou Junlang, a fat boy who is not a good boy, control the US$100 billion group is eliminated.

Lao Ou really dare not delegate such a major historical task to his son who just wants to sing. It will definitely crush the fatty.

On the surface, Ou Guohua has made a fortune, but everyone knows that he is not happy.

Since then I have lost Chen Feng, the towering scientific tree, and everyone will be injured if I change it.

Chen Feng has sold all his shares in Xingfeng Technology. After completing the forced realization, his personal assets suddenly shrank from a Peak value of nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars to 100 billion.

Chen Feng also drove away Ryan who could not understand his behavior.

Afterwards, Chen Feng began to share the nine major technologies with the whole world at a very low cost, almost free of charge.

The world thought he was really crazy, he was destroying his own trillion empire with his own hands.

Everyone wants to know why, but it wasn't until several decades later that people vaguely glimpsed the truth in Ryan's memoirs.

In Ryan's memoirs, he wrote.

"I remember that it was a night with a bright moon overhanging, the osmanthus trees in his villa were blooming. He stood under the pavilion with hands behind ones back. I thought he called me to discuss with me The next strategy of the Institute."

"He actually told me..."

"After he finished speaking, my mood couldn't be calmed for a long time. I asked him why. .Where am I doing badly? If you are not satisfied with my work, I can leave without complaint. But don’t belittle your results like this."

"He smiled. He asked Do I remember that sentence he once said. This sentence was on the 3rd day when he just published "Madman’s Conjecture Collection". I went to see him with a pilgrimage-like mood, and wanted to talk to him about this masterpiece. . He doesn’t talk, I don’t understand, what he said when I asked why."

"At the time he said.'It is the work I have done, then I should let it go. I must move forward Look. How much time does a person spend his entire life? Lying in the past merits will only make oneself fester and emit an unpleasant stench.'"

"I said this book is What you wrote the day before yesterday, how can it be the credit of the past?"

"He said again.'Yes, but so what? Ten years ago is the past, but the day before yesterday is not the past? Stop by me. The moment I wrote it, it became the past.'"

"I finally understood his state of mind. I bowed deeply to him that day, and then turned to leave. This conversation It determines what kind of person I will be in the second half of my life, and I am fortunate not to lose my life."


In 2035, Chen Feng, with assets of hundreds of billions of dollars, opened. The second road to entrepreneurship.

He appointed Meng Xiaozhou as CEO, recruited global heroes, and established Xingfeng High-tech Investment Group.

He started to sponsor innovative projects all over the world.

Even if this project only has a rough concept, if he sees it and thinks that the concept is feasible, he will still spend a lot of money without the slightest hesitation to help people realize their dreams, or help others to chase On the road of dreams.

He has become the most popular investor in the global science field. Many scholars who have ideals but are trapped in the routine work of universities and research institutions are like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. People approved of the idea went to him, and then got his funding.

Chen Feng's investment is too lack of regularity, and the areas he favors are vast and unrelated.

Biology, computers, artificial intelligence, materials, energy, medical care, environmental protection, automobiles...

He has been involved in at least hundreds of more than ten categories within a year Projects, and he also said that more projects will be invested in the next few years.

Many people think that Chen Feng will lose everything and quickly lose hundreds of billions of dollars.

What makes people absolutely didn't expect is that in 2040, his assets will increase to 240 billion yuan, more than doubling in five years.

Most of his seemingly nonsense projects have actually been completed!

Then...he transformed again!

With a huge amount of funds of more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, he transferred to the aerospace industry with an extremely decisive attitude.

This time he directly acquired almost all private aerospace companies and research institutes in China and Europe, and he also brought China Aerospace Corporation, European Aerospace, and NASA into his camp.

How to pull it?


Push money to death!

No matter what you want to study, as long as it is helpful to the development of the aerospace industry, I will spend the money.

You only take care of people. I have covered all your personnel salaries and research costs, and the results you have made with my money, I will share them for your own use for free!

His behavior is almost a hundred times more sincere than the so-called naked donation, which is commonly known as being wronged.

But he really did it, for sixty years.

Ryan, who has regained a great reputation in the field of applied physics, finally liberated himself from his influence, once again gave up everything and invested under his banner.

This time Chen Feng didn't drive Ryan away again, so he stayed and officially became his research assistant.

Yes, this time Chen Feng not only smashed money, but also smashed people. He also plunged into the laboratory and took the lead in developing a power engine.

Although he didn't seem to have studied the system, he thought very much like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, but the strange thing was that the direction he pointed out was basically correct.

Even if his steps are often very large, the researchers under his command fumbled all the way, and it is impossible to reach the end he requested, but there are still many useful results left along the way.

With the investment of Chen Feng regardless of the cost, the aerospace industry has been catching up with the energy, computers, new materials, and Internet industries, and quickly surpassed them, and finally won the dust.

In the past sixty years, Chen Feng launched Jinyiwei 1 and 2 in 2060, the year he and Zhong Lei were married. These two aircraft chased Voyager 1 and The number two went straight into space.

Four years later, Jinyiwei No.1 and No.2 flew out of the Nether King Star orbit and entered deep space. Since then, there has been no news.

Although some of the previous investments are still increasing, Chen Feng's personal assets have shrunk from 240 billion to 170 billion.

In 2071, Chen Feng launched Jinyiwei No. 3 and No. 4 with more power, more energy storage, and stronger signal transmitter performance. Six years later, No. 3 and No. 4 still followed in the footsteps of senior. Chen Feng's personal assets have shrunk to 110 billion.

His crazy fireworks behavior began to be ridiculed by the world.

But it cannot be said that it is useless. After all, with the development of cutting-edge technology in the aerospace industry, many incidental peripheral products have slowly fallen into the homes of ordinary people, which have become the improvement of social productivity and the improvement of ordinary Practical techniques for the quality of life of a person.

But people's hearts will always change, and even the aviation industry of the countries that have always supported him gradually want to retreat, thinking that his fireworks display is too meaningless.

In the last timeline, Chen Feng is afraid that everyone will betray his relatives again. Fortunately, this time he has achieved too much and his personal prestige is too high. After ensuring that he will never set off fireworks for nothing, Chen Feng Reluctantly regained control of the situation.

Everyone thought he was completely safe, but didn't expect, he has been working on a big plan.


Chen Feng sent away Zhong Lei, who had been with him for 82 years, and launched the last Jinyiwei No. 5 that exhausted all his remaining possessions.

This is the largest spaceship in human history. It is equipped with the latest solar wind and cosmic radiation energy collection system, telescopic solar photovoltaic film, and a medium-sized controllable nuclear fusion reactor that has just been successfully developed. It can be jetted The latest medium engine of super-heavy particle flow, a small recyclable ecological system that can stably provide food for a hundred people, various types of multi-functional intelligent auxiliary robots, amplified radio signal transmitters, and so on.

The reason why Jinyiwei 5 is so well prepared and can still get the support of all countries in the world is that this spaceship will bring an orangutan, a dog, a tortoise, some Insects and many Types of plants went straight to Earth 400 million light-years away.

Theoretically, it will run out of energy in one hundred and fifty years, then begin to glide in space, and reach Proxima b in six hundred years.

Of course, these animals above are impossible to live until the day Jinyiwei 5 arrives at Proxima. People just want to know whether the isolation layer on Jinyiwei 5 can block the unknown universe in the deep space environment of the universe. Radiation, and how long can a spaceship designed and built by exhausting contemporary human wisdom be able to fly reliably.

The ultimate criterion for appraisal reliability is when the animals and plants on it are all destroyed unexpectedly.

Such research is of course meaningful. It can let human beings know how far they can go in the deep space of the universe, and guide the direction of the next step into the universe.

But three days after the launch of Voyager 5, when the spaceship was about to pass the fire star orbit, people discovered a problem. Master Chen Feng is gone.

Later, people discovered that the "gorilla", who had been locked in the ecological system for three days after eating, sleeping, and eating, took off the hat of the camouflage suit, revealing a picture that does not look like a centenarian, at most Just like the face of a 60 or 70 year old man.

He blinked triumphantly, and then easily took back the control of Voyager 5, fine-tuned the orbit direction, and Jin Yiwei 5 chased in the direction of Voyager 2.

"Everyone, I'm leaving, don't miss me."

When Chen Feng himself saw this video after a thousand years, he really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

I'm such a show!

Chen Feng feels that he has lost control of his behavior after "leave".

No, it's completely out of control!

Before leaving, he planned very well, and he was almost busy with everything that should be busy, and then he can transfer to the backbone of the aerospace industry, and then he can enjoy life by himself, quietly dressing up Forced to watch others busy running around in order to earn their own money.

The main line of plan execution is basically no problem, he himself has lost control.

It is said that it is easy and comfortable to live a stable life, does not exist?

He personally participated in the progress of each project.

She said that Ryan should be stocked, but in the end he still went to the Star Front Research Institute every day, and he didn't have a moment of idleness.

Science fiction movies have been working overtime for a long time.

After transforming into the Star Peak Group, I said that I can only be a big money thrower and just invest. As a result, I often roll up my sleeves and rush to do it myself. I am completely exhausted.

In the 21st century, the progress of science and technology has advanced so fast, in 2103 it will be possible to come up with a theory that can carry a small number of people to go to the solar system. In addition to relying on his nine major technologies and In addition to the "Madman's Conjecture Collection", his own contribution is even more indispensable.

Chen Feng was full of emotions. He didn't expect that a galactic man who stirred the situation and surpassed the times, spare no effort to fight, could actually cause such a change.

What's even worse is that he finally dragged the one hundred and seven-year-old man to charge ahead himself.

When he left, he simply left a letter to mankind.

He explained his motive.

He believes that travelers will bring extraterrestrial civilization and cause war.

The previous Jinyiwei No. 1, 2, 3, 4, artificial intelligence spaceship failed, because the on-the-spot response ability was too weak, the motivation was insufficient, and the search strategy could not be changed in time according to the actual situation, so I decided to go out in person.

Unfortunately, he ultimately failed.

Twenty years later, Chen Feng Master’s Jinyiwei No. 5 returned a message.

Master passed away at the age of 127.

Spaceship can still run on its own without any fatal flaws. It is Chen Feng Master's own body that can't support it.

Chen Feng, the first pioneer in human history, died alone in space.

The cause of death is the aging of the body.

Although he is a galactic human, his DNA telomeres have changed, and his anti-aging ability is stronger. His normal lifespan should be two hundred years old or more.

But he also couldn't stand the endless self-squeeze that lasted for a hundred years.

Chen Feng Master left an audio last word.

"I’m out of the warehouse, and I feel good. The universe is really big, and the Milky Way is really far away. I really want you to come and see. I hope that one day in the future, my land of burial can Become a place of historical interest and admire for future generations. But there is a prerequisite, and that is that humans have a future. hahahaha, this joke is too cold. Sorry, I tried my best."

His voice is getting smaller After that, "showing off one's ability" by Zhong Lei Master for him was heard again.

He died in his own BGM.

Chen Feng stretched and read the data for four or five hours continuously, and his mind was a little confused.

He temporarily closed the stereoscopic projection in front of him, and looked up at the ceiling of the walk-in closet, not knowing what it was like.

Should I be happy?

Should I be depressed?

My mood is so complicated!

I was almost moved by me to cry! So I'm so pretty? Why don't I know?

I knew I was so strong after I was released. Why am I still working so hard?

Go back and write the tips, and then wait to see the results, don’t you have to?

I feel so sorry, I knew which month I should spend on vacation.

I really want to hang up and be a salted fish.

Although I am known as the Iron Man Chen Feng Master, I occasionally want to give myself a vacation!

But he blushed again, thinking about it carefully, he didn't actually work hard. After every time he went back, he was moving things for most of the time, and he came over after moving things.

It doesn’t matter, anyway, sooner or later, I have to give myself a vacation. I also rely on the hang-up for moving things, and taste the taste of pure hang-up.

Before turning a new page in history, Chen Feng thought so.

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